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Campus Overview
The Undergraduate Curriculum
University Honors Program
Cornerstone Scholars Program
School of Architecture and Planning
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Engineering
The Tim and Steph Busch School of Business
Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art
Conway School of Nursing
School of Philosophy
Metropolitan School of Professional Studies
National Catholic School of Social Service
School of Theology and Religious Studies
Undergraduate Programs
ACCT - Accounting
AFRI - Africana Studies
ANTH - Anthropology
ARAB - Arabic
ARPL - Architecture and Planning
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
ASWR - Applied Space Weather Research
BE - Biomedical Engineering
BIOL - Biology
BUS - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CLAS - Classics
CSC - Computer Science
DA - Data Analytics
DR - Drama
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
EE - Electrical Engineering
ENG - English
ENT - Entrepreneurship
EURO - European Studies
FIN - Finance
FREN - French
GER - German
GR - Greek
HIST - History
HSAM - Honors Arts and Music
HSCP - Honors Sequence Capstone
HSEV - Honors Sequence Env Studies
HSHU - Honors Sequence Humanities
HSIN - Honors Sequence Internship
HSLS - Honors Liberal Studies
HSPH - Honors Sequence Philosophy
HSSS - Honors Sequence Social Science
HSTR - Honors Sequence TRS
HUM - Humanities
IENG - Intensive English
IRSH - Irish Studies
ITAL - Italian
LAT - Latin
MATH - Math
MDST - Medieval and Byzantine Studies
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MKT - Marketing
ML - Modern Languages
MUPI - Music Private Instruction
MUS - Music
NURS - Nursing
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POL - Politics
PORT - Portuguese
PSY - Psychology
SEM - Semitics
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SRES - Social Research
SSS - Social Service
TRS - Theology and Religious Studies
UGS - Undergraduate Studies
WASH - Washington Experience
XAAL - Arab American Language Inst
XABP - Anglo British Parliament
XACG - American College Greece
XACM - ACM Study Abroad Programs
XACU - Australian Catholic University
XAIF - Am Institute For Foreign Study
XARC - Arcadia University Programs
XASA - Academic Studies Abroad
XATH - Study Abroad Athens Greece
XAUC - American University of Cairo
XBER - Study Abroad Berlin Germany
XCAR - Study Abroad Cardiff Univ
XCET - CET Study Abroad Programs
XCIE - CIEE Education Abroad
XCIS - Study Abroad Ctr for Intl Stud
XCOM - Study Abroad Univ Pontificia C
XCSI - Cambridge Security Initiative
XDUB - Study Abroad Dublin Ireland
XEIC - Study Abroad Eichstatt Germany
XFRE - Study Abroad Freemantle Austra
XHKG - Study Abroad Hong Kong
XHSC - Hispanic Studies Institute
XIAS - Irish American Scholars Progra
XICP - Study Abroad Inst Catholique P
XIES - IES Abroad Program
XJPJ - SA - John Paul II Project
XLDA - London Dramatic Academy
XLEU - Study Abroad Leuven Belgium
XMAN - Study Abroad Maynooth Univ
XNAV - Study Abroad Univ de Navarra
XNCU - Approved non-CUA Abroad
XNEB - Study Abroad Univ Nebrija
XOPU - OPUS Oxford Honors Program
XPAN - Universidad Panamerica Abroad
XRBC - Rose Bruford College
XRCO - Arcos Learning Abroad
XSEV - Study Abroad Seville Spain
XSOG - Sogang University Exchange
XSOL - Sol Education Abroad
XSOP - Study Abroad Sophia University
XSOU - Study Abroad Univ Southampton
XSPL - SA - Sciences Po Lille
XSS - Study Abroad Essex England
XTAM - Study Abroad Tamkang Univ
XUAO - Study Abroad Univ Abat Oliba
XUCD - Study Abroad Univ Coll Dublin
XUCL - Study Abroad UC Lille
XUED - University of Edinburgh
XUFV - Universidad Francisco de Vitor
XUVA - University of Virginia
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Undergraduate Announcements
» Courses
ACCT 205
Introductory Accounting
ACCT 206
Managerial Accounting
ACCT 310
Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 311
Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 312
Cost Accounting
ACCT 412
ACCT 417
Government and Non-Profit Accounting
ACCT 418
Advanced Accounting
ACCT 419
Taxation I
ACCT 422
Advanced Auditing
ACCT 430
Forensic Accounting
ACCT 442
Accounting Ethics
ACCT 480
Legal Aspects of Accounting, Auditing and Finance
ACCT 491
Special Topics in Accounting
ACCT 494
Independent Study
ACCT 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
AFRI 101
Introduction to Africana Studies
AFRI 218
Out of Africa: Diversity, Inclusion, and Exclusion in Francophone Literature and Film
AFRI 251
From the Block to the Booth: Hip Hop's Influence on Language and Culture
AFRI 322
Africana Studies: Theory and Practice
AFRI 493
Research Apprenticeship
AFRI 494
Independent Study
ANTH 101
Introduction to Anthropology: Cultural Competency in a Global Society
ANTH 105
Human Evolution
ANTH 108
Introduction to Archaeology
ANTH 110
Speech and Experience: Anthropology of Language
ANTH 136
Magic, Witchcraft & Religion
ANTH 200
Core Perspectives in Anthropology
ANTH 201
Ethnographic Research Design and Conduct
ANTH 202
Sex & Culture in Modern World
ANTH 203
Race and Ethnicity: Social Science Perspectives
ANTH 204
Forensic Anthropology
ANTH 205
Applied Anthropology
ANTH 206
Methods in Archaeology: Field, Lab and Artifact Studies
ANTH 208
Excavating Theory: Interpretation in Archaeology
ANTH 213
Development and Humanitarian Interventions in the Middle East, Africa, and Beyond
ANTH 214
The Anthropology of Food
ANTH 215
Ruins, Relics and Restoration of the Biblical Past
ANTH 217
Migrants,Refugees and the Homeless
ANTH 218
End of Nature? Environmental Degradation in a Globalizing Society
ANTH 220
Technology & Society
ANTH 226
Explaining the Unexplained: Using Ethnography and Science to Examine Life's Big Questions
ANTH 230
Sacred Cities of the World
ANTH 240
Politics of the Past: An Introduction to Cultural Heritage Studies
ANTH 250
New Political Anthropology
ANTH 254
Ancient Cultures of South America
ANTH 259
Ancient Art and Architecture
ANTH 260
Anthropology of Religion
ANTH 270
The Information Society
ANTH 290
Legislating Heritage: Domestic Law and International Conventions
ANTH 305
Anthropology of International Development
ANTH 310
Islam in the Modern World
ANTH 311
Heritage, Archaeology and the Contemporary Middle East
ANTH 312
Museums and Cultural Property
ANTH 313
Environment & Society
ANTH 315
Globalization and the Culture of Capitalism
ANTH 321
Historical Archaeology
ANTH 322
Lost Cities & Ancient Empires
ANTH 324
Cultural Heritage of Native America
ANTH 334
The Inca Empire Before and After the Conquest
ANTH 341
Medical Anthropology
ANTH 351
Archaeological Field Methods
ANTH 354
Archaeology of Settlements & Landscapes
ANTH 355
Latinos and Latinas in the U.S.
ANTH 359
Prehistoric Art & Architecture
ANTH 366
Identity & Community in America
ANTH 371
Anthropology of Contemporary Latin America; History, Ethnicity and Religion.
ANTH 390
Politics & Religion in the Middle East
ANTH 452
Senior Capstone Workshop
ANTH 493
Student-Faculty Research
ANTH 495
Practicum/Internship in Anthropology
ANTH 496
Senior Thesis in Anthropology
ANTH 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
APN 428
APN 440
Materials Science: Structure and Properties of Solids
ARAB 101
Introduction to Modern Standard Arabic
ARAB 102
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II
ARAB 103
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I
ARAB 104
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II
ARAB 130
Intro to Arabic Language and Culture
ARAB 199
Language and Culture Immersion in Arabic
ARAB 203
Advanced Composition and Conversation I
ARAB 204
Advanced Composition and Conversation II
ARAB 205
Media Arabic
ARAB 213
Development and Humanitarian Interventions in the Middle East, Africa, and Beyond
ARAB 228
Islam and Politics in the Modern World
ARAB 246
Jordanian Arabic Dialect
ARAB 256
Moroccan Society, Language and Culture
ARAB 279
Borders, Exiles, and War in the Middle East
ARAB 494
Independent Study
ARPL 101
Architectural Foundations I: Introduction to Architecture
ARPL 102
Architectural Foundations II: Design Tools
ARPL 103
AutoCAD 1
ARPL 104
Digital Drawing & Modeling
ARPL 105
Digital Post Production
ARPL 201
Architectural Foundations III: Design Analysis & Synthesis
ARPL 202
Architectural Design I
ARPL 211
History of Architecture I
ARPL 212
History of Architecture II
ARPL 221
Pre Design
ARPL 232
Environmental Design I
Honors Environmental Design I
ARPL 241
The Classical Language of Architecture
ARPL 301
Architectural Design II
ARPL 302
Architectural Design III
ARPL 306
Architecture Publication
ARPL 311
History of Architecture III
History of Architecture III
ARPL 313
History Elective
ARPL 314
Introduction to Architectural Theory
ARPL 331
Environmental Design II
Environmental Design II (Honors)
ARPL 333
Construction I: Assemblies and Detailing
ARPL 335
Materials and Assemblies
ARPL 383
Ethics and Stewardship
ARPL 401
Architectural Design IV
ARPL 402
Integrated Building Design Studio
ARPL 403
Pre-Studio Field Study
ARPL 406
Portfolio Design
ARPL 407
Design Build
ARPL 408
On Drawing
ARPL 409
Special Topics in Design and Graphics
ARPL 415
Beauty and Brains
ARPL 418
Foundations of Sacred Space/Cultural Studies
ARPL 419
Special Topics in History/Theory
ARPL 420
Translating the New Urban Agenda into Architectural Principles
ARPL 421
Digital Construction Docs
ARPL 423
Real Estate Development
ARPL 432
Integrated Studio Supplement
ARPL 434
Construction II: Materials and Methods
ARPL 435
Building Performance Analytics
ARPL 438
LEED Lab: Sustainable Campus Building Assessment
ARPL 439
Topics in Construction and Environment
ARPL 441
Structures I
ARPL 442
Structures II
ARPL 489
Topics in Planning
ARPL 494
Independent Study
Independent Study
ARPL 496
BSES Capstone
ARPL 499
Special Topics in Architecture
ART 101
Fundamentals of Design I
ART 102
Fundamentals of Design II
ART 103
Painting I
ART 104
Painting II
ART 112
Foundations of Art
ART 201
Drawing and Composition I
ART 202
Drawing and Composition II
ART 204
Drawing for Beginners: Learning to See
ART 205
Watercolor Painting
ART 207
Drawing and Composition for Artists I
ART 208
Drawing and Composition for Artists II
ART 211
History of Art: Prehistory to the Middle Ages
ART 212
History of Art: From the Renaissance to the Modern Age
ART 212R
History of Western Art: From the Renaissance to the Modern Age in Rome
ART 213
Mythology in Ancient Art
ART 221
The Enlightenment and the Modern World
ART 222
Dig. Art/Visual Communication
ART 229
Cell Phone Photography
ART 230
Smart Phone Filmmaking
ART 231
Introduction to Digital Design: Motion Graphics & Graphic Design
ART 232
Introduction to Digital Art: Photo-Manipulation and Digital Painting
ART 233
Figurative Clay Sculpture
ART 234
Sculpting Saints, Angels and Demons: Studio Figurative Sculpture in Clay
ART 235
Introduction to 3-D Sculpting
ART 236
Time Based Media
ART 239
Intermediate Digital and Graphic Design
ART 251
CUA @ the National Gallery of Art
ART 252
ART 253
Art of Mary at the National Gallery
ART 254
Contemporary Art in Washington: Objects and Issues
ART 271
Introduction to Ceramic Art
ART 272
The Cosmopolitan Renaissance
ART 273
Made in America: The American Revolution to Present Day
ART 275
Introduction to Gallery and Museum Practices
ART 280
Creative and Critical Thinking and Inquiry
ART 301
Splendors of Byzantium: Art and Culture of the Empire, 330-1453
ART 302
Death, Art & the Afterlife
ART 305
Sculpture I
ART 306
Sculpture II
ART 307
Sculpture in Digital Space
ART 308
Metal Sculpture
ART 309
Introduction to Film Photography
ART 310
Introduction to Early Christian Art and Archaeology
ART 311
Byzantium & the West: Cultural and Artistic Exchange in Medieval Europe, c. 1000-1300 A.D.
ART 312
Figure Drawing: Theology of the Body
ART 313
Advanced Digital Art and Design
ART 315
Web Design and Development
ART 316
Advanced Web Design
ART 317
Greek Art and Architecture
ART 318
Roman Art and Architecture
ART 318R
Roman Art and Architecture
ART 319
Renaissance Art and Architecture - Art in the First Global Age
ART 320
The Art of the Baroque World
ART 321
Venetian Art
ART 322
The Visual Culture of Renaissance Rome
ART 323
Nineteenth Century Art: Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, and Impressionism
ART 324
Realism, Impressionism, and the Birth of Modernism
ART 325
Rococo to Romanticism
ART 326
American Art and Culture: From the Colonial Period to the Civil War
ART 327
Rome, the Eternal City
ART 328
The Art and Literature of Paris
ART 329
Introduction Digital Photography and Photoshop
ART 330
Rembrandt Van Rijn: His Paintings and Graphic works
ART 331
Modern Art: From Post-Impressionism to Modernism (1880s-1945)
ART 332
Contemporary Art (1945-Present)
ART 333
Cryptoart and NFT's
ART 334
History of Photography
ART 335
Global Medieval Art: Artistic Capitals and Exchange
ART 336
Seventeenth Century Dutch Painting
ART 337
Method and Materials in Painting
ART 338
Love and Ecstasy in Renaissance Art
ART 339
Intermediate Photography
ART 340
Heroic & Holy: Powerful Women in Art
ART 341
Islamic Art and Architecture
ART 343
Introduction to Sound Art
ART 344
Multimedia Art Using Final Cut Pro
ART 345
Art as Action: Art and Politics in the 20th and 21st Centuries
ART 346
Art, Religion and Magic in Renaissance and Baroque Italy
ART 347
Northern Renaissance Art: From Van Eyck to Bruegel
ART 351
Museum Studies
ART 353
Junior Studio Art Seminar
ART 354
American Pop Art in the 1960's
ART 355
Art and Devotion
ART 356
Topics in 17th Century Art: Artemisia Gentileschi & Caravaggio
ART 357
DaDa & Surrealism
ART 358
The Cult of Saints in Medieval Europe
ART 359
Painting: Symbolism and Metaphor
ART 360
Sculptural Self Portraits
ART 361
Junior Art History Seminar
ART 362
Making Your Mark: Experimental Drawing
ART 363
Liturgical Sculpture: A Studio Exploration of the Sacred and Profane
ART 365
Selected Topics in Eighteenth-, Nineteenth-, and Twentieth-Century Art
ART 366
The Legacy of Lincoln: American Art and Culture from 1809 to 1930
ART 367
Van Gogh and His Circle
ART 368
Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael
ART 369
Leonardo and his Universe
ART 371
Modern Manner: Italian Art from Bellini to Raphael
ART 372
American Art and Culture: From the Age of Discovery to the Age of Lincoln
ART 373
Art and Spirituality: Making and Meaning in Medieval Italy 1100 - 1400
ART 374
How to Survive the Bomb: Art, Music, and Literature in the 1950s
ART 375
Rethinking the Renaissance: Artistic Exchange Between North and South
ART 381
Figure Drawing
ART 382
Painting: Problems and Approaches
ART 383
Video Production
ART 384
Digital Photography and Dynamic Narrative
ART 385
Screen Printing
ART 386
Introduction to 3D Modeling and Animation
ART 390
A World Filled with Gods: Pagan, Jewish, Christian and Muslim Art in Late Antiquity
ART 395
Intermediate to Advanced Screen Printing
ART 401
Advanced Painting
ART 406
Advanced Sculpture
ART 408
Advanced Metal Sculpture
ART 411
Advance Digital Photography
ART 412
Character Design I
ART 420
Art and Critical Theory
ART 422
Body and/as Image:Expression, Identity, and Subjectivity
ART 439
Advanced Photography
ART 451
Senior Studio Art Coordinating Seminar
ART 451A
Senior Art History Coordinating Seminar
ART 456
Advanced Studio Problems
ART 471
Ceramic Art
ART 472
Ceramics Art
ART 473
Studio Concepts: Virtues and Vices
ART 475
Intermediate Ceramic Art
ART 481
Senior Honors Tutorial
ART 485
Intermediate Painting Problems
ART 494H
Independent Study Art History
ART 494S
Independent Study Studio Art
ART 495H
Internship - Art History
ART 495S
Internship - Studio Art
ART 498H
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination: Art History
ART 498S
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination: Studio Art
ASL 101
American Sign Language I
ASL 102
American Sign Language II
ASWR 240
Sun and Earth: Concepts & Connections
ASWR 401
Space Weather System Science
ASWR 402
Space Weather System Science II
ASWR 403
Space Weather System Science III
ASWR 404
Numerical Methods for Space Weather
ASWR 462
Space Weather Seminar
ASWR 492
Directed Readings in Space Weather
ASWR 494
Independent Study in Space Weather
BE 202
BE 315
Introduction to Biomedical Systems Analysis
BE 398
Junior Biomechanical Design
BE 401
BE 402
Advanced Biomechanics
BE 403
The Fusion of Food, Nutrition and Medicine for Health and Long Life
BE 405
BE 406
Design and Fabrication of Engineering Prototypes
BE 407
Quality Engineering Principles
BE 408
Biomedical Applications of Origami
BE 413
Biomedical Instrumentation I
BE 414
Introduction to Biomedical Optics
BE 417
Advanced Biomedical Engineering Optics
BE 418
Sensor Applications in Neurorehabilitaton
BE 421
Neural Control of Movement
BE 422
Human Locomotion
BE 424
Prosthetics & Orthotics
BE 426
Biomedical Transfer Processes
BE 427
Cell & Tissue Engineering
BE 428
Rehabilitation Engineering
BE 433
Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics
BE 438
Medical Device Usability
BE 439
Clinical Engineering - Medical Equipment Management
BE 439X
Engineering World Health - Study Abroad
BE 441
Home Care Technologies I: Foundations
BE 444
Telehealth, Telemedicine, and Telerehabilitation: Innovations in Healthcare Delivery
BE 446
Medical Device Design and Regulation
BE 447
Biomedical Research Methods
BE 456
BE 458
Biomedical Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BE 462
BE 463
Education Engineering - STEM
BE 471
Cardio-Pulmonary Biomechanics
BE 481
Medical Imaging
BE 491
Seminar in Biomedical Engineering
BE 491B
BE Seminar Course B
BE 491C
BE Seminar C
BE 494
Research Practicum
BE 494A
Independent Study Practicum
BE 495
BMED Internship Projects
BE 497
BMED Senior Design
BE 499
BMED Senior Project Lab
BIOL 103
Human Biology: What makes us human
BIOL 104
General Biology II
BIOL 105
Mechanisms of Life I
BIOL 106
Mechanisms of Life II
BIOL 109
Medicine and Society
BIOL 114
Field Biology for Non-Science Majors
BIOL 115
Mechanisms of Life I - Lab
BIOL 116
Mechanisms of Life II - Lab
BIOL 217
Molecular Genetics & Protein Engineering
BIOL 218
Molecular Cell Biology Lab
BIOL 223
BIOL 232
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 233
Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 307
BIOL 317
Investigations in Molecular Cell Biology
BIOL 341
BIOL 418
BIOL 449
General Microbiology
BIOL 452
Coordinating Seminar
BIOL 454
Biological Chemistry
BIOL 473
Clinical Chemistry I
BIOL 474
Clinical Chemistry II
BIOL 475
Hematology I
BIOL 476
Hematology II
BIOL 477
Immunohematology I
BIOL 478
Immunohematology II
BIOL 479
Clinical Microbiology I
BIOL 480
Clinical Microbiology II
BIOL 484
Lab Management & Education
BIOL 485
Clinical Chemistry Practicum
BIOL 487
Hematology Practicum
BIOL 488
Immunohematology Practicum
BIOL 489
Clinical Microbiology Practicum
BIOL 491
Clinical Lab Instrumentation
BIOL 493
Research Problems in Biology
BIOL 497
Urinalysis & Body Fluids
BIOL 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
BUS 199
Exploration: Career Discernment I
BUS 299A
Application: Career Discernment II
BUS 399A
Networking: Career Discernment III
BUS 450
Elevate 1
BUS 451
Elevate 10
BUS 452
Elevate 20
BUS 453
Elevate 30
BUS 454
Elevate 40
BUS 455
Elevate 2
BUS 495
Cooperative Education
BUS 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
BUS 499A
Decision-Making: Career Discernment IV
CEE 101
Elementary Construction Surveying
CEE 102
Introduction to Earth Science
CEE 110
Computers in Construction
CEE 200
Applied Steel Design and Fabrication
CEE 201
Ancient Waters
CEE 301
Construction Systems and Planning
CEE 302
Construction Management Systems and Economics
CEE 310
Introduction to Civil Engineering Systems
CEE 312
Theory of Structures
CEE 317
Multi-Modal Transportation
CEE 357
Solid Waste Management
CEE 366
Introduction to Soil Mechanics
CEE 367
Soil Testing for Engineers
CEE 372
Engineering Hydraulics
CEE 374
Introduction to Transportation Systems and Design
CEE 383
Ethics and Stewardship
CEE 400
Seminar on Public Policy Issues
CEE 402
Structural Steel Design
CEE 403
Reinforced Concrete Design
CEE 405
Environmental Modeling
CEE 406
Advanced Structural Systems
CEE 407
Energy and Buildings
CEE 408
Transportation Characteristics
CEE 409
Highway Infrastructure Systems
CEE 411
Geographical Information Systems
CEE 413
Transportation Systems Evaluation
CEE 414
Structural Dynamics and Vibrations
CEE 415
Sustainable Buildings Design
CEE 416
Prestressed Concrete Design
CEE 419
Applied Finite Element Modeling for Structural Analysis
CEE 420
Senior Capstone Design I
CEE 421
Senior Capstone Design II
CEE 422
Environmental Geotechnics
CEE 423
Structural Loads on Civil Structures
CEE 426
Introduction to Finite Elements
CEE 432
Laboratory Project
CEE 433
Laboratory Project
CEE 438
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
CEE 451
Fundamentals of Engineering Review
CEE 463
Applied Hydrology
CEE 464
Surface Water Quality
CEE 465
Water Resources Engineering
CEE 468
Foundation Engineering
CEE 471
Pavement Theory & Design
CEE 473
Traffic Engineering and Flow Theory
CEE 474
Traffic Analysis and Simulation
CEE 478
Transportation Systems Management and Operations
CEE 480
Advanced Wastewater Treatment
CEE 482
Value Engineering
CEE 483
Engineering Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, and Lean Methods
CEE 484
Construction Law, Operations and Project Delivery
CEE 486
Transportation Safety Engineering
CEE 487
Estimating and Bidding
CEE 489
Construction Scheduling Techniques
CEE 490
Construction Operations Analysis
CEE 491
Engineering Hydrogeology and Groundwater Flow
CEE 494A
Independent Study
CEE 497
Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering
CEE 499
Transportation Safety Engineering
CHEM 101
Principles of Environmental Science
CHEM 103
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry I (Honors)
General Chemistry I
CHEM 104
General Chemistry II
General Chemistry II (Honors)
CHEM 107
General Chemistry I for Engineers
CHEM 108
General Chemistry II
CHEM 109
General, Organic, and Biochemistry for the Health Sciences
General, Organic, and Biochemistry for the Health Sciences
CHEM 110
Introduction to Earth Science
CHEM 113
General Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 114
General Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 119
General, Organic and Biochemistry for Health Sciences Laboratory
CHEM 125
Chemistry in Our Lives
CHEM 126
Chemistry in Modern Times
CHEM 127
Biochemistry in Science Fiction
CHEM 128
Food Meets Science: The Biochemistry of Cooking
Science of Italian Food and Cooking
CHEM 129
Pseudoscience - Fallacies, Absurdities and Scams
CHEM 130
The Science of History
CHEM 202
Science Under Oath
CHEM 203
Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 204
Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 213
Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 214
Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 308
Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Energy Storage
CHEM 311
Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 318
Seminar in Environmental Science
CHEM 351
Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 352
Physical Chemistry II
CHEM 353
Physical Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 401
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 402
Bioinorganic Chemistry
CHEM 405
Science Communication
CHEM 408
Instrumental Analysis & Chemical Spectroscopy
CHEM 418
Chemical Instrumentation Lab
CHEM 442
Environmental Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 471
Biochemistry I
CHEM 472
Biochemistry II
CHEM 493
Undergraduate Research
CHEM 494
Independent Study in Chemistry/Biochemistry
CHEM 495
Internship in the Environment or Sustainability
CHEM 496
Biochemical Techniques
CHEM 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
CHN 101
Beginning Mandarin Chinese I
CHN 102
Beginning Mandarin Chinese II
CHN 103
Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I
CHN 104
Intermediate Mandarin Chinese
CHN 199
Language and Culture Immersion in Chinese
CHN 203
Advanced Composition and Conversation I
CHN 204
Advanced Composition and Conversation II
CHN 206
Chinese Film and Conversation
CHN 250
Chinese Migration around the World, 1500-Present
CHN 251
Asian Pacific Imaginings: From Magellan to Manga
CHN 290
Unpacking the Chinese Internet
CHN 305
Chinese Through Film
CHN 310
Topics in Contemporary Chinese Society
CHN 380
International Business & Marketing in Asia
CHN 494
Independent Study
CLAS 105
Reading the Greeks
CLAS 106
Reading the Romans
CLAS 110
Greece Spring Break Trip
CLAS 125
Archaeology of Daily Life in Ancient Greece and Rome
CLAS 190
Archaeology of the Classical World
CLAS 205
History of Ancient Greece
CLAS 206
History of Ancient Rome
History of Ancient Rome
CLAS 208
Italy: Ancient Culture in Context
CLAS 209
Early Rome and the Etruscans
CLAS 211
Greek and Roman Mythology
Worlds of Many Gods: Comparative Mythology
CLAS 214
Mythology in Ancient Art
CLAS 219
Democracy and Politics in Classical Athens
CLAS 220
Alexander 'the Great': From Myth to Man
CLAS 221
CLAS 225
Ancient Warfare and Martial Arts
CLAS 226
From Olympians to Gladiators: Sport and Contest in the Ancient World
CLAS 244
Greek Tragedy and its Modern Reception
CLAS 251
Ancient World in Cinema
CLAS 261
Heroes of the Middle Ages
CLAS 281
Pagans and Christians in the Roman Empire
CLAS 300
Greek Tragedy and Opera
Roman History and Opera
CLAS 302
Greek and Roman Religion
CLAS 303
Religion in the Roman World
CLAS 304
Constantine the Great
CLAS 305
The Roman Family
CLAS 306
Death, Art and the Afterlife
Vergil's Aeneid and Its World
CLAS 317
Greek Art and Architecture
CLAS 318
Roman Art and Architecture
Art and Architecture of Ancient Rome
CLAS 319
Introduction to Early Christian Art and Archaeology
CLAS 321
Numismatic Workshop
CLAS 325
Archeology of Ancient Life
CLAS 326
Greek and Roman Houses
CLAS 425
Senior Tutorial
CLAS 426
Senior Project
CLAS 446
Augustan Rome
CLAS 492
Directed Reading - Undergraduate
CLAS 493
Directed Research
Directed Research
Directed Research
CLAS 495
CSC 104
Introduction to Computers I
CSC 105
Introduction to Computers II
CSC 106
Introduction to Computer Programming for Non-Engineers
CSC 107
Introduction to Computer Security
CSC 109
Enter the World of Artificial Intelligence: Computing Principles, Ethics, and Impact
CSC 110
Intro to Computers Using Fortran
CSC 113
Introduction to Computer Programming with MATLAB
CSC 113B
Computational Biosciences Institute
CSC 113H
Introduction to Computer Programming with MATLAB (Honors)
CSC 114
Computer Concepts
CSC 115
Ethical Hacking and Network Defense
CSC 120
Introduction to Computational Thinking
CSC 123
Introduction to Computer Programming
CSC 124
Introduction to Computer Programming with Python
CSC 203
Assembly Language Programming
CSC 210
Discrete Mathematics
CSC 212
Theory of Computing
CSC 223
Object-Oriented Programming with Java
CSC 261
Introduction to Cybersecurity
CSC 280
Data Structures
CSC 306
Introduction to Operating Systems
CSC 311
Design & Analysis of Algorithms
CSC 312
Microprocessor Programming
CSC 322
Introduction to Computer Graphics
CSC 323
Introduction to Computer Networks
CSC 326
Switching Circuits and Logic Design
CSC 327
Switching Circuits and Logic Design Laboratory
CSC 363
Software Engineering
CSC 370
Concepts of Programming Languages
CSC 390
Computer Organization and Architecture
CSC 391
Computer Systems Architecture
CSC 403
Data Visualization with Tableau
CSC 406
Introduction to Secure Computing
CSC 407
Unix Systems Programming
CSC 409
Web Design & Programming
CSC 410
Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
CSC 411
Analysis of Algorithms
CSC 416
Applications of Data Analytics and Development
CSC 423
Business Data Analytics
CSC 426
Computer and Network Security
CSC 427
Fundamentals of Neural Networks
CSC 428
Biostatistical Data Mining
CSC 429
Introduction to Computer Vision
CSC 430
Introduction to Data Analysis
CSC 431
Data Communications Networks
CSC 434
Communication and Computer Network Simulation
CSC 436
Distributed Computing and Networking
CSC 442
Introduction to Database Management
CSC 443
Introduction to Knowledge Management
CSC 445
Introduction to Data Mining
CSC 447
Artificial Intelligence
CSC 450
Fundamentals of Multimedia
CSC 451
Pattern Recognition
CSC 465
Introduction to Information Privacy and Security
CSC 469
Computer Security and Privacy
CSC 471
JAVA, OOP, Network Programming
CSC 475
Quantum Computing
CSC 476
Introduction to Robotics
CSC 480
Numerical Analysis and Optimization
CSC 484
Introduction to Machine Learning
CSC 487
Introduction to Medical Image Computing
CSC 491A
Senior Design I
CSC 491B
Senior Design II
DA 101
Making Sense of Data
DA 124
Introduction to Computer Programming with Python
DA 314
Statistics for Data Analysis
DA 401
Introduction to Data Science and Python
DA 403
Data Visualization with Tableau
DA 405
Decision Analysis
DA 423
Business Data Analytics
DA 475
Introduction to Systems Analysis
DA 480
Numerical Analysis and Optimization
DR 101
Theatre I
DR 102
Introduction to the Alexander Technique
DR 103
Movement 1A: Physical Conditioning and Awareness
DR 104
Theatre II
DR 105
Theatrein Performance
DR 106
Acting for Non-Majors
DR 110
Theatre World
DR 116
Voice IA: Speech and the Actor I
DR 123
Movement 1B: Conditioning
DR 136
Voice IB: Speech and the Actor II
DR 140
Performances Practicum - BFA
DR 199A
Crew Credit
DR 199B
Crew Credit
DR 199C
Crew Credit
DR 199D
Crew Credit
DR 201
Survey of Theatre History
DR 202
Theatre Topics
DR 203
Movement 2A: Movement Methods For Actors
DR 205
Introduction to Speech Communications
DR 206
Fundamentals of Acting
DR 207
Introduction to Design
DR 216
Fundamentals of Acting II
DR 223
Movement 2B: Clowning and Commedia dell'Arte
DR 226
Voice IIA: Pitch, Power, and Play
DR 236
Voice IIB: Introduction to International Phonetic Alphabet
DR 250
Theatre in Healthcare
DR 300
Performance 300
DR 303
Movement 3A: Unarmed Stage Combat
DR 305
Theatre Topics III
DR 306
Theatre Production
DR 307
Speech for the Actor
DR 312
Directing I
DR 316
Voice IIIA: Shakespeare and the Voice
DR 320
Improvisation Workshop
DR 323
Movement 3B: Armed Stage Combat
DR 336
Voice IIIB: Heightened Text and Style
DR 341
Costume Construction
DR 380
British Drama (London)
DR 403
Public Speaking
DR 407
Advanced Speech for the Actor
DR 410
Drama in Education 1
DR 412
Directing II
DR 413
Movement 4A: Dance Styles
DR 415
Intermediate Acting: Scene Study
DR 416
Voice IVA: Dialects
DR 423
Movement 4B: Physical Theatre
DR 425
Intermediate Acting: Scene Study II
DR 426
Teaching Theatre
DR 436
Voice IVB: Voice for Film, Television, and Radio
DR 437
Meisner Technique
DR 440
Scene Design
DR 441
Scene Painting
DR 443
Stage Lighting
DR 449
Costume Design
DR 450
Business of Theatre
DR 451
Senior Seminar
DR 459
History of 20th Century Directing
DR 461
Writing for Television
DR 465
Acting Shakespeare
DR 466
DR 467
Playwriting I
DR 475
Classical Acting
DR 485
Acting for the Camera
DR 486
Acting for the Camera II
DR 487
BFA Showcase
DR 489
Independent Marketing Workshop
DR 494
Independent Study
DR 495
Theatre Internship
DR 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
ECON 100
Fundamentals of Economics
ECON 101
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 102
Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 103
Principles of Economics I (Honors)
ECON 104
Principles of Economics II (Honors)
ECON 190
Economics Career Development
ECON 193
Research Fellowship
ECON 223
Statistics for Business and Economics
ECON 231
Applied Macro
ECON 232
Managerial Economics
ECON 241
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 242
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 243
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory II
ECON 244
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory II
ECON 290
Economics Career Development
ECON 293
Research Fellowship
ECON 301
Ethics in Business and Economics
ECON 309
Money and Banking
ECON 327
Sports Economics
ECON 334
Capitalism, Globalization and Consumption
ECON 338
Financial Modeling, Options and Future
ECON 348
Industrial Organization
ECON 349
Antitrust & Regulatory Economics
ECON 350
Environment and Economics
ECON 351
Urban Economics
ECON 352
Labor Economics
ECON 353
Health Economics
ECON 359
Public Finance
ECON 360
Public Policy
ECON 361
Math Economics
ECON 363
Principles of Econometrics
ECON 364
Econometrics II
ECON 365
Econ Lab
ECON 370
Big Data for Economics
ECON 390
Economics Career Development
ECON 393
Research Fellowship
ECON 445
Experimental Economics
ECON 461
Game Theory
ECON 480
International Trade
ECON 481
International Finance
ECON 482
Economic Integration Movements
ECON 484
Economics and Finance in Emerging Markets
ECON 490
Economics Career Development
ECON 491
Special Topics in Economics
ECON 493
Research Fellowship
ECON 494
Independent Study
Independent Study
ECON 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
EDUC 101
Introduction to Teaching
EDUC 251
Foundations of Education
EDUC 261
Human Growth and Development
EDUC 271
Psychology of Learning
EDUC 301
Practicum Early Childhood/Elementary Education
EDUC 302
Practicum in Early Childhood/Elementary Education
EDUC 303
Practicum in Early Childhood / Elementary Education
EDUC 311
Children's Literature in Curriculum
EDUC 312
Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood and Elementary School
EDUC 313
Classroom Management Theory and Strategies
EDUC 320
Teaching Early Childhood & Elementary Social Studies (PreK-6th grade)
EDUC 321
Teaching Early Childhood and Elementary Science, Health and Physical Education (PreK-6th Grade)
EDUC 323
Methods & Materials in Modern Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics
EDUC 324
Reading and Language Arts in Early Childhood Settings and Elementary Schools
EDUC 341
Curriculum and Strategies in Early Childhood Education
EDUC 342
Models in Early Childhood Education
EDUC 381
Educating Diverse Learners
EDUC 382
Disciplinary Instructional Strategies for Secondary Education
EDUC 383
Reading in the Content Areas Practicum
EDUC 386
Introduction to Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education
EDUC 387
Adolescent Education: Practicum
EDUC 400
Reflective Teaching Tutorial
EDUC 401
Student Teaching & Seminar: Early Childhood
EDUC 402
Student Teaching & Seminar: Early Childhood
EDUC 403
Student Teaching & Seminar: Early Childhood
EDUC 411
Student Teaching and Seminar: Elementary
EDUC 412
Student Teaching and Seminar: Elementary
EDUC 413
Student Teaching and Seminar: Elementary
EDUC 420
Transformational Leadership and Reflective Thinking for Educational Professionals
EDUC 421
Interpersonal Communication, Consultation & the Process of Change
EDUC 422
Race, Class, Gender and Disability in Education
EDUC 425
Psychology of Learning for Diverse Populations
EDUC 431
Literacy and Language Instruction for Diverse Readers
EDUC 441
Practicum in Nonschool Educational Settings
EDUC 443
Parenting in Diverse Contexts
EDUC 445
Contemporary Issues in American Education
EDUC 461
Student Teaching and Seminar: Secondary Education
EDUC 462
Student Teaching and Seminar: Secondary Education
EDUC 463
Student Teaching and Seminar: Secondary Education
EDUC 478
Secondary Content Methods
EDUC 479
Mathematics Methods for Secondary Schools
EDUC 480
English Methods for Secondary Schools
EDUC 485
Social Studies Methods for Secondary Schools
EDUC 493
Research Apprenticeship for UG
Independent Study
Independent Study
Undergraduate Independent Study for Methods Course
EDUC 495
Internship in Non-School Setting II
EDUC 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
EDUC 499
Student Teaching Blackboard Materials
EE 311
Signals and Systems
EE 312
Microprocessor Programming and Design
EE 322
Electronic Circuits II
EE 326
Switching Circuits and Logic Design
EE 327
Switching Circuits and Logic Design Laboratory
EE 342
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
EE 356
Electrical Laboratory II
EE 357
Electromag Laboratory
EE 362
Analog and Digital Signal Processing
EE 404
Solid State Devices
EE 406
Advance Digital Logic Design
EE 413
Communication Systems and Networks
EE 416
Power Systems
EE 417
Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing
EE 420
Hybrid Gas/Electric Vehicles
EE 421
Programmable Logic Devices and HDL Design
EE 422
Mixed Signal VLSI Design
EE 423
Electromagnetic Compatibility
EE 425
High Power Electromagnetic Effects on Electronic Systems
EE 426
Computer and Network Security
EE 427
Fundamentals of Neural Networks
EE 431
Data Communications Networks
EE 434
Communication and Computer Network Simulation
EE 436
Distributed Computing and Networking
EE 441
Electromagnetic Theory
EE 443
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Imaging Applications
EE 444
RF and Microwave Circuits
EE 445
Basics of Computational Electromagnetics
EE 447
Artificial Intelligence
EE 452
Mathematical Analysis for Electromagnetics
EE 457
Communications Laboratory
EE 458
Energy Harvesting Technologies
EE 459
Introduction to Wind Energy Technology
EE 460
EE 461
Random Signal Theory
EE 462
Introduction to Electric Power
EE 465
Introduction to Information Privacy and Security
EE 466
Introduction to Electric Machines and Drives
EE 466A
Electric Machine Laboratory
EE 468
Introduction to Power Electronics
EE 469
Computer Security and Privacy
EE 472
Basics of Information Coding and Transmission
EE 475
Control Systems Analysis and Synthesis
EE 476
Introduction to Robotics
EE 484
Introduction to Machine Learning
EE 491A
Engineering Practice and Design I
EE 491B
Engineering Practice and Design II
ENG 101
Writing and Rhetoric
ENG 101C
Writing and Rhetoric: Cornerstone
ENG 101H
Writing and Rhetoric: Honors
ENG 102
Writing About Literature
ENG 103
English Composition for International Students
ENG 104
Literature and Composition for International Students
ENG 124
Classics in the Christian Tradition
ENG 201
Form and Value in Poetry
ENG 202
Elements of Drama
ENG 205
The Literature of Fantasy
ENG 206
Transformative Texts I: Citizenship and Communities
ENG 207
Transformative Texts II: Citizenship and Communities
ENG 209
Studies in Short Fiction
ENG 210
Intro to Modern & Postmodern Literature
ENG 212
Worlds of Many Gods: Comparative Mythology
ENG 213
Short Fiction and Ideas of America
ENG 215
Satire in Modern Literature and Film
ENG 220
Literary Magazine Production I
ENG 221
Literary Magazine Production II
ENG 231
The History of English Literature I
ENG 232
The History of English Literature II
ENG 235
American Literature I
ENG 236
American Literature II
ENG 250
Medieval Pathways
ENG 290
Contemporary Literature and War
ENG 300
Intro to Creative Writing
ENG 301
Creative Writing: Fiction
ENG 302
Creative Writing: Poetry
ENG 305
From Shakespeare to Sheridan: The Irish in the Theatre, 1600-1775
ENG 306
Dublin & the Invention of Ireland
ENG 311
Greek and Roman Mythology
ENG 312
Norse Mythology
ENG 317
The Vikings
ENG 324
Introduction to Linguistics
ENG 325
Contemporary English Grammar
ENG 326
Workshop: Writing Improvement
ENG 327
Argumentative Writing
ENG 328
Writing Center Theory & Practice
ENG 330
ENG 331
Intensive Readings: Lyric
ENG 332
Intensive Readings: Drama
ENG 333
Intensive Readings: Narrative
ENG 337
World Fictions
ENG 340
Old English Literature
ENG 341
Beowulf and Friends
ENG 342
History of the English Language
ENG 345
Epic Tradition from Homer to Walcott
ENG 347
Christian Literary Traditions
ENG 351
Chaucer and His Age I
ENG 352
Chaucer and His Age II
ENG 353
Chaucer and the Italians (Rome)
ENG 355
Medieval Monsters
ENG 356
Arthurian Literature
ENG 360
Modern Irish Literature, 1798 - 1998
ENG 364
Milton's English Poetry
ENG 365
Contemporary American Poetry
ENG 368
Seamus Heaney, Irish Poet
ENG 369
Renaissance Poetry
ENG 370
18th Century English Novel
ENG 371
Readings in Eighteenth-Century English Literature
ENG 373
Nineteenth Century British Literature
ENG 374
20th Century British Literature
ENG 378
Italy in American and British Literature (Rome)
ENG 380
Yeats: Poet of Modern Ireland
ENG 381
Poetry and Rock: Poetic Song Verse
ENG 390
Literature of the American South
ENG 397
Modern American Poetry
ENG 402
English Poetry & World War
ENG 405
Yeats, Eliot, Pound
ENG 408
Seminar: James Joyce's Ulysses
ENG 431
Coordinating Seminar I
ENG 432
Coordinating Seminar II
ENG 461
Plays of Shakespeare I
ENG 462
Plays of Shakespeare II
ENG 464
Shakespeare and Film
ENG 480
The Twentieth Century Through American Fiction
ENG 493
Research Apprenticeship
ENG 494
Independent Study
ENG 495
ENG 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
ENGR 101
History and Hidden Principles of Geometry in Art and Applied Science
ENGR 102
Introduction to Engineering Design and Professionalism
ENGR 106
Computer Aided Engineering Tools
ENGR 192
iOS App Design
ENGR 201
Engineering Mechanics I
ENGR 202
Engineering Mechanics II
ENGR 207
Programming Robots and Sensors
ENGR 211
Thermodynamics (Honors)
ENGR 212
Electric Networks
Electric Networks (Honors)
ENGR 222
Engineering Mathematics I
Engineering Mathematics I Honors
ENGR 301
Mechanics of Solids
ENGR 314
Introduction to Alternative Energy
ENGR 321
Electronic Circuits I
ENGR 331
Fluid Mechanics
ENGR 355
Electrical Laboratory I
ENGR 362
Heat Transfer
ENGR 370
Engineering Business Fundamentals
ENGR 391
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
ENGR 401
Senior Seminar I
ENGR 403
Control Systems
ENGR 408
Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Energy Storage
ENGR 413
Introduction to 3D-Printing Science & Engineering
ENGR 420
Social Innovation
ENGR 421
Social Innovation, Part II
Engineering the Future: Design Solutions for World Challenges
ENGR 434
Pollution and Climate Change
ENGR 438
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
ENGR 441
Interdisciplinary Senior Design I
ENGR 442
Interdisciplinary Senior Design 2
ENGR 443
Mobile Computing
ENGR 494
Independent Study
Independent Study
ENGR 495
Internship/Co-Op Program
ENGR 497
Brazilian Summer Program
ENGR 499
Math Refresher for Engineering Graduate Students
ENT 118
The Vocation of Business
ENT 350
The Church, Entrepreneurship and Value Creation
ENT 351
Managing the Family Enterprise
ENT 360
Approaches to the Human Person - Business and Entrepreneurial Perspectives
ENT 372
Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital
ENT 420
Social Innovation
ENT 421
Social Innovation, Part II
ENT 422
Ecology of the Human Spirit
ENT 451
Family Business Strategy
ENT 455
ENT 472
Principled Entrepreneurship
ENT 476
The Spirit of Entrepreneurial Capitalism
ENT 494
Independent Study
ENT 495A
EURO 201
European Culture: Multiculturalism and National Identity
EURO 202
European Politics
EURO 203
European History
EURO 210
French-German Couple and the Fabric of Europe
EURO 222
Modern Europe From 1789 until today
EURO 310
The Idea of Europe. European Integration Since 1914
FIN 224
Management of Personal Finance
FIN 226
Introduction to Finance
FIN 313
Financial Modeling in Excel
FIN 332
Investment Analysis
FIN 334
Corporate Finance
FIN 337
Options & Futures
FIN 342
Financial Markets & Institutions
FIN 389
International Corporate Finance
FIN 391
Money, Banking, and Financial Crisis
FIN 391R
Historical Evolution of Money, Banking & Financial Institutions with Emphasize on Italy
FIN 425
Wealth Management
FIN 436
Advanced Corporate Finance
FIN 450
Cardinal Fund I
FIN 451
Cardinal Fund II
FIN 491
Special Topics in Financial Management
FIN 494
Independent Study
FIN 494A
Independent Study
FIN 495A
FREN 101
Elementary French I
FREN 102
Elementary French II
FREN 103
Intermediate French I
FREN 104
Intermediate French II
FREN 112
Review of Elementary French
FREN 203
Perspectives on French Literature and Culture
FREN 204
Advanced French II: Introduction to French Cinema
FREN 205
French Conversation
FREN 206
Advanced French Professional Focus
FREN 210
France and Germany and the Construction of the European Community
FREN 212
Global Perspectives on the Family in Contemporary Theater
FREN 213
Topics in French-American Relationship
Food Culture in France (French Discussion Section
FREN 217
Versailles: The Architecture of Power
FREN 218
Out of Africa: Diversity, Inclusion, and Exclusion in Francophone Literature and Film
FREN 220
Pirates of the Caribbean in Atlantic Literature
FREN 240
Colonization & Immigration
FREN 242
From Earth to the Moon: Rockets, Space Travel and Imagination in Fren. and Francophone Lit. and Film
FREN 251
The French Colonial Project and the "Civilizing Mission"
FREN 272
Politics & Culture in France & United States
FREN 275
The French "Exception" from Clovis to Hollande
FREN 279
Borders, Exiles, and War in the Middle East
FREN 300
Thinking Critically: Literature, Film, and Media in the French-Speaking World
FREN 301
Society and Culture in the French-Speaking World
FREN 302
Topics in French and Francophone Society and Culture
FREN 303
French for the Professions
FREN 306
Contemporary France
FREN 328
Virtuous Minds from the Sun King to the Enlightenment
FREN 330
Practical Phonetics
FREN 401
French for Business
FREN 402
Translation in Theory and Practice
FREN 488
Special Topics Seminar
FREN 489
Research Seminar
FREN 495
French Internship
FREN 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
GER 101
Elementary German I
GER 102
Elementary German II
GER 103
Intermediate German I
GER 104
Intermediate German II
GER 203
German Through Film
GER 204
Contemporary Topics in German-Speaking Cultures
GER 220
Vienna in Literature and the Arts
GER 225
Magic in German and Hispanic Literature and Film
GER 230
Grimms' Fairy Tales
GER 250
Berlin in Literature and Film
GER 255
Mysteries, Murders, and Thrillers: German Crime Fiction in the Modern Context
GER 260
100 Years of German Film
GER 270
Exile, Trauma, and Displacement in German Literature
GER 300
Literature, Film, and Media in the German-Speaking World
GER 301
Society and Culture in the German-Speaking World
GER 303
German for the Professions
GER 320
Contemporary German Literature by Migrant Authors
GER 401
German for Business
GER 402
Translation in Theory and Practice
GER 488
Special Topics Seminar
GER 489
Senior Research Seminar
GER 494
Independent Study
GER 495
German Internship
GER 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
GR 101
Elementary Greek I
GR 102
Elementary Greek II
GR 103
Intermediate Greek I
GR 103R
Intermediate Greek I
GR 104
Intermediate Greek II
GR 201
Readings in New Testament Greek
GR 335
GR 340
GR 411
Greek Prose Composition
GR 412
Advanced Grammar and Prose Style
GR 415
Greek Historiography
GR 418
Greek Tragedy
GR 423
GR 424
Homeric Hymns
GR 428
Greek Lyric
GR 429
Greek Choral Lyric
GR 432
Greek Comedy
GR 433
Greek Paleography
GR 434
Greek Historical Writing
GR 435
Greek Epic
GR 445
History of the Greek Language
GR 448
Greek Pastoral
GR 449
Hellenistic Poetry
GR 450
Stars, Fate, and the Soul
GR 453
Greek Oratory
GR 465
Advanced Greek Seminar
GR 476
Greek Philosophical Works
GR 481
The Greek Novel
GR 487
The Athenian Empire
GR 490
Introduction to Byzantine Greek Language and Literature
GR 492
Directed Reading
GR 492R
Directed Reading
HIST 101
Global History from the Paleolithic to the Present
HIST 111
Western Civilizations from Antiquity to the Renaissance
HIST 112
Western Civilizations from the Renaissance to Today
HIST 130
The Path to Brexit
HIST 138
London: From Imperial Metropolis to Global City
HIST 140
Travel and Tourism in Latin America
HIST 141
Myth and Reality on the American Frontier: Violence, Race Democracy and the Forging of America
HIST 142
The Mongol Empire: Fire and Blood, Silk and Love across Eurasia
HIST 143
Migrations in the Americas
HIST 145
The Founding Fathers
HIST 146
Electing the President: George Washington to ...?
HIST 150
The Crusades
HIST 151
Abraham Lincoln in History and Memory
HIST 201
Medieval Pathways
HIST 202
Food: A Global History
HIST 205
History of Ancient Greece
HIST 206
History of Ancient Rome
History of Rome
HIST 207
Rome - The Eternal City
Urban Space As A Stage For Memory
Archaeology of Daily Life in Ancient Rome: Work and Play
HIST 208
Transformative Texts II: Citizenship and Communities
HIST 214
Pandemics: A Comparative History
HIST 215
Roman Law and its Legacy
Restoration of Biblical Past
HIST 216
Beyond the 'Fall' of Rome, 400-800
Medieval England
HIST 217
The Vikings
HIST 221
Early Modern Europe
HIST 222
Modern European History, 1789-Present
Global Europe since 1789
HIST 223
The History of France: From the Gauls to De Gaulle
HIST 224
Drama of a Nation: History of Germany
History of Ireland to 1607
HIST 226
British Empire, 1750-1970
HIST 229
Global Migrations to the New World, 1492-present
Italians in the Americas, 1840-1960
HIST 231
World in the 20th Century
Soccer: A World History
HIST 235
Medieval World
The World of the Crusades
HIST 240
Politics of the Past: An Introduction to Cultural Heritage Studies
HIST 250
Chinese Migration around the World, 1500-Present
HIST 257
The Making of America, 1607-1877
HIST 258
Emerging Superpower: The United States, from 1877-1991
HIST 280
The United States in the Nineteenth Century
The United States in the 20th Century
HIST 281
Colonial Latin America
HIST 282
Modern Latin America
HIST 300
Age of Discovery: Iberian World
HIST 301
Alexander 'the Great': From Myth to Man
The Post-Roman World, 410-750
HIST 303
African-American Race Relations in the U.S.: Reconstruction to Civil Rights Era
Ancient Christian Roots
HIST 306
Women, Sex, Gender in the Middle Ages, 1100-1500
HIST 307
Comparative Colonial Systems, 1500-1800
The Catholic Missionary Church in the Americas and Asia, 1500-1800
HIST 308
History of Byzantium and the Creation of the Orthodox World
The Modern Middle East
Modern Islam: Crisis, Defeat, and a Search for Order
HIST 309
The Rise of Islam
History of Ancient Israel
Muslims, Christians and Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean
HIST 310
Religion and Society in Medieval Europe, 300 - 1500
Gunpowder Empires of Islam: the Ottomans, Safavids and Mughals
HIST 312
Medieval Japan
European Law from Antiquity to Napoleon
Charlemagne and the Birth of Europe
HIST 314
Kings, Emperors, and Nobles: Power in the Global Middle Ages
HIST 315
The Fall of Rome
HIST 316
England After the Black Death
HIST 317
Italy in the Age of Dante
Modern Italy since 1860
Renaissance Rome
Rome in the Age of Dante
American Religious History
HIST 320
Conquest and Resistance: The Normans, English, and Celts in Medieval Britain
HIST 321
Historical Archaeology
The Church in Africa
HIST 322
Tudor England: Tyrants and Vagabonds
Princes, Plots, and Piety: The Tudors and the English Reformation
HIST 323
The Renaissance, 1300-1530
HIST 324
Cultural Heritage of Native America
The Inca Empire Before and After the Conquest
HIST 325
Europe in the Reformation Era, 1500-1648
Britain and the Second World War
British Empire
The British Empire and the First World War
HIST 327
Twentieth-Century Britain
From Shakespeare to Sheridan: The Irish in the Theatre, 1600-1775
London's Modern Historical Geography
The Culture and Performance Traditions of 17th-Century Rome
HIST 329
History Of British Cinema
The History of the Family
The Beatles in the US & UK
The Celtic World: People and Mythology
The Crusades: Holy War and Jihad
Early Modern Europe, 1450 - 1750
Fashion and Society Since 1500
HIST 332
The French Revolution
Medieval Paris
Modern Germany, 1870 to the Present
HIST 335
Political Humour
HIST 336
Wealth and Poverty: A History
HIST 337
The Science of Man: Great Works of Modern Social Thoughts
Historical Development of Money and Banking
Russia Since 1900
History of the Present: Introduction to Global History
The Idea of Europe. European Integration since 1914
HIST 339
British History, 1600-1800: Four Nations, One State
HIST 340
Modern European Intellectual History I
Mapping History
HIST 341
Modern European Intellectual History II
HIST 342
Comparative Revolutions
Contending Perspectives on US Intelligence from Truman to Reagan
Oxford: City, University, Nation
HIST 345
The Catholic Response to Protestant Reformation in the 16th Century
HIST 346
Triumph and Catastrophe: The Habsburg Empire (1792-1920).
HIST 347
Introduction to American Cinema
HIST 348
America and the World
America in War, Peace, and Depression, 1900-1950
Researching Media History: Discovering Cultural History at the Library of Congress
Vice in America
HIST 349
Washington: Symbol and City
HIST 350
Europe Since 1945
HIST 352
Original Sins: Race and Freedom in Early America
HIST 353
The Era of Civil War and Reconstruction
Abraham Lincoln in History and Memory
HIST 357
Hist of Old South 1607-1865
US South Since The Civil War
HIST 358
Interwar America: 1919-1941
US in Depression and War, 1929-1945
Postwar America: 1945-2001, A Restless Superpower
HIST 359
Medieval Christianities
HIST 360
Settling in America: Race, Ethnicity, and US Immigration Policy, 1790-1965
HIST 361
History of Anti-Catholicism and Nativism in the United States
HIST 362
HIST 363
War and Genocide in Twentieth-Century Europe
HIST 364
The Rise and Fall of American Primacy: U.S. Foreign Policy Since The Cold War
HIST 365
Women and Gender in Modern Europe
HIST 367
Empires, Indians, and Colonists in America, 1492-1763
HIST 369
US Civil Rights Movement, 1945-Present
HIST 370
Religion and Society in the Early Modern World
Colonial Latin America
New Nations and Revolutions: Modern Latin America, 1800-present
Cuba: From Colony to Cold War
Modern Central America
American Religious History
Politics and Religion in 20th Century U.S. History
Religion and Ethnicity in America, 1890- 1990
HIST 374
The Rise of American Slavery and Its Defeat, 1492-1865
HIST 375
Revolutionary America and the Early Republic
The First World War, 1914 - 1918
HIST 377
World War II
World War II in Europe
Nationalism in Europe and Beyond
Nationalism in Europe and Beyond
HIST 379
The Cold War
The Vietnam War
The Legacy of Political Satire
The History of American Music
HIST 380
The Irish in America
Medieval Ireland to 1607
The Capetian Dynasty: A Survey of Medieval France in the High Middle Ages
Modern Ireland: The British Centuries, 1600-1973
Ireland, 1541-1800: Kingdom, Colony, Province (and Nation?)
HIST 381
California, Texas and the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
Latinos in the US
HIST 384
The Church in Latin America, 1492-Present
Latin America and the Vatican, 1492-present
HIST 386
Modern Mexico
Junior Seminar
The Birth of the Public: Music and Society in 18th Century England
HIST 392
History of Latin American Religions
HIST 393
History and Public Life in the United States
HIST 394
Digital Humanities: A Practicum
HIST 396
Envisioning History
Renaissance Rome
HIST 410
Seminar: Persecution and Tolerance in the Medieval Mediterranean
HIST 412
Seminar: Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany
Seminar: Napoleon and the Napoleonic Era
HIST 413
Seminar: English Crime, 1200-1800
HIST 414
Seminar: The U.S. and Latin American Revolutions
HIST 415
Seminar: Civility, Savagery, and Rebellion in the British Atlantic, 1600-1800
HIST 416
Sem: American Lives in the 19th Century
Sem: An Example for All the Land - DC History as US History
Sem: Protest, Riot & Violence in US Political History
HIST 417
Seminar: World War I Narratives
HIST 418
Seminar: The Year 1000
HIST 419
Genghis Khan: World Destroyer or Civilization Builder?
HIST 420
American Lives in the Twentieth Century
HIST 421
Major Topics in American Immigration History
HIST 422
Napoleon to Hitler: War & Society in Modern Europe
HIST 430
Commerce, Culture, and Catholicism
HIST 480
The Twentieth Century Through American Fiction
HIST 492
Directed Readings
HIST 494
Research Apprenticeship
HIST 495
HIST 496
Senior Thesis Seminar
Thesis: Genocide and War in 20th-Century Europe
Thesis: Latin America and the Southwestern U.S., 1492-2012
Thesis: The US in the Long Nineteenth Century, 1790-1920
Thesis: Conflict and Coexistence in the Islamic Middle East
Thesis: Britain from Black Death to the Age of Elizabeth
Thesis: Histories of Migrants and Migration
Politics and Culture in the U.S., 1880-2000
The Mortal and Divine in Art:Catholic Inspiration Across the Ages
HSCP 490
Honors Senior Seminar
HSEV 101
Environmental Science and Sustainability
HSEV 102
Religion, Ethics and Ecology
HSEV 203
The Economics of Energy and The Environment
HSEV 204
Environmental Politics and Policy
HSHU 101
Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World
HSHU 102
Charlemagne to Chaucer: Christian Life in the Middle Ages
HSHU 203
The Age of Discovery
HSHU 204
Christian Culture/Secular Age
HSIN 495
University Honors Program Internship
HSLS 120
Honors Spring Break Trip
HSLS 201
The Virtues
HSLS 202
Mary as Mother, Woman, Idea: An Interdisciplinary Seminar
HSLS 205
City of Athens from Antiquity
HSLS 328
Undergraduate Research Journal Production
HSLS 350
Berlin in Literature and Film
HSLS 351
A History of London
HSLS 352
The Art and Culture of Paris
HSLS 353
Mexico City: A Stage for Multicultural Encounters
HSLS 494
Honors Undergraduate Research
HSMS 230
Mathematical Topics in the Social Sciences I (Honors)
HSMS 330
Mathematical Topics in the Social Sciences II (UH)
HSPH 101
The Desire to Know
HSPH 102
Human Action and Government
HSPH 203
Nature & Human Nature
HSPH 204
Ultimate Questions
HSSS 101
The Concept of the Person in the Social Sciences
HSSS 102
Economic Reasoning and Social Issues
HSSS 203
Social Data Analysis and the Study of Uncertainty
HSSS 204
Families,Markets,Cities: Social and Scientific Perspectives
Science, Religion, and Society
20th C. French Political Thought
HSTR 101
God's Word in Human Words
HSTR 102
Liturgy and the Christian Life
HSTR 203
The Church: Community and Institution
HSTR 204
The Church in Dialogue with Contemporary Culture
HUM 101
Classics in Conversation I: The Dawning of the Western Tradition
HUM 124
Classics in Conversation II: The Christian West
HUM 175
Classics in Conversation III: "Perennial Questions in the Present Era"
IENG 100
ESL Writing/Grammar
Language Lab
ESL Academic Lectures
ESL Listening/Speaking
ESL Reading/Writing
ESL Reading/Writing
ESL Listening/Speaking
ESL Reading/Listening
ESL Vocab Development
IRSH 101
Irish Language and Culture I
IRSH 102
Beginners Irish Language & Culture II
IRSH 103
Irish Language and Culture III
IRSH 104
Lower Intermediate Irish Language & Culture
IRSH 110
Irish Language and Culture
IRSH 230
Being Irish-Ser IrlandÈs: Irish Identity in Caribbean and Latin American Literature
IRSH 306
Dublin & the Invention of Ireland
IRSH 405
Yeats, Eliot, Pound
IRSH 494
Independent Study
ITAL 100
Introduction to Italian
ITAL 101
Elementary Italian I
Elementary Italian I
ITAL 102
Elementary Italian II
ITAL 103
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 104
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 111
Intensive Elementary Italian
ITAL 120
Surfing Venice and its Splendors
ITAL 130
Introduction to Italian Culture and Language
ITAL 203
Advanced Italian I: Talking About Culture
ITAL 204
Advanced Italian II: Talking About Culture
ITAL 210
Italian Women Artists
ITAL 212
Setting the World Ablaze: Italian Women's Writing from Saint Catherine to Elena Ferrante
ITAL 213
The Three Crowns of Italian Literature and Culture: Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio
ITAL 217
Social Issues in Postwar Italian Film, Photography, and Literature
ITAL 219
The Promise of Eternity: Rome and its Image throughout the Centuries
ITAL 220
The Splendor of Rome in Literature &Film
ITAL 221
Archaeology of Daily Life in Ancient Rome: Work and Play
ITAL 226
Fascism, Racism, and War in Italian Literature
ITAL 230
Mafia, Politics and Society in Italian Cinema
ITAL 231
New Italian Cinema: From Paradiso to Gomorra
ITAL 233
The Myth of Childhood in Italian Cinema
ITAL 240
Italy and the Renaissance
ITAL 241
Motherhood in Italian Literature and Culture
ITAL 250
The Italian American Experience; A Survey
ITAL 260
Dangerous Beauty: Venice and its Treasures
ITAL 280
Urban Space As A Stage For Memory
ITAL 300
Thinking Critically: Literature, Film, and Media in Italy
ITAL 301
Society and Culture in the Italian-Speaking World
ITAL 303
Italy and Musical Tradition
ITAL 488
Senior Special Topics Seminar
ITAL 489
Research Seminar
ITAL 494
Independent Study
ITAL 495
Italian Internship
ITAL 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
LAT 101
Elementary Latin I
LAT 101X
Elementary Latin I for Seminarians
LAT 101Y
Elementary Latin I for Seminarians
LAT 102
Elementary Latin II
LAT 102R
Elementary Latin II - Rome Campus
LAT 103
Intermediate Latin I
LAT 103R
Intermediate Latin I - Rome Campus
LAT 104
Intermediate Latin II
LAT 104B
Augustine and Aquinas
LAT 104R
Intermediate Latin II - Rome Campus
LAT 314
LAT 411
Latin Prose Composition
LAT 412
Advanced Grammar and Prose Style
LAT 415
Roman Historiography
LAT 420
Roman Drama
LAT 424
Julius Caesar
LAT 425
Cicero's De Re Publica
LAT 428
Roman Lyric
LAT 429
Roman Elegy
LAT 430
LAT 431
LAT 432
Virgil's Aeneid
LAT 433
Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics
LAT 435
Latin Epic
LAT 448
Roman Pastoral
LAT 453
Roman Oratory
LAT 456
LAT 458
Roman Satire
LAT 459
LAT 461
Introduction to Medieval Latin Studies
LAT 462
Topics in Medieval Latin Studies
LAT 465
Advanced Latin Seminar
LAT 476
Roman Philosophical Works
LAT 479
Roman Epistolography
LAT 481
The Roman Novel
LAT 485
Augustine's Confessions
LAT 487
The Roman Revolution
LAT 488
The Age of Nero
LAT 489
The Christian Church in the Roman Empire
LAT 492
Directed Reading
LAT 492R
Directed Reading
LAT 493
Directed Research
LSC 255
Introduction to Information Systems
LSC 322
Digital Content Creation and Management
LSC 324
Actionable Intelligence
LSC 325
User Interface Design and Evaluation
LSC 327
Introduction to Data Science
LSC 335
Human Information Behavior
LSC 350
Information Architecture and Web Design
LSC 354
Database Design and Management
LSC 433
Information Retrieval and Analysis
LSC 452
Design and Production of Multimedia
LSC 453
Programming for Web Applications
LSC 456
Systems Analysis and Evaluation
Precalculus Review for Math 111 (select section link below for enrollment instructions)
MATH 108
Elementary Functions
MATH 110
Applied Mathematics for Business
MATH 111
Calculus for Social-Life Sciences I
MATH 112
Calculus for Social-Life Sciences II
MATH 114
Probability and Statistics
MATH 121
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MATH 122
Analytic Geometry & Calculus II
MATH 168
Mathematics in the Modern World
MATH 175
Mathematics in Politics
MATH 187
Introduction to Mathematical Thought
Precalculus Review for Math 121 (select section link below for enrollment instructions)
MATH 221
Analytic Geometry & Calculus III
MATH 222
Calculus IV Differential Eqns
MATH 248
Fundamentals of Advanced Mathematics
MATH 301
Linear Algebra
MATH 302
Matrix Methods in Data Analysis and Machine Learning
MATH 309
Probability and Statistics for Engineers
MATH 314
Statistics II
MATH 321
Abstract Algebra I
MATH 322
Abstract Algebra II
MATH 402
Mathematical Modeling in Business, Industry, and Government
MATH 403
Euclidean & Non-Euclidean Geometry
MATH 407
Graph Theory
MATH 408
Elementary Number Theory
MATH 409
Algebraic Number Theory
MATH 410
Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
MATH 415
MATH 417
Advanced Graph Theory
MATH 420
MATH 421
Introductory Analysis I
MATH 422
Introductory Analysis II
MATH 424
Complex Variables
MATH 427
Chaotic Dynamics
MATH 431
Probability and Statistics with Applications I
MATH 432
Probability and Statistics with Applications II
MATH 434
Introduction to Mathematical Finance
MATH 435
Computational Methods in Mathematics and Statistics
MATH 436
Introduction to Game Theory
MATH 441
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 442
Introduction to Difference Equations
MATH 450
Foundations of Mathematics
MATH 451
Introduction to Mathematical Logic
MATH 461
Numerical Analysis I
MATH 462
Numerical Analysis II
MATH 470
Algebraic Topology
MATH 492
Directed Reading
MATH 494
Independent Study
MATH 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
MBU 100
Introduction to Business
MBU 105
Business Mathematics
MBU 110
Accounting I
MBU 111
Accounting II
MBU 140
Principles of Economics
MBU 141
MBU 142
MBU 160
Public Relations
MBU 165
Business Communication
MBU 167
Conflict Resolution
MBU 200
Principles of Management
MBU 201
Management and Organizational Behavior
MBU 205
Contemporary Marketing
MBU 210
Intermediate Accounting I
MBU 211
Intermediate Accounting II
MBU 251
Financial Analysis
MBU 275
Public Opinion Research
MBU 310
Cost Accounting
MBU 320
Introduction to Records & Information Management
MBU 321
Information Development & Documentation
MBU 322
Records Technology
MBU 323
Archives Management
MBU 324
Strategic Management Practices
MBU 325
Electronic Records Management
MBU 326
Developing Employee Capability
MBU 327
Employment Operations
MBU 328
Employee Compensation and Benefits
MBU 330
Retirement Plans: Basic Features and Defined Contribution Approaches
MBU 331
Employee Benefits: Concepts and Health Care Benefits
MBU 332
Employee Benefits: Design, Administration and Other Welfare Benefits
MBU 334
Retirement Plans: Defined Benefit Approaches and Plan Administration
MBU 339
Health Economics
MBU 340
Business Ethics
MBU 341
Business Law I
MBU 342
BusinessLaw II
MBU 350
Supervisory Management Skills
MBU 351
Managerial Leadership
MBU 353
Government and Business
MBU 354
International Financial Management
MBU 355
MBU 356
International Business
MBU 357
Managing Non-Profits
MBU 358
Asset Management
MBU 360
Marketing & Sales Promotion
MBU 361
Human Resource Management
MBU 363
Executive Compensation and Compensation Issues
MBU 365
Key Legal Issues in Human Resource Management
MBU 370
MBU 410
Income Tax Accounting
MBU 411
Tax Accounting II
MBU 453
Labor Relations
MBU 462
Human Resources Staffing
MBU 463
Managing Diversity
MBU 465
Human Resources Development and Training
MBU 466
Managing Performance, Supervision, and Evaluation
MBU 467
Employee and Labor Relations
MBU 468
Human Resources Health, Safety and Security
MBU 469
Organizational Development and Behavior
MBU 470
Organizational Research and Performance Enhancement
MBU 490
MBU 495
Business Internship
MDIA 201
Intro to Media and Communication Studies
MDIA 202
Media and History
MDIA 210
Italian Women Artists
MDIA 217
Social Issues in Postwar Italian Film, Photography, and Literature
MDIA 218
European Culture: Multiculturalism and National Identity
MDIA 225
Magic in German and Hispanic Literature and Film
MDIA 231
New Italian Cinema: From Paradiso to Gomorra
MDIA 300
Disney Media
MDIA 301
Media and Rhetoric
MDIA 302
Intro. to Video Production: Media Rhetoric and Aesthetics
MDIA 305
The Myth of Childhood in Italian Cinema
MDIA 306
The Italian-American Experience: A Survey
MDIA 307
The Splendor of Rome in Literature & Film
MDIA 308
Mafia, Politics and Society in Italian Cinema
MDIA 309
Latin American Cinema: A History
MDIA 310
Espionage in Film
MDIA 311
Critical Approaches to Media
MDIA 312
Intermediate Video Production: Media Composition
MDIA 315
Audio Podcasting
MDIA 316
Food and Media
MDIA 317
Media and Social Change
MDIA 318
Media, Satire & Citizenship
MDIA 320
Civic Media: Policy and Design
MDIA 321
Mass Media Law and Ethics
MDIA 322
Media and Crime
MDIA 324
Silent Film Music
MDIA 325
Media Advocacy and Activism
MDIA 327
Media and the Middle East
MDIA 328
Clint Eastwood: Violence, Vengeance, & Redemption
MDIA 329
Contemporary Global Cinema
MDIA 330
Introduction to Journalism
MDIA 331
Multimedia for Strategic Communication
MDIA 333
Advanced Journalism
MDIA 334
Media Ethics
MDIA 337
Media and the Underclass
MDIA 338
Art of the Interview
MDIA 340
German Weimar Culture
MDIA 341
100 Years of German Film
MDIA 342
The Horror Film
MDIA 343
The Blockbuster Film
MDIA 347
Olympics on Film
MDIA 349
Reporting Methods for Informed Civic Participation
MDIA 352
Museum Studies
MDIA 353
Television and American Culture
MDIA 354
Media Industries
MDIA 356
Film and Emotion
MDIA 357
Sports Media
MDIA 358
Scripting the Presidency
MDIA 359
Virtual Reality: Storytelling and Spaces
MDIA 360
Popular Culture
MDIA 361
History of Popular Music
MDIA 362
Friendship in Film and Media
MDIA 366
American Humor
MDIA 381
Photography in the Digital Age
MDIA 384
Video Art
MDIA 385
Digital Video Editing
MDIA 392
Digital Media Cultures
MDIA 393
Special Topics in New Media
MDIA 395
Lincoln in Literature and Film
MDIA 399
Junior Seminar in Media Studies
MDIA 403
Advanced Video Production
MDIA 412
Special Projects in Media Production
MDIA 417
Researching Media History: Discovering Cultural History at the Library of Congress
MDIA 419
Lincoln's Eloquence
MDIA 420
American Political Rhetoric
MDIA 424
The Rhetoric of Advertising
MDIA 430
The Rhetoric of Propaganda
MDIA 451
Film Narrative: Hitchcock
MDIA 452
Film Narrative: Stanley Kubrick
MDIA 453
American Film Comedy
MDIA 454
American Film Comedy II
MDIA 455
The Crime Film and Literature
MDIA 457
Media Audiences: Reading & Reception
MDIA 458
Religion and Media
MDIA 459
Non-Fiction Film & Media
MDIA 464
Topics in Television Studies
MDIA 494
Independent Study in Media
MDIA 495
Media Internship
Media Internship: Short-term
MDIA 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
MDIA 499
Senior Seminar: Topics in Media Studies
MDST 201
Medieval Pathways
MDST 496
Senior Seminar
MDST 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
MEDU 201
Health, Safety & Nutrition for Infant/Toddler Care
MEDU 202
Responsive Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
MEDU 203
Building Family Relationships & Engagement
MEDU 204
Infant/Toddler Learning/Care Environments
MEDU 205
Leadership & Management for Infant/Toddler Professionals
MEDU 206
Observation & Assessment of Infants and Toddlers
MEDU 495
Infant/Toddler Internship
ME 311
Introduction to Energy and Energy Systems
ME 314
Fundamentals of Mechatronics
ME 342
Junior Design
ME 344
System Dynamics
ME 362
Heat Transfer
ME 371
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
ME 392
Dynamics Laboratory
ME 404
Structural Mechanics
ME 405
Programming & Software Tools for Mechanical Engineering
ME 407
Energy and Buildings
ME 411
Aircraft Simulation and Control
ME 423
Engineering Aspects of Acoustics and Music
ME 424
Hydro and Coastal Energy Technology
ME 426
Alternative Energy Engineering
ME 427
Renewable Energy & Technology
ME 428
Energy Storage: Technology & Design
ME 432
Design of Power & Propulsion Systems
ME 433
Energy Conservation and HVAC
ME 434
Design of HVAC & Refrigeration
ME 437
Air Pollution & Control
ME 441
Senior Design
ME 442
Senior Project
ME 445
Applied Gas Dynamics
ME 454
Aircraft Design
ME 457
Applied Rigid Body Dynamics
ME 458
Introduction to Ocean Engineering
ME 466
Vibrations I
ME 471
Optimal Design of Energy Systems
ME 474
Orbital Mechanics and Mission Design
ME 476
ME 487
Thermal Science Lab
ME 488
ME 489
Smart Structures
MGT 118
The Vocation of Business
MGT 123A
Foundations ofBusiness
MGT 123B
Foundations of Business
MGT 240
Management of Information
MGT 250
Business Communications
MGT 299B
Career Preparation
MGT 301
Ethics in Business and Economics
MGT 302
Completed Staff Work
MGT 310
Leadership & Organization
MGT 311
Organizational Behavior
MGT 312
Supply Chain Management
MGT 321
Commercial Transactions
MGT 322
Business Organizations and Property Rights
MGT 324
Sports Management
MGT 326
Legal Issues in Sports Management
MGT 327
Athletic Administration
MGT 330
Management of Human Resources
MGT 331
Database Management
MGT 333
Association Management
MGT 335
Energy: Lifeblood of the American Economy
MGT 340
The Spirit of Enterprise: Commerce, Culture and Catholicism Through the Ages
MGT 340B
The Spirit of Enterprise: Commerce, Culture and Catholicism Through the Ages
MGT 347
Technology, Innovation & Product Management
MGT 351
Introduction to Business Intelligence
MGT 361
Data Analytics and Visualization for Business
MGT 365
Quantitative Methods in Decision Making
MGT 371
The Legal and Policy Aspects of Government Regulation of Business
MGT 375
The Business of Music
MGT 380
International Business & Marketing in Asia
MGT 381
The Business Environment in the European Union
MGT 381R
The Business Environment in the European Union
MGT 382
The Business Environment in Central & Eastern Europe
MGT 383
The Meaning of Human Ecology
MGT 389
International Financial Management
MGT 390
International Business
MGT 399B
Business Leadership Training
MGT 410
Conflict Resolution
MGT 432
Technology and Operations Management
MGT 440
Enterprise Architecture
MGT 472
Principled Entrepreneurship
MGT 475
Business Strategy
MGT 485
Strategy Consulting
MGT 490
International Business - Developing Countries
MGT 491
Special Topics in Business
MGT 491F
Advanced Topics in Strategy
MGT 494
Independent Study
MGT 495A
MGT 495B
Sports Management Internship
MGT 499B
Senior Capstone
MHU 120
Intro to Art
MHU 122
Visual Arts
MHU 124
Architecture & Western Culture
MHU 125
Renaissance Art & Humanism
MHU 131
Presiding, Presenting, Speaking
MHU 140
Writing Skills
MHU 151
Rhetoric and Composition
MHU 152
Composition and Research
MHU 203
Leadership in the Classics
MHU 204
Creative Writing
MHU 205
Creative Writing: Poetry
MHU 210
American Culture
MHU 211
Cultural Diversity in American Literature
MHU 235
History of Media in the United States
MHU 236
Art of the Early Middle Ages: Celts to Charlemagne
MHU 261
Western Literature
MHU 262
Western Literature II
MHU 320
Film and Literature
MHU 321
Science Fiction Literature
MHU 327
Professional Research and Writing
MHU 350
Music: From Chant to Rock
MHU 355
Shakespearean Drama
MHU 358
Contemporary British Literature
MHU 359
Latin American Literature
MHU 360
Minorities in America
MHU 361
American Literature
MHU 362
American Literature II
MHU 363
African-American Literature
MHU 365
World Literature: Poetry and Prose
MHU 368
Civil Rights in America:1950 to the Present
MHU 370
The Jazz Age
MHU 371
International Cultures in American Literature
MHU 410
Women's Literature
MHU 490
Topics in the Humanities
MID 100
Critical Thinking
MID 101
Problem Solving
MID 150
College Mathematics
MID 210
Introduction to the Biological Sciences
MID 211
People and the Environment
MID 213
Earth Science
MID 214
MID 215
Topics in Modern Science
MID 350
Synthesis, Application, and Integration of Learning
MID 494
Independent Study/Project
MID 494A
Independent Study/Project
MID 495
MID 499
Senior Seminar
MID 50
Synthesis, Application, and Integration of Learning
MIS 105
Introduction to Information Technology
MIS 107
Application of Information Technology
MIS 110
Introduction to Programming
MIS 135
Desktop Publishing
MIS 201
Introduction to Health Informatics
MIS 204
Medical Terminology & Anatomy - Health Info Techn
MIS 206
Medical Coding & Billing I
MIS 207
Medical Coding & Billing II
MIS 208
Electronic Health Records I
MIS 209
Electronic Health Records II
MIS 210
Fundamentals of Information Systems
MIS 211
Cybersecurity Essentials
MIS 212
Cyber Ethics, Laws, Auditing
MIS 213
Cyber Defense
MIS 214
Cloud Security
MIS 220
Introduction of Networking Concepts
MIS 225
Network Security Concepts
MIS 226
Wireless and Mobile Networks
MIS 226
Information and Storage Management
MIS 230
Local Area Networks
MIS 235
Essentials of Web Design
MIS 236
Multimedia Concepts and the Web
MIS 238
MIS 240
Management Information Systems
MIS 241
Cloud Infrastructure
MIS 243
AWS Academy Cloud Foundations
MIS 244
AWS Academy Introduction to Cloud (1)
MIS 245
AWS Academy Introduction to Cloud (2)
MIS 260
Multimedia Authoring/Software
MIS 300
Graphics for the Web
MIS 314
Fundamentals of IT System Technologies: Hardware and Software
MIS 315
Computer Architecture
MIS 319
Unix/Linux for Users and Administrators
MIS 321
Operating Systems Fundamentals
MIS 323
Data Communication and Network Security
MIS 325
Project Management
MIS 326
Project Management II
MIS 327
Software Engineering
MIS 334
An Introduction to Security & Security Awareness
MIS 336
C Language
MIS 337
C++ Language
MIS 338
Internet Architecture
MIS 339
Advanced Internet
MIS 340
Practicum In Web Site Technologies
MIS 341
Practicum In Info and Org Security
MIS 344
Python Programming
MIS 345
Java Programming
MIS 351
Security Technologies & Threat Detection Prevention & Avoidance
MIS 352
Security Policies, Disaster Recovery, Risk Management
MIS 353
Information Privacy, Ethics and the Law
MIS 354
Threat Perception & Evaluation Psychology
MIS 355
Organizational Security and Terrorism
MIS 401
Introduction to Cybersecurity
MIS 431
Database Management Systems
MIS 451
Database Management Systems I-SQL
MIS 453
Database Management Systems II/ PL-SQL
MIS 457
Design and Implementation: Emerging Environments
MKT 325
Sports Marketing
MKT 345
Marketing Management
MKT 346
Market Research
MKT 348
Consumer Behavior
MKT 349
Personal Selling
MKT 350
Digital Marketing
MKT 359
Fashion Marketing
MKT 362
International Marketing
MKT 368
B2B Marketing
MKT 380
International Business & Marketing in Asia
MKT 422
Consultative Professional Sales
MKT 435
Sales Leadership
MKT 436
Principles of Sales Management
MKT 457
Marketing Strategy
MKT 491
Special Topics in Marketing
MKT 494
Independent Study
MKT 495A
MLA 101
Introduction to Paralegal Studies
MLA 110
Professional Responsibility and Legal Ethics
MLA 201
Legal Research and Writing
MLA 211
Civil Procedure
MLA 216
MLA 230
Criminal Law and Procedure
MLA 252
Administrative Law
MLA 253
Constitutional Law
MLA 254
Family Law
MLA 255
Employment Law
MLA 256
Intellectual Property
MLA 257
Real Estate Law
MLA 258
Wills, Trusts, and Estates
MLA 271
MLA 273
Civil Procedure II
MLA 274
MLA 275
Trial Practice
MLA 312
MLA 340
Contract Law
MLA 360
Computer Applications in Law
MLA 400
Advanced Legal Research
MLA 495
Paralegal Internship
ML 199
Undergraduate Research
ML 495
Modern Languages and Literatures Internship
MMGT 101
Foundations of Economic Thought: Part 1
MMGT 102
Foundations of Economic Thought: Part II
MMGT 118
The Vocation of Business
MMGT 123
Foundations of Business
MMGT 171
Human Advantage & the Future of Work
MMGT 205
Introductory Accounting
MMGT 206
Managerial Accounting
MMGT 226
Introduction to Finance
MMGT 240
Management of Information
MMGT 250
Business Communications
MMGT 301
Ethics in Business and Economics
MMGT 310
Leadership & Organization
MMGT 311
Organizational Behavior
MMGT 322
Introduction to Business Law
MMGT 345
Marketing Management
MMGT 365
Quantitative Methods in Decision Making
MMGT 390
International Business
MMGT 475
Business Strategy
Senior Guided Internship
MPH 200
Classical Mind
MPH 201
Modern Philosophy
MPH 202
Contemporary Philosophy
MPH 250
Professional Ethics
MPH 300
Persons and Value
MPH 303
Biomedical Ethics
MPH 309
Theories of Ethics
MPH 311
Contemporary Moral Issues
MPH 325
Philosophy of Science
MPH 330
Philosophy of Human Nature
MPH 350
Philosophy of Religion
MPH 420
Contemporary Philosophy
MPH 450
Ethics & Human Values
MPH 490
Topics in Philosophy
MRE 100
The Old Testament
MRE 101
Introduction to Study of Religion
MRE 110
The New Testament
MRE 135
Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament
MRE 150
Fathers of the Church
MRE 175
The Catholic Tradition
MRE 201
Foundations of Theology I: Scripture and Jesus Christ
MRE 240
Liturgy Prayer and Sacrament
MRE 249
Christianity and Culture
MRE 275
The Medieval Christian Tradition
MRE 300
Contemporary Catholic Thought
MRE 325
Religions of the World
MRE 351
Contemporary Christian Spirituality
MRE 369
The Protestant Experience
MRE 412
Hispanic Catholicism
MRE 424
Theology, Science & Technology
MRE 447
Theology of Marriage and the Family
MRE 448
Emerging Voices in the U.S. Christian Community
MRE 450
Religion & Social Mores
MRE 455
The History of the Catholic Church
MRE 464
Sects/Cults & New Religious Movements
MRE 465
World Religions
MRE 481
World Religions
MRE 490
Topics in Religion
MRE 491
Contemporary Moral Issues
MSO 101
Intro to Human Services
MSO 115
The School-Home Connection: Partnerships Supporting Student Learning
MSO 150
The American Experience to 1877
MSO 151
The American Experience 1877 to Present
MSO 152
America and the World
MSO 170
American Political Science
MSO 180
General Psychology
MSO 185
Organizational Behavior
MSO 190
MSO 200
Human Cultural Diversity
MSO 202
Topics in American History
MSO 203
Social Problems
MSO 220
Psychology of Stress & Coping
MSO 250
Abnormal Psychology
MSO 265
Mass Media and Society
MSO 266
International Affairs
MSO 268
Comparative World Politics
MSO 270
Understanding Global Issues
MSO 271
World Politics
MSO 272
Comparative Politics
MSO 273
Impact of Technology on International Relations
MSO 275
Public Administration
MSO 276
Public Policy
MSO 313
Contemporary American Politics
MSO 317
Global Economic Environment
MSO 328
Public Policy & Human Services
MSO 335
Human Services Delivery: Skills, Strategies, and Resources
MSO 340
Human Services Administration
MSO 345
Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Services
MSO 350
The American Civil War
MSO 358
Immigrant Experience in America
MSO 359
Urban Immigrant Politics
MSO 365
Introduction to Counseling
MSO 380
Social Psychology
MSO 381
Psychology of Aggression & Violence
MSO 384
Principles and Practices of Social Entrepreneurship
MSO 385
Public Private Partnerships
MSO 386
Corporate Social Responsibility
MSO 395
Conflict Resolution
MSO 396
Working with Couples and Families
MSO 397
News Media International Affairs
MSO 398
International Conflict Resolution
MSO 401
Management for Public Health
MSO 412
Social Entrepreneurs, Innovators, and Problem Solvers
MSO 413
Africa Rising
MSO 415
International Social Entrepreneurship
MSO 417
Social Enterprise Development
MSO 450
Case Management and Crisis Intervention
MSO 455
Psych. Child Abuse & Neglect
MSO 461
Psychology of Group Behaviour
MSO 470
Research Methods and Statistics for Social Science
MSO 490
Topics in Social Science
MUPI 110
Private Musical Theatre Instruction for Non Majors
Private Musical Theatre Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 115
Private Vocal Performance Instruction for Non Majors
Private Vocal Performance Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 120
Private Piano Instruction for Non Majors
Private Piano Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 125
Private Organ Instruction for Non Majors
Private Organ Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 130
Private Conducting Instruction for Non Majors
Private Conducting Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 140
Private Composition Instruction for Non Majors
Private Composition Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 150
Private Flute Instruction for Non Majors
Private Flute Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 151
Private Clarinet Instruction for Non Majors
Private Clarinet Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 152
Private Oboe Instruction for Non Majors
Private Oboe Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 153
Private Bassoon Instruction for Non Majors
Private Bassoon Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 154
Private Saxophone Instruction for Non Majors
Private Saxophone Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 160
Private Trumpet Instruction for Non Majors
Private Trumpet Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 161
Private Trombone Instruction for Non Majors
Private Trombone Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 162
Private French Horn Instruction for Non Majors
Private French Horn Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 163
Private Tuba Instruction for Non Majors
Private Tuba Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 170
Private Percussion Instruction for Non Majors
Private Percussion Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 171
Private Drum Kit Instruction for Non Majors
Private Drum Kit Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 180
Private Violin Instruction for Non Majors
Private Violin Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 181
Private Viola Instruction for Non Majors
Private Viola Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 182
Private Cello Instruction for Non Majors
Private Cello Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 183
Private Double Bass Instruction for Non Majors
Private Double Bass Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 184
Private Harp Instruction for Non Majors
Private Harp Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 185
Private Classical Guitar Instruction for Non Majors
Private Classical Guitar Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 186
Private Modern Guitar Instruction for Non Majors
Private Modern Guitar Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 189
Private Electric Bass Instruction
Private Electric Bass Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 210
Private Musical Theatre Coaching
Private Musical Theatre Coaching
MUPI 215
Private Vocal Performance Coaching
Private Vocal Performance Coaching
MUPI 220
Private Piano Coaching
Private Piano Coaching
MUPI 225
Private Organ Coaching
Private Organ Coaching
MUPI 230
Private Conducting Coaching
Private Conducting Coaching
MUPI 240
Private Composition Coaching
Private Composition Coaching
MUPI 250
Private Flute Coaching
Private Flute Coaching
MUPI 251
Private Clarinet Coaching
Private Clarinet Coaching
MUPI 252
Private Oboe Coaching
Private Oboe Coaching
MUPI 253
Private Bassoon Coaching
Private Bassoon Coaching
MUPI 254
Private Saxophone Coaching
Private Saxophone Coaching
MUPI 260
Private Trumpet Coaching
Private Trumpet Coaching
MUPI 261
Private Trombone Coaching
Private Trombone Coaching
MUPI 262
Private French Horn Coaching
Private French Horn Coaching
MUPI 263
Private Tuba Coaching
Private Tuba Coaching
MUPI 270
Private Percussion Coaching
Private Percussion Coaching
MUPI 280
Private Violin Coaching
Private Violin Coaching
MUPI 281
Private Viola Coaching
Private Viola Coaching
MUPI 282
Private Cello Coaching
Private Cello Coaching
MUPI 283
Private Double Bass Coaching
Private Double Bass Coaching
MUPI 284
Private Harp Coaching
Private Harp Coaching
MUPI 285
Private Classical Guitar Coaching
Private Classical Guitar Coaching
MUPI 310
Private Musical Theatre Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Musical Theatre Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 315
Private Vocal Performance Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Vocal Performance Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 320
Private Piano Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Piano Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 325
Private Organ Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Organ Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 330
Private Conducting Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Conducting Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Conducting Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 340
Private Composition Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Composition Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 350
Private Flute Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Flute Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 351
Private Clarinet Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Clarinet Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 352
Private Oboe Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Oboe Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 353
Private Bassoon Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Bassoon Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 354
Private Saxophone Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Saxophone Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 360
Private Trumpet Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Trumpet Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 361
Private Trombone Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Trombone Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 362
Private French Horn Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private French Horn Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 363
Private Tuba Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Tuba Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 370
Private Percussion Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Percussion Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 371
Private Drum Kit Instruction as secondary instrument
Private Drum Kit Instruction as secondary instrument
MUPI 380
Private Violin Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Violin Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 381
Private Viola Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Viola Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 382
Private Cello Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Cello Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 383
Private Double Bass Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Double Bass Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 384
Private Harp Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Harp Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 385
Private Classical Guitar Instruction as Secondary Instrument
Private Classical Guitar Instruction as Secondary Instrument
MUPI 386
Private Modern Guitar Instruction for Non Majors
Private Modern Guitar Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 389
Private Electric Bass Instruction
Private Electric Bass Instruction for Non Majors
MUPI 410
Private Musical Theatre Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Musical Theatre Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 411
Private Musical Theatre Instruction as Primary Instrument, Double Lesson
MUPI 412
Private Musical Theatre Instruction for Art/Drama Majors
Private Musical Theatre Instruction for Art/Drama Majors
MUPI 415
Private Vocal Performance Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Vocal Performance Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 420
Private Piano Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Piano Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 421
Private Piano Instruction as Primary Instrument, Double Lesson
MUPI 425
Private Organ Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Organ Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 430
Private Conducting Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Conducting Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 440
Private Composition Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Composition Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 450
Private Flute Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Flute Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 451
Private Clarinet Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Clarinet Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 452
Private Oboe Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Oboe Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 453
Private Bassoon Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Bassoon Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 454
Private Saxophone Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Saxophone Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 460
Private Trumpet Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Trumpet Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 461
Private Trombone Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Trombone Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 462
Private French Horn Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private French Horn Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 463
Private Tuba Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Tuba Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 470
Private Percussion Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Percussion Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 480
Private Violin Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Violin Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 481
Private Viola Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Viola Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 482
Private Cello Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Cello Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 483
Private Double Bass Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Double Bass Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 484
Private Harp Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Harp Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 485
Private Classical Guitar Instruction as Primary Instrument
Private Classical Guitar Instruction as Primary Instrument
MUPI 490
Private Instruction for Primary Instrument - Double Lessons
Private Instruction for Primary Instrument - Double Lessons
MUS 100
Studio X
MUS 101
Fundamentals of Music Theory
MUS 103
Acting the Text
MUS 103A
Acting the Song
MUS 105A
Ballet I
MUS 105B
Ballet II
MUS 105C
Ballet III
MUS 105D
Ballet IV
MUS 105E
Ballet V
MUS 110
Introduction to Singing
MUS 111
The Fundamentals of Dance
MUS 112
Music in Performance
MUS 117
General-Choral Techniques for the Instrumental Music Educator
MUS 118
Instrumental Techniques for the Choral Music Educator
MUS 119
Blues & Rock: Singing, Writing, and Improvising, for the Non-Music Major
MUS 120
Professional Development: Aspiring Opera Singer
MUS 121
Ear Training and Sight Singing I
MUS 122
Ear Training and Sight Singing II
MUS 123
Harmony I
MUS 124
Harmony II
MUS 125
Accelerated Harmony I
MUS 126
Accelerated Harmony II
MUS 131
Music Literature
MUS 133
Introduction to Jazz
MUS 135
Mary in Art and Music Through the Ages
MUS 139
Introduction to Music Education
MUS 147
Folk Instruments of the World for Music Educators
MUS 148
World Percussion Techniques
MUS 150
Field Experiences in Music Education
MUS 153
Piano Ensemble I
MUS 154
Piano Ensemble II
MUS 155
Piano Sight-Reading
MUS 156
Piano Sight-Reading
MUS 170
Percussion Techniques for Music Educators
MUS 172
Woodwind Techniques for Music Educators
MUS 173
Brass Techniques for Music Educators
MUS 174
String Techniques for Music Educators
MUS 178
Music in Western Civilization
MUS 183
Class Piano I
MUS 184
Class Piano II
MUS 199A
Crew Credit
MUS 199B
Crew Credit
MUS 199C
Crew Credit
MUS 199D
Crew Credit
MUS 205A
Tap I
MUS 205B
Tap II
MUS 205C
MUS 205D
Tap IV
MUS 205E
Tap V
MUS 215
Movement for Actors: Level I
MUS 215A
Movement for Actors: Level II
MUS 221
Ear Training and Sight Singing III
MUS 222
Ear Training and Sight Singing IV
MUS 223
Harmony III
MUS 224
Harmony IV
MUS 276
Engaging the Culture: Performing Arts and Society
MUS 278
Discovering Classical Music
MUS 283
Class Piano III
MUS 284
Class Piano IV
MUS 300
Greek Tragedy and Opera
MUS 301
Roman History and Opera
MUS 302
Silent Film Music
MUS 303
Italy and Musical Tradition
MUS 308
Piano Level VIII
MUS 308A
Piano Level IX
MUS 308B
Piano Level X
MUS 309
Piano Proficiency Exam
MUS 309A
Piano Level VI
MUS 310
Musical Theatre Topics
MUS 310A
Musical Theatre Topics
MUS 310B
Musical Theatre Topics
MUS 311
Musical Theatre Auditioning
MUS 312
Choreography and Composition
MUS 315
Popular and Contemporary Vocal Styles for the Theatre Performer: Level I
MUS 315A
Popular and Contemporary Vocal Styles for the Theatre Performer: Level II
MUS 321
Form and Analysis I
MUS 322
Form and Analysis II
MUS 323
MUS 325
History of Music I
MUS 325H
History of Music I (Honors)
MUS 326
History of Music II
MUS 326H
History of Music II (Honors)
MUS 327
History of Music III
MUS 328
The Birth of the Public: Music and Society in Eighteenth-Century England
MUS 328H
The Birth of the Public: Music and Society in Eighteenth-Century England
MUS 335
The Music of Latin America
MUS 337
Basic Conducting
MUS 338
Choral Conducting
MUS 340
Special Topics in Music Education
MUS 340A
Special Topics in Music Education
MUS 340B
Special Topics in Music Education
MUS 341
Coll/Practicum in Sacred Music (w/class)
MUS 342
Instrumental Conducting
MUS 350
Symphonic, Audition and Solo Literature for Winds, Brass and Percussion
MUS 351
Wind and/or Percussion Orchestral Repertoire II
MUS 375
Arts Administration: Creative Management In the Non-Profit Sector
MUS 381
Advanced Orchestration
MUS 385
History of Musical Theatre, 1727 - 1935
MUS 386
History of Musical Theatre, 1935 - present
MUS 399X
Junior Non-Degree Solo Recital
Junior Solo Composition Recital
Junior Solo Conducting Recital
Junior Solo Musical Theatre Recital
Junior Solo Orchestral Instruments Recital
Junior Solo Organ Recital
Junior Solo Piano Recital
Junior Solo Vocal Performance Recital
MUS 400
Piano Pedagogy I: Early Study
MUS 400A
Piano Pedagogy II: Intermediate Study
MUS 400B
Piano Pedagogy III: Advanced Study
MUS 400E
History of Piano Pedagogy
MUS 401
Accompanying Practicum
MUS 401A
Accompanying Practicum
MUS 402
Chamber Music or Accompanying
MUS 403
Chamber Music or Accompanying
MUS 404
Composition Seminar
MUS 405A
Modern I
MUS 405B
Modern II
MUS 406A
Jazz I
MUS 406B
Jazz II
MUS 406C
Jazz III
MUS 406D
Jazz IV
MUS 407A
Dance Conditioning
MUS 408A
Theatre Dance I
MUS 408B
Theatre Dance II
MUS 412
Tumbling for Dancers
MUS 413
Introduction to Vocal Accompanying
MUS 416
Theatre Movement
MUS 420
Opera Workshop I
MUS 420A
Opera Workshop II
MUS 421
Gen/Choral Student Teacher Seminar
MUS 421A
Elementary Gen/Choral Student Teaching
MUS 421B
Secondary Gen/Choral Student Teaching
MUS 422
Instrumental Student Teaching Seminar
MUS 422A
Elementary Instrumental Student Teaching
MUS 422B
Secondary Instrumental Student Teaching
MUS 423
Combined: Gen/Choral-Instrumental Student Teacher Seminar
MUS 423A
Combined: Elementary Gen/Choral or Instrumental Student Teaching
MUS 423B
Combined: Secondary Gen/Choral or Instrumental Student Teaching
MUS 424
Chamber Music Techniques
MUS 425
Piano Literature I
MUS 425A
Piano Literature II
MUS 425B
Piano Literature III
MUS 425C
Piano Literature IV
MUS 425D
Piano Literature V: The Piano in Chamber Music
MUS 433
The Business of Independent Studio Teaching
MUS 434
MUS 435A
Introduction to Vocal Pedagogy and Physiology
MUS 436A
Stage Movement for Singers I
MUS 436B
Stage Movement for Singers II
MUS 437
Meisner Technique
MUS 438
Senior Coaching Class: Musical Theatre
MUS 441
Musical Theatre Practicum: Minor Role
MUS 442
Musical Theatre Practicum: Major Role
MUS 449
Business of Theatre
MUS 449A
Senior Showcase
MUS 450
Musical Theatre Directing
MUS 451
Elementary General-Choral Music Methods
MUS 452
Secondary General-Choral Music Methods
MUS 457
Intermediate Conducting
MUS 458
Elementary And Middle School Instrumental Music Methods
MUS 459
History of 20th Century Directing
MUS 460
Music in the Early Childhood and Elementary Instruction
MUS 462
Secondary Instrumental Music Methods
MUS 468
Orchestral Literature for String Players
MUS 468A
String Pedagogy
MUS 468B
Guitar Literature
MUS 468C
Guitar Pedagogy
MUS 470
CUA Chamber Choir
MUS 470A
Chamber Choir, Non-Credit Participation
MUS 470B
University Singers
MUS 470C
University Chorus
MUS 470D
CUA Women's Chorus
MUS 470E
CUA Town & Gown Community Chorus
MUS 472
Italian Lyric Diction and Repertoire
MUS 472A
French Lyric Diction and Repertoire
MUS 472B
German Lyric Diction and Repertoire
MUS 473
Introduction to Electronic Composition
MUS 476
Combined Lyric Diction I
MUS 476A
Combined Lyric Diction II
MUS 479
The Organ as a Church Instrument
MUS 479A
The Organist as a Church Musician
MUS 480
University Symphony Orchestra
MUS 480A
Repertory Orchestra
MUS 480B
Wind Ensemble
MUS 480C
Jazz Ensemble
MUS 480D
Percussion Ensemble
MUS 480E
Contemporary Music Ensemble
MUS 480F
Flute Ensemble
MUS 480G
University Symphony Orchestra, Non-Credit Participation
MUS 480H
Repertory Orchestra - Non Credit Participation
MUS 480I
Guitar Ensemble
MUS 480J
Production Orchestra
MUS 481
Seminar in Vocal Performance
MUS 483
Composing for the Liturgy
MUS 487
Writing for Voice
MUS 488
Graduate Harmony Review
MUS 489
Graduate Aural Skills Review
MUS 490
Graduate Music History Review
MUS 494
Independent Study
MUS 494A
Independent Study
MUS 494B
Independent Study
MUS 495
Musical Theatre Internship
MUS 495A
Internship in Teaching Piano
MUS 495B
Music Management Internship
MUS 496
Senior Project /Thesis
MUS 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
MUS 499X
Senior Non-Degree Solo Recital
Senior Solo Composition Recital
Senior Solo Conducting Recital
Concerto Performance
Chamber Work Performance
Senior Music Education Lecture/Recital/Paper
Senior Solo Musical Theatre Recital
Senior Solo Orchestral Instruments Recital
Senior Solo Organ Recital
Senior Solo Piano Recital
Senior Solo Vocal Performance Recital
Senior Composition Minor Recital
Senior Music Education Honors Recital
Senior Piano Minor Recital
200-Level Course
300-Level Course
Anthropology Course
ASWR 405
Introduction to Magnetometry for Space Weather Research
300-Level Classics Course
400-Level Classics Course
Drama Course
German Course
Honors Sequence Theology Course
Humanities Course
SEM 505
SPAN 516
Theology Course
400-Level Course
Accounting Course
ANTH 324
Cultural Heritage of Native America
ARPL 283
History of American City Planning
Approved Course by Associate Dean of Undergraduate
ART 203
Drawing Techniques of the Masters
ART 214
ART 314
Art Concepts and Studio Skills
ART 342
Introduction to Web Design
ART 349
Art and Archaeology of Bronze Age Greece
ART 350
Symbolic Sites: Monuments, Memorials, and Memories
ART 364
Advanced Multimedia Art Using Final Cut Pro
ART 370
Selected Problems in Chinese and Japanese Art
ART 376
Advanced Studio Art Practice
ART 446
ART 474
Seeing is Believing
Art Course
400-Level BE Course
500-Level BE Course
100-Level Biology Course
300-Level Biology Course
400-Level Biology Course
500-Level Biology Course
Biology Course
Business Course
CEE 425
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation
CEE 470
Innovative Infrastructure Management
CEE 472
Intelligent Transportation Systems Connected Vehicles
CEE 475
Introduction to Systems Analysis
CEE 496
Independent Study
Civil & Environmental Engineering Course
100-Level Chemistry Course
200-Level Chemistry Course
300-Level Chemistry Course
400-Level Chemistry Course
500-Level Chemistry Course
Chemistry Course
CLAS 340
Science in Ancient Greece and Rome
Classics Course
100-Level Computer Science Course
200-Level Computer Science Course
300-Level Computer Science Course
400-Level Computer Science Course
CSC 583
Geometry Processing in Computer Graphics and Vision
500-Level Computer Science Course
Computer Science Course
Data Analytics Course
200-Level Drama Course
300-Level Drama Course
400-Level Drama Course
Economics Course
Education Course
EE 405
Embedded Systems
EE 442
Engineering Practice & Design II
EE 546
Electrical Properties of Materials
EE 563
Fundamentals of Acoustics
EE Program Elective
Elective Course
ENG 376
Theatre Topics
ENG 377
Film and Fiction 19th Century Adaptations
ENG 395
Lincoln in Literature and Film
300-Level English Course
ENG 419
Lincoln's Eloquence
ENG 430
Art of Rhetoric
ENG 453
American Film Comedy
400-Level English Course
ENG 530
The Rhetoric of Propaganda
500-Level English Course
100-Level Engineering Course
200-Level Engineering Course
ENGR 390
Introduction to Materials Science
ENGR 395
Engineering Materials Laboratory
300-Level Engineering Course
400-Level Engineering Course
500-Level Engineering Course
Engineering Course
ENT 491
Special Topics in Business
Entrepreneurship Course
Environmental Studies
Finance Course
200-Level French Course
300-Level French Course
400-Level French Course
GER 210
France and Germany and the Construction of the European Community
GER 346
Nietzche to Film Noir
HIST 139
Monarchy in European History
100-Level History Course
200-Level History Course
Israel: Society and History
HIST 371
Latin America: 20th Century
HIST 388
Junior Seminar
300-Level History Course
History Course Numbered 400-409
History Course Numbered 410-419
400-Level History Course
HIST 574
The Missionary Church in America, Asia and Africa, 1500-1800
HIST 685
Religion and Society in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Latin America
History Course
Humanities Courses
IRSH 380
Yeats: Poet of Modern Ireland
200-Level Italian Course
300-Level Italian Course
400-Level Italian Course
LAT 410
Readings in Postclassical Latin
LAT 477
Early Christian Biography
LAT 510
Readings in Postclassical Latin
LAT 541
Introduction to Medieval Latin Language and Literature I
LAT 542
Introduction to Medieval Latin Language and Literature II
LAW 111
Social Justice and the Law: Introduction to Catholic Social Thought
Lit, SBS, Fine Art XXX
Literature, Social Science, Fine Art Course
Literature Elective
Liberal Studies Course
100-Level Math Course
200-Level Math Course
MATH 309
Probability and Statistics for Engineers
300-Level Math Course
400-Level Math Course
Math Course
MBU 356
International Business
100-Level Media Studies Course
200-Level Media Studies Course
MDIA 326
Media and Social Justice
300-Level Media Studies Course
400-Level Media Studies Course
MDIA 559
The Media and Foreign Policy
Media Studies Course
ME 242
Design and Materials
300-Level Mechanical Engineering Course
400-Level Mechanical Engineering Course
500-Level Mechanical Engineering Course
MFP 101
Principles of Financial Planning
MFP 102
Risk Management & Insurance Planning
MFP 103
Investment Planning
MFP 104
Tax Planning
MFP 105
Retirement and Employee Benefits Planning
MFP 106
Estate Planning
MFP 107
Cases in Financial Planning
MGT 223
Management - Theory and Practice
MGT 323
Management - Theory and Practice
MGT 372
Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital
Senior Guided Internship
Management Course
100-Level MSPS Humanities Course
200-Level MSPS Humanities Course
300-Level MSPS Humanities Course
400-Level MSPS Humanities Course
MSPS Interdisciplinary Studies Course
Marketing Course
MLSC 313
Military History -- ROTC only
MPD 121
Medical Spanish Essential
MPD 122
Medical Spanish Informative
MPD 123
Medical Spanish Communicative
MPD 124
Cultural Competence in Health Care
100-Level MSPS Philosophy Course
200-Level MSPS Philosophy Course
300-Level MSPS Philosophy Course
400-Level MSPS Philosophy Course
MSPS Philosophy Course
100-Level MSPS Religious Studies Course
200-Level MSPS Religious Studies Course
300-Level MSPS Religious Studies Course
400-Level MSPS Religious Studies Course
MSPS Religious Studies Course
100-Level Materials Science and Engineering Course
200-Level Materials Science and Engineering Course
300-Level Materials Science and Engineering Course
400-Level Materials Science and Engineering Course
500-Level Materials Science and Engineering Course
MSO 334
Human Services Delivery: A Comprehensive Evaluation
MSPS Social Sciences Course
MUPI 133
Private Instruction
MUPI 169
Private Instruction (Concentrators)
300-Level Music Private Instruction A Course
MUPI 495
Private Instruction
400-Level Music Private Instruction Course
400-Level Music Private Instruction A Course
Music Private Instruction Course
MUS 399
Junior Solo Recital
MUS 409
Intermediate Modern Dance
MUS 435
Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint
MUS 436
Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint
MUS 499
Senior Solo Recital
Senior Recital
Chamber Music or Accompanying
Performance Ensemble
Performance Organization
Performing Organization
Music Course
Natural Science Courses
Public Health
PHIL 351
Introduction to Symbolic Logic
100-Level Physics Course
200-Level Physics Course
300-Level Physics Course
400-Level Physics Course
500-Level Physics Course
Physics Course
POL 300
Introduction to Asian Politics
POL 308
Transnational Politics
POL 310A
Islam and the Modern World
POL 325
The Future of Europe
POL 356
Contemporary Islamic Political Theory
POL 365
Post-Cold War Interventionism in U.S. Foreign Policy
POL 376
U.S. Foreign Policy Perspectives in the 21st Century
POL 400B
Comparative Politics of the Middle East
POL 403A
Tocqueville's Political Thought: Hope, Religion, and Democracy
POL 413A
Power in American Politics
POL 469
Terrorism, Counterterrorism and Civil Liberties after 9/11: European and U.S. Approaches
Psychology Course
SOC 102H
Global Social Problems and Social Justice
Social Sciences Courses
Sociology Course
SPAN 312
US Latino/a Literature, Film, and Music
300-Level Spanish Course
400-Level Spanish Course
500-Level Spanish Course
Spanish Course
300-Level Social Research Course
400-Level Social Research Course
Social Research Course
SSS 554
Homelessness: Individual and Societal Considerations
Technology Courses
Theology and Religious Studies Courses
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 200-209
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 210-219
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 230-239
200-Level Theology & Religious Studies Course
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 300-309
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 310-319
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 330-339
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 340-349
TRS 398A
Introduction to the Qur'an
300-Level Theology & Religious Studies Course
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 400-409
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 410-419
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 430-439
Theology & Religious Studies Course Numbered 440-449
300-Level Theology & Religious Studies Course
NURS 100
Hospital Preparation & Readiness
NURS 151
Introduction to Health Systems and Professions
NURS 152
Entrance HESI
NURS 153
Seminars in US Nursing History
NURS 200
Advanced Hospital Preparation & Readiness
NURS 250
Theatre in Healthcare
Health and Wellness Across the Life Span
Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan for Study Aboard Nursing Students
NURS 256
Population Health
NURS 257
Nutrition and Health
Nutrition and Health
NURS 258
Health Assessment
NURS 272
Community and Population Health Clinical
Adults in Health and Illness - Clinical I
Adults in Health and Illness - Lecture
NURS 301
Women's Health in Primary Care: A Lifespan Approach
NURS 302
Care of the Older Adult
NURS 309
Fundamental Applications
NURS 310
NURS 313
The Nurse's Role in Disaster Preparation, Response/Management, and Recovery
NURS 370
Community and Population Health Lecture
NURS 371
Pathophysiology for ACU Students
NURS 372
Community and Environmental Nursing: Clinical Applications
NURS 373
Community Health Nursing Lecture
NURS 374
Community Health Nursing Clinical
NURS 375
Mental Health Nursing Lecture
Adults in Health and Illness II Clinical
Adults in Health and Illness II Lecture
NURS 377
Mental Health/Psych Clinical
NURS 378
Nursing Informatics & Health Care Technologies
NURS 403
Introduction to Nursing Research
Introduction to Nursing Research
NURS 420
Child and Adolescent Health and Illness Lecture
NURS 421
Child and Adolescent Health and Illness: Clinical applications
NURS 423
Women in Health and Illness Lecture
NURS 424
Management of Health Care Delivery
NURS 426
Medical Surgical Leadership
NURS 427
Transition into Professional Nursing
NURS 428
Women in Health and Illness: Clinical Applications
Adults in Health and Illness III-Clinical
Adults in Health & Illness III-Lecture
NURS 469
Spirituality and Care of the Sick
NURS 479
Adults and Health and Illness
NURS 480
Strategies for Professional Practice
Strategies for Professional Practice
Nursing Practicum
Nursing Practicum Pediatrics
Nursing Practicum Women's Health
Guided Study in Nursing
Guided Study in Nursing
Guided Study in Nursing
Guided Study in Nursing
Guided Study in Nursing
Guided Study in Nursing
Guided Study in Nursing
Guided Study in Nursing
Reasoning and Argumentation
PHIL 201
The Classical Mind: The Origin and Growth of Western Philosophy
The Classical Mind: The Origin and Growth of Western Philosophy
PHIL 202
The Modern Mind: Philosophy from Descartes to the Present
The Modern Mind: Philosophy from Descartes to the Present
PHIL 211
The Classical Mind (Honors)
PHIL 212
The Modern Mind (UH)
PHIL 301
Reasoning and Argumentation
Reasoning and Argumentation
PHIL 302
Introductory Logic
PHIL 303
Biomedical Ethics
PHIL 305
PHIL 308
Philosophy of God
PHIL 309
Theories of Ethics
Theories of Ethics
Theories of Ethics
PHIL 310
Philosophy of Art
PHIL 311
Contemporary Moral Issues
PHIL 313
Philosophy of Human Nature
Philosophy of Human Nature
Philosophy of Human Nature
PHIL 315
Philosophy of Language
PHIL 317
Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 319
Darwin and Design
PHIL 320
Philosophy of Sport
PHIL 328
Philosophy of the Social Sciences
PHIL 329
Philosophy of Science and Nature
Philosophy of Science and Nature
Philosophy of Science and Nature
PHIL 331
Philosophy of Knowledge
Philosophy of Knowledge
Philosophy of Knowledge
PHIL 332
Political Philosophy
Political Philosophy
Political Philosophy
PHIL 333
Philosophy of Natural Right and Natural Law
Philosophy of Natural Right and Natural Law
Philosophy of Natural Right and Natural Law
PHIL 334
Philosophy in the Islamic World
PHIL 335
Islamic Political Philosophy
PHIL 336
Introduction to Asian Philosophy
PHIL 347
Justice, Education, and Leadership in Plato's Republic
PHIL 353
History of Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 354
History of Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 355
Metaphysics I
PHIL 356
Metaphysics II
PHIL 362
Professional Ethics in Engineering
PHIL 374
Ritual Language and Action
PHIL 375
Rhetoric in Theory and Practice
PHIL 403
Morality and Law
PHIL 453
History of Modern Philosophy
PHIL 454
Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 455
Junior Seminar
PHIL 456
Senior Seminar
PHIL 494
Independent Study
PHIL 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
PHYS 101
20th Century Physics I
PHYS 103
PHYS 104
Search of Extraterrestrial Life
PHYS 122
Sound and Light in Nature, Arts and Technology
PHYS 177
Freshmen Seminar: The Atomic Age
PHYS 191
The Newtonian Revolution
PHYS 192
The Einstein/Bohr Revolution
PHYS 194
Space, Time, and Einstein's Theory of Relativity
PHYS 197
The Universe: The First 15 Billion Years
PHYS 199
Newton to Einstein & Beyond
PHYS 205
College Physics I
PHYS 206
College Physics II
PHYS 215
University Physics I
University Physics I (Honors)
PHYS 216
University Physics II
University Physics II (Honors)
PHYS 225
Introductory Mechanics Laboratory
PHYS 226
Introductory Electricity Laboratory
PHYS 240
Sun and Earth: Concepts & Connections
PHYS 406
Introduction to Modern Physics
PHYS 411
Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics I
PHYS 412
Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics II
PHYS 425
Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics
PHYS 428
PHYS 431
Quantum Theory I
PHYS 432
Quantum Theory II
PHYS 435
Analytical Mechanics
PHYS 436
Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 437
Intermediate Nuclear Physics
PHYS 440
Materials Science: Structure and Properties of Solids
PHYS 441
Introduction to Nanotechnology and Device Characterization
PHYS 443
Introduction to Astrophysics
PHYS 451
Senior Seminar
PHYS 452
Senior Seminar II
PHYS 462
Space Weather Seminar
PHYS 465
Solid State Physics I
PHYS 468
Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
PHYS 469
Introduction to Biophysics
PHYS 475
Experimental Techniques and Modern Detector Characterization
PHYS 492
Readings in Physics
PHYS 493
Advanced Research Practice
PHYS 494
Independent Research
PHYS 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
POL 111
Introduction to American Government
POL 112
Introduction to Comparative Politics
POL 202
European Politics
POL 211
Introduction to Political Theory
POL 212
Introduction to International Relations
POL 220
Introduction to Law and Politics
POL 226
Introduction to Peace Studies
POL 230
Politics & The Media: An American-Global Perspective
POL 260
Introduction to American Intelligence
POL 270
Special Topics in Politics
POL 285
American Literature and Politics
POL 301
Introduction to Public Administration, Governance, and Public Service
POL 302
Contemporary Issues of Public Policy
POL 303
The Politics of China
POL 304
Religion, Politics, and Globalization in China
POL 305
Anthropology of International Development
POL 307
Global Issues
POL 307A
Refugees and Political Crises
POL 309
Politics in the Age of Trump
POL 310
The US Presidency
POL 312
The Civil Rights Movement
POL 313
Urban Government & Politics
POL 314
American Ethnic Politics
POL 316
The Congress
POL 317
American Public Opinion
POL 319
Democracy and Politics in Classical Athens
POL 321
Mass Media Law and Ethics
POL 322
Federalists and Anti-Federalists
POL 323
Constitutional Law I
POL 324
Constitutional Law II
POL 326
Politics of the Middle East
POL 327
Nationalism and Islam: Post-Colonial Movements
POL 328
Catholic Social Teaching and Global Politics
POL 329
Israel and World Politics
POL 331
Islam and Politics in the Modern World
POL 332
Republic or Empire: Ideas and Practice in American Foreign Policy
POL 333
Democracy and Democratization
POL 337
Security Studies
POL 337A
POL 338
The Art of the Interview
POL 339
Contending Views on US Intelligence From Truman to Reagan
POL 340
Introduction to Intelligence Analysis & Estimation
POL 340A
Global Pandemics and World Politics
POL 342
British Government and Politics
POL 343
Italian Politics (Rome)
POL 344
Brazil in World Affairs
POL 345
Comparative Public Policy
POL 347
Justice, Education, and Leadership in Plato's Republic
POL 350
Latin American Politics
POL 351
The French Colonial Project and the "Civilizing Mission"
POL 359
Ancient & Medieval Political Thought
POL 360
Modern Political Thought
POL 361
American Politics in Film
POL 363
Politics of the 60's
POL 366
Democracy in Elections in France & US
POL 367
France, Germany, and the EU
POL 369
Politics of the '80s
POL 371
Politics of New East Europe
POL 372
Politics and Culture in France and the United States
POL 400
American Political Parties
POL 400A
U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East
POL 401
Mass Media and American Politics
POL 402
The Values Divide: American Politics & Culture in Transition
POL 403
Person and Common Good
POL 404
Law and Morality
POL 404A
POL 405
National Elections
POL 405A
Constitutional Democracy in Theory and Practice
POL 406
Environment & Development
POL 406A
Seminar: Voegelin
POL 407
U.S. Political Leadership to 1912
POL 407A
The Supreme Court
POL 408
Congressional Leadership
POL 409
Foundations of Christian Political Thought (Bible to Middle Ages)
POL 410
American Political Thought I
POL 410A
Modern Christian Political Thought
POL 411
American Political Thought II
POL 412A
Homeland Security
POL 414
The Arab-Israeli Conflict
POL 414A
Power in American Politics
POL 415
Security in the Information Age
POL 416
American Federalism
POL 417
Classic Political Thought
POL 418
German Idealism and Its Aftermath
POL 419
Interest Groups & American Politics
POL 420
Contemporary Issues in Congress
POL 421
U.S. Midterm Elections
POL 422
20th-CenturyFrench Political Thought
POL 423
Politics & Military Strategy
POL 424
Contemporary Issues in State and Local Government
POL 425
Liberalism and Its Critics
POL 426
Voting and Elections
POL 427
U.S. Political Leadership Since 1912
POL 428
Conservatism and American Politics
POL 429
Native Peoples, Environment and Religions
POL 431
Classics of International Relations
POL 431A
East Asian Security
POL 432
Transatlantic Security
POL 433
Russian Foreign Policy
POL 435
Cyber Intelligence and US Policy
POL 436
United States, China and International Relations of East Asia
POL 437
Countering Terrorists and Radicals
POL 438
Asian Security
POL 441
Britain and Europe in a Global Perspective
POL 442
French Liberal Thought and Politics
POL 442A
British Politics
POL 443
Politics of Overseas Bases and American Empire
POL 445
US Foreign Policy
POL 445A
Contemporary Issues in the UK
POL 446
European Integration
POL 447
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
POL 448
Religion and World Politics
POL 450
Public International Law
POL 451
Legislating Heritage: Domestic Law and International Conventions
POL 453
Constitutional Theory and Interpretation
POL 454
Comparative Foreign Policy
POL 455
American Political Development
POL 456
Congress and Foreign Policy
POL 457
War in the Modern World
POL 458
The Media and Foreign Policy
POL 459
Human Rights Politics in Asia
POL 459A
Israel and International Human Rights
POL 460A
Grand Strategies of War and Peace
POL 461
Advanced International Relations Seminar
POL 461A
Thucydides: War and Leadership
POL 462
Moral Foundations of Intelligence
POL 462A
Comparative Foreign Intelligence Services
POL 463
Advanced Studies in Congress
POL 465
American Political Culture
POL 466
The Cold War and the Populist Aftermath
POL 468
US Counterintelligence Operations and Controversies
POL 470
Korea in World Politics
POL 471
Issues in Contemporary U.S. Intelligence
POL 471A
Leaders and Their Spies
POL 472
National Security Processes
POL 473
International Political Economy
POL 474
Classics of Political Economy
POL 475
Advanced Special Topics in Politics
POL 476
Politics and Literature
POL 477
Political Theory of the American Framing
POL 478
Environmental Politics and Policy
POL 479
Advanced Topics in Public Law
POL 480
Critical Political Theory
POL 481
Advanced Topics in Political Theory
POL 492
Undergraduate Directed Readings
POL 494
Undergraduate Independent Study
POL 495
London Parliament Internship
POL 495A
Capital Internship
POL 495B
Washington Internship
POL 495C
British Parliamentary Internship
POL 496A
Senior Honors Thesis
POL 496B
Senior Honors Thesis
POL 498A
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
PORT 201
Portuguese Language and Culture I
PORT 300
Portuguese for Spanish Speakers
PORT 330
Carnival and Samba in Brazilian Literature and Film
PSY 199
First Year Seminar
PSY 201
General Psychology
PSY 204
Introduction to Biological Psychology
PSY 207
Early Childhood Development
PSY 216
Psychology of Religion
PSY 224
Psychology of Women and Men
PSY 226
Close Interpersonal Relationships
PSY 228
Modern Look at Freudian Psychology
PSY 232
Psychology of Stress & Coping
PSY 240
The Aging Mind
PSY 243
Sport Psychology
PSY 245
Vocational Psychology
PSY 251
Psychology of Terrorism
PSY 252
Psychology of Peace and Conflict
PSY 253
Political Psychology
PSY 261
Psychology and the Media
PSY 272
Psychology and Technology
PSY 282
Creating Mental Wellness - An International Approach
PSY 287
Mental Health in the African American Community
PSY 301
Psychology of Work
PSY 302
Forensic Psychology
PSY 303
Industrial Organizational Psychology
PSY 304
Brain and Behavior
PSY 305
Social Psychology
PSY 307
Child Development
PSY 308
Social Development
PSY 309
Psychology of Adolescence
PSY 310
Cognitive Development
PSY 313
Leadership in Organizations
PSY 322
Introductory Statistics
PSY 350
General Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 371
Sensation & Perception
PSY 373
Cognitive & Behavior Therapy
PSY 374
Personality Psychology
PSY 375
Psychology of Memory
PSY 376
Cognitive Psychology
PSY 377
Psychology of Space Exploration
PSY 379
Life Span Development
PSY 380
Abnormal Psychology
PSY 381
Clinical Psychology
PSY 382
Abnormal Child Psychology
PSY 383
Health Psychology
PSY 384
Cultural Psychology
PSY 385
Psychology of Brain Injury
PSY 386
Developmental Disabilities
PSY 387
Community Interventions in Mental Health
PSY 407
Psychology of Parenting
PSY 411
Mindfulness and Meditation I
PSY 412
Mindfulness and Meditation II
PSY 421
Positive Psychology
PSY 430
Military Psychology
PSY 444
Developmental Neuroscience
PSY 445
Clinical Neuroscience
PSY 446
Cognitive Disabilities
PSY 447
Applied Cognitive Psychology
PSY 451
Senior Seminar
PSY 471
Laboratory in Sensation and Perception
PSY 473
Laboratory in Cognitive and Behavior Therapy
PSY 474
Laboratory in Personality
PSY 475
Lab in Psychology of Memory
PSY 476
Laboratory in Cognitive Psychology
PSY 479
Laboratory in Life Span Development
PSY 482
Applied Psychology Research Methods
PSY 483
Clinical Psychology Research Methods
PSY 484
Survey Research Methods
PSY 486
Experimental Psychology Research Methods
PSY 488
Physiological Research Methods
PSY 489
Developmental Psychology Research Methods
PSY 491
Professional Development in Research, Publications and Presentations
PSY 492
Readings in Psychology
PSY 493
Research Apprenticeship for UG
PSY 493B
Research Apprenticeship for UG
PSY 495
Psychology Internship
PSY 496
Senior Thesis
PSY 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
SAS 199
Research Mentorship
SEM 241
Introduction to Arabic
SEM 242
Introduction to Arabic
SEM 246
Introduction to Modern Standard Arabic
SEM 247
Arabic Literature in Translation
SEM 311
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
SEM 312
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
SEM 331
Introduction to Syriac I
SEM 332
Introduction to Syriac II
SEM 381
Introduction to Coptic Studies
SOC 101
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 102
Global Social Problems and Social Justice
SOC 107
Introduction to Criminal Justice
SOC 109
Health and Society
SOC 110
Introduction to Africana Studies
SOC 177
Freshman Seminar
SOC 201
The Human Condition: Culture, Society, and Personality
SOC 202
Research Methods
SOC 203
Race and Ethnicity: Social Science Perspectives
SOC 204
Transnational Crime
SOC 205
Sociology of Crime and Justice
SOC 206
Families and Society
SOC 208
Sociology of Delinquency
SOC 210
Science, Religion, and Society
SOC 220
Social Interaction
SOC 225
Sociology of Culture
SOC 226
Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution
SOC 227
Crime and Punishment: How Culture Shapes our understanding And Response To Crime
SOC 230
Families, Incarceration, and Inequality
SOC 241
Religion in the Modern World
SOC 242
Israel: Society and History
SOC 270
Human Rights in a Global Society
SOC 281
Population, Environment and Society
SOC 290
Race Relations in the New Millennium
SOC 300
Data Analysis in the Social Sciences
SOC 301
Statistics of Analysis for Social Science I
SOC 302
Sociology of Leadership: Organizational Life in Washington DC
SOC 303
Public Safety Leadership
SOC 304
Religion, Politics, and Globalization in China
SOC 305
Sexuality: A Data-Driven Perspective
SOC 306
Sociology of Masculinity
SOC 307
Education and Society
SOC 308
Beauty and Society
SOC 308H
Beauty and Society (Honors)
SOC 309
Sociology of Law
SOC 310
Police, Law, and Society
SOC 311
SOC 313
Criminal Investigations
SOC 315
Crimes in Urban America
SOC 316
World Poverty
SOC 317
Criminological Theory
SOC 319
Modern Islamic Terrorism
SOC 320
Terrorism and Counter Terrorism
SOC 321
Religion & International Development
SOC 322
Military and Society
SOC 323
Race Relations in Multicultural Societies
SOC 324
Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC 325
Public Policy and Healthcare
SOC 326
Diversity in a Multicultural Society
SOC 328
Death and Dying
SOC 329
White Collar Crime
SOC 330
Work in the 21st Century: Career and Identity in the New Economy
SOC 331
Globalization & Social Movement
SOC 332
Popular Culture and Crime in American Society
SOC 333
Economy and Society in Contemporary China
SOC 334
Economic Sociology: Capitalism, Globalization and Development
SOC 335
SOC 336
Public Policy Around the World
SOC 337
Crime and Corruption in Chinese Society
SOC 338
The Urban Metropolis
SOC 339
SOC 340
Catholic Social Doctrine and Social Justice
SOC 341
Border Security
SOC 342
Jerusalem: Urban Sociology of the Holy City
SOC 343
Religion and Mental Health in Global Perspective
SOC 343H
Religion and Mental Health in Global Perspective
SOC 345
Sociology of Sports
SOC 350
Computer Applications for Policy Research
SOC 351
Inequality: The Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender
SOC 352
Sociological Theory
SOC 353
Social Inequalities in Health
SOC 354
Social Psychology of Crime
SOC 357
National Security and Civil Liberties
SOC 361
Migration and Immigrant Communities
SOC 363
Race and Religion
SOC 365
Controlling America's Borders: Issues and Problems
SOC 370
State, Society, and Terrorism in Iran
SOC 371
Deviance and Control
SOC 373
Cross Cultural Gender Studies
SOC 383
Disability Policies
SOC 401
Institutions and Organizations
SOC 405
Constitutional Law and Criminal Procedure
SOC 407
Pillaging, Murder and Mayhem: A Survey of Violent Crime
SOC 408
Religion and Terrorism
SOC 409
Class and Inequality in American Society
SOC 413
Gender and Society
SOC 415
Criminal Behavior in America
SOC 421
Social Innovation
SOC 423
Comparative Development and Social Change
SOC 424
Conflict and Conflict Resolution
SOC 433
Environmental Justice and Ethics
SOC 450
Race Relations in Feature Film
SOC 451
Senior Thesis Tutorial
SOC 452
Senior Coordinating Seminar
SOC 460
Political Sociology
SOC 468
US Counterintelligence: Operations and Controversies
SOC 473
Gender and Globalization
SOC 492
Directed Reading
SOC 493
Directed Research
SOC 494
Independent Study in Sociology
SOC 495
SOC 496
Thesis Guidance
SOC 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Exam
SOC 499
Selected Topics in Sociology
SPAN 101
Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 102
Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 103
Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 104
Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 107
Spanish for Health Care I
Spanish for Health Care I
SPAN 108
Spanish for Health Care II
International Clinical Practicum
SPAN 111
Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPAN 112
Review of Elementary Spanish
SPAN 113
Intensive Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 120
Discovering Madrid Through the Arts
SPAN 203
Love, Power, and Death in Literature and Film
SPAN 204
Spanish through Film and Literature: Gender, Morality and, History
SPAN 205
Cultural Perspectives of Spain
SPAN 206
Topics in Latin American Culture
SPAN 207
Advanced Spanish for Health Care I
SPAN 208
Advanced Spanish for Health Care II
Advanced Spanish for Health Care II - Honors
SPAN 210
Spanish for Heritage Speakers I
SPAN 211
Spanish for Heritage Speakers II
SPAN 213
US Latino Identity in Literature, Film and Music
SPAN 214
The Inca Empire Before and After the Conquest
SPAN 215
Spain Through Art, Music and Literature
SPAN 216
Narrating the US-Latino/a Experience: Migration, Identity, and Community
SPAN 217
Introduction to Catalan Language and Society
SPAN 219
Spanish Mysticism
SPAN 220
Muralism and Resistance in (Latin) American Art
SPAN 224
Cervantes' Don Quixote in Translation: A Conversation with the Don
SPAN 225
Magic in German and Hispanic Literature and Film
SPAN 228
Afro-Hispanic Literature and Culture
SPAN 229
Hispanic Immigration and Multiculturalism Through Literature
SPAN 230
Being Irish-Ser IrlandÈs: Irish Identity in Caribbean and Latin American Literature
SPAN 240
Reading Madrid: from Royal Court to Global City
SPAN 267
Spanish as a Minority Language
SPAN 270
Latin American Cinema: A History
SPAN 271
Spanish & Latin American Literature in Translation
SPAN 274
Costa Rica's Civilization and Culture
SPAN 277
Cultural Competence Awareness in Health Care
Cultural Competence Awareness in Health Care - Honors
SPAN 300
Thinking Critically: Literature, Film, and Media in the Spanish-Speaking World
SPAN 301
Society and Culture in the Spanish-Speaking World
SPAN 302
Intro to Spanish for International Service
SPAN 304
Public Speaking: Strategies for Oral Communication in Spanish
SPAN 305
Public Speaking for Heritage Students
SPAN 306
Spanish Phonetics
SPAN 307
Communication and Culture in Spanish-English Health Care Settings
SPAN 308
Applied Spanish in Health Care Education From Childhood To Advanced Years
SPAN 309
Taking Laughter Seriously: Humor in Latin American Cultures and Literatures
SPAN 310
Contemporary Hispanic Issues
SPAN 314
Introduction to Spanish for the Professions
SPAN 316
Spanish Writing Demystified
SPAN 317
Enigmatic Microfictions (Microcuentos) in Spain and Latin America
SPAN 318
Barcelona in Literature and the Arts
SPAN 319
Latin(a) American Women Writers: The Struggle for Representation
SPAN 321
Portraits of Spain: Literature and Culture in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras
SPAN 322
U.S. Latino Music
SPAN 324
Mysticism in Literature and Film
SPAN 325
The Habsburg Dynasty in Spain: Politics and Past-Times
SPAN 327
Going Rogue: Spanish Picaresque
SPAN 328
Afro-Hispanic Literature and Culture
SPAN 329
Hispanic Immigration and Multiculturalism Through Literature
SPAN 333
Understanding How The Spanish Language Works
SPAN 345
Spanish in the United States: Debunking the Myths
SPAN 349
Food, Culture and Society in Latin America
SPAN 356
Hispanic Popular Song
SPAN 376
20th Century Latin American Literature and Identity
SPAN 380
Film, Culture and History
SPAN 401
Spanish for Business
SPAN 402
Translation in International Affairs
SPAN 407
Melodrama! or the Mode of Excess in the Span-Speaking World
SPAN 412
Encounters: Exploration and Conquest of Latin America
SPAN 415
Latin American Short Fiction
SPAN 430
Hispanic and Latino/a Perspectives on Dignity, Poverty, and Religion
SPAN 435
Religion in Modern and Contemporary Spanish Fiction
SPAN 436
Memory of the Spanish Civil War
SPAN 448
Cervantes & Spanish Golden Age
SPAN 460
Spanish Variation in the World
SPAN 485
Legal Translation and Interpretation
SPAN 486
Special Projects in Advanced Translation
SPAN 488
Senior Special Topics Seminar
SPAN 489
Research Seminar
SPAN 494
Independent Study
Spanish Internship
Health Care Internship
SPAN 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
Health Care Internship--Honors
SRES 101
Markets & Prosperity I
Markets & Prosperity I (Honors)
SRES 102
Markets & Prosperity II
SRES 201
Advanced Topics in Economics I
SRES 202
Advanced Topics in Economics II
SRES 260
Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
SRES 315
Catholic Social Thought and Political Economy
SRES 325
Public Policy and Federal Budgets
SRES 330
Work in the 21st Century: Career and Identity in the New Economy
SRES 333
Economy and Society in Contemporary China
SRES 345
Marriage, Family, and Social Order
SRES 350
Education and Religion in Social Research
SRES 391
Special Topics in Social Research
SRES 408
Evolution of Business, Human Rights & ESG
SRES 411
The Business of Civil Rights
SRES 412
Labor Economics and Labor Relations
SRES 470
Justice, Social Justice, and Natural Law
SRES 476
The Spirit of Entrepreneurial Capitalism
SRES 491
Advanced Special Topics in Social Research
SRES 494
Undergraduate Independent Study
SRES 496
Senior Seminar in Social Research
SSS 101
Introduction to Social Work
SSS 208
Eco-Social Justice: A View From Appalachia
SSS 223
Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
SSS 225
Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
SSS 226
Explaining The Unexplained: Using Ethnography and Science To Examine Life's Big Questions
SSS 227
Crime and Punishment: How Culture Shapes Our Understanding and Response to Crime
SSS 228
How Do We Create Mental Wellness: An International Approach
SSS 302
Social Welfare Policy I
SSS 302H
Social Welfare Policy I (Honors)
SSS 303
Social Welfare Policy II
SSS 305
Anthropology of International Development
SSS 326
Diversity in a Multicultural Society
SSS 340
Social Work Research and Statistics I
SSS 341
Social Work Research & Statistics II
SSS 352
Social Work Practice I
SSS 453
Social Work Practice II
SSS 454
Social Work Practice III
SSS 465
Undergraduate Concurrent Field Instruction I
SSS 466
Undergraduate Concurrent Field Instruction II
SSS 490
Coordinating Seminar
SSS 493A
Reading and Research in Social Work
SSS 493B
Reading and Research in Social Work
SSS 493C
Reading and Research in Social Work
SSS 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
TRS 158
International Mission Experience
TRS 159
Theology of Mission: Service in Charity and Justice
TRS 200
Introduction to the Old Testament
TRS 201
Foundations of Theology I: Scripture and Jesus Christ
TRS 201H
Foundations of Theology I: Scripture and Jesus Christ (Honors)
TRS 202A
The Church and the Human Person
TRS 202B
The Church and the Human Person
TRS 203
Bible in the Life of the Church
TRS 203B
Bible in the Life of the Church for Business Students
TRS 205
Jerusalem in History and Tradition
TRS 210
Introduction to the New Testament
TRS 220
Church Through the Ages: Paul to Luther
TRS 221
Church Through the Ages: Trent to Vatican II
TRS 230
Introduction to Moral Theology/Ethics
TRS 240
Christian Liturgy Prayer Sacrament
TRS 251
The Dynamics of Christian Spirituality
TRS 261
Enduring Questions in Catholic Theology
TRS 270
Lives of the Saints
TRS 280
The Religious Quest
TRS 280A
The Religious Quest
TRS 290
World Religions
TRS 291
Introduction to Christianity
TRS 300
Narrative in the Old Testament
TRS 300A
The Old Testament andFilm
TRS 301
Introduction to Biblical Archaeology
TRS 302
Women in the Bible
TRS 303
Creation in the Old Testament
TRS 304
The Psalms
TRS 305
Justice and the Old Testament
TRS 306
War and Violence in the Old Testament
TRS 307
Prophecy in Israel
TRS 308B
Race and Ethnicity in the Bible and Ancient World
TRS 309
Wisdom from the Sages of Israel
TRS 310
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark & Luke
TRS 310H
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark & Luke (Honors)
TRS 311
The Gospel of John
TRS 312
The Letters of Paul
TRS 313
Book of Revelation
TRS 314
The Bible and the Quran
TRS 315
Narrative in the Synoptic Gospels
TRS 316
Suffering in the Bible
TRS 320
Reformation 1500-1648
TRS 320A
Reform, Reformation, Renewal: 1500 - 1610
TRS 321A
The Church in Africa
TRS 322
Christian Beginnings
TRS 323
Christian Traditions I
TRS 324
Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes
TRS 324A
Women in the Christian Tradition
TRS 324B
Mary in the History of Christianity
TRS 325
American Catholicism Since 1945
TRS 327
American Catholic History: Catholic Identities 1800-1970
TRS 328
Makers of Hispanic Catholic History
TRS 329
Martyrdom in the Christian Traditions, Antiquity to the Present
TRS 330
The Church and Social Issues
TRS 331
Theology and Human Rights in Latin America
TRS 332
Contemporary Moral Issues & the Catholic Tradition
TRS 333
Biomedical and Health Care Ethics for Nursing
TRS 333A
Biomedical and Health Care Ethics
TRS 334
War, Peace & Revolution: Christian Perspectives
TRS 335
Christian Marriage and Family Life
TRS 337B
History of Christian Political Thought
TRS 337D
Liberalism and Catholic Political Thought
TRS 338
War Ethics and Film
TRS 338A
Religion and Ethics on Film
TRS 339
Technology and Theology
TRS 340
Christian Celebration: The Mass
TRS 341
Sickness, Death and Christian Ritual
TRS 342
The Sacraments of Initiation
TRS 343
Christian Feasts and Devotions
TRS 344
Spiritualities and Liturgies of the Eastern Churches
TRS 345
Liturgical Art and Architecture
TRS 351
Contemporary Christian Spirituality
TRS 352
Pilgrimages in the History of Christianity
TRS 353
Religion and the Life Cycle
TRS 354
Religious Experience: Psychological and Theological Perspectives
TRS 355
The Mission of the Contemporary Catholic
TRS 356
Francis of Assisi: Prophet of Peace and of Creation
TRS 356A
Francis and Clare
TRS 356B
Bonaventure Journey
TRS 357
TRS 357A
Jesus the Teacher: Parables, Proverbs and Metaphors
TRS 358
Ministry with Vulnerable Populations
TRS 359
Teenagers: The Church Today and Tomorrow
TRS 360
The Catholic Church Today
TRS 361
Vatican II: The Church in Council
TRS 362
Theology of the Church
TRS 362R
Theology of the Church inRome
TRS 363
Jesus as the Christ: Contemporary Perspectives
TRS 363R
Christology in the City of Rome
TRS 364
The Catholic Church and other Churches
TRS 365
The Triune God
TRS 366
The Mysteries of the Life of Christ in Theology and Music
TRS 367
Theology of the Patristic Period
TRS 367A
Unity and Diversity: Theology in the Middle Ages
TRS 368
Christianity and Capitalism
TRS 368A
Christianity and Politics
TRS 369
The Protestant Experience
TRS 371
Marriage & Annulments in the Catholic Church
TRS 373
Theology, Science and Technologies
TRS 375
The Creeds
TRS 376
Mary, Mother of God, Mother of the Church
TRS 377
John Henry Newman: Life and Writings
TRS 379
Life, Death, Heaven, Hell
TRS 380
Religion in American Culture
TRS 380A
The Challenge of Religious Pluralism in the American Experience
TRS 381
Ways of Peace in World Religions
TRS 382
Religion and Public Policy
TRS 383
Race and Religion
TRS 384
Sects/Cults/New Religious Movements
TRS 385
Religion & Ecology
TRS 386
Apocalypse: Religious & Cultural Meaning
TRS 387
Playing God: Genetics, Ecology, and Religion
TRS 388
Religion and Sports
TRS 389
Religion and World War II
TRS 390
Taoism & Confucianism
TRS 391
Introduction to Buddhism
TRS 391A
Chinese and Japanese Buddhism
TRS 392
Hinduism: Religion and Art
TRS 393
Classic Texts of World Religions
TRS 393A
Comparative Mythology
TRS 395
Christian Muslim Relations
TRS 395A
Jewish-Christian Relations, Judaism and Israel
TRS 395B
War and Peace in the Abrahamic Traditions
TRS 396
Basic Jewish Texts
TRS 397
Introduction to Judaism
TRS 397A
Israel and the Jewish Diaspora: Religion and Identity
TRS 398
Introduction to Islam
TRS 399
Islamic Thought: Selected Topics
Scripture: Inspiration and Interpretation
TRS 410
Special Topics in New Testament
TRS 420
Special Topics in Church History
Character and Commandments
Liturgy and the Christian Life
TRS 453
The Practice of Pastoral Ministry
TRS 454
Introduction to Hispanic Ministry
TRS 460
Special Topics in Theology
TRS 465
Christian Theology I
TRS 466
Christian Theology II
Christian Theology
TRS 485
Ways of Studying Religion
Ways of Studying Religion
TRS 491
Theology of World Religions
TRS 492
Directed Reading
TRS 492A
Directed Reading: Single Topic
TRS 495
Internship in Pastoral Ministry
TRS 497
Capstone Seminar in Theology and Religious Studies
TRS 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination
UGS 328
Undergraduate Research Journal Production
UGS 333
Trial Theory and Principles of Litigation
UGS 495
General Undergraduate Internship
WASH 101
Washington Past & Present: An Introductory Study
XAAL 500
SA Arab American Language Institute
SA Summer Arab American Language Institute
XABP 500
Study Abroad - Anglo British Parliament
XACG 500
Study Abroad American College Greece
Study Abroad American College Greece Summer
XACM 500
SA Association of Colleges in the Midwest
XACU 500
SA Australian Catholic University
XAIF 500
Study Abroad American Institute for Foreign Study
Study Abroad AIFS Summer
XAMD 500
SA AMIDEAST Education Abroad Program
XARC 500
SA Arcadia University Abroad
SA Summer Arcadia University
XASA 500
SA Academic Studies Abroad
SA Academic Studies Abroad
XATH 500
SA College Year in Athens
SA Summer College Year in Athens
XAUC 500
Study Abroad - American University of Cairo
XBER 500
SA FU-BEST Berlin European Studies
XCAR 500
Study Abroad - Cardiff University
XCET 500
SA CET Academic Programs
SA Summer CET Academic Programs
XCIE 500
XCIE 500S-3
SA Summer CIEE (3)
XCIE 500S-6
SA Summer CIEE (6)
XCIE 500S-10
SA Summer CIEE (10)
XCIS 500
Study Abroad Center for International Studies
CISabroad Summer
XCOM 500
Study Abroad - Universidad Pontificia Comillas
International Security and Intelligence Programme
XDUB 500
SA Dublin Parliament Internship
XEIC 500
SA Catholic University of Eichstatt Exchange
XEIC 500S-3
SA Summer Catholic University of Eichstatt Exchange (3)
XEIC 500S-6
SA Summer Catholic University of Eichstatt Exchange (6)
XFRE 500
SA Univ of Notre Dame Australia Exchange
XGAL 500
National U. Ireland - Galway
XHKG 500
SA Hong Kong Polytechnic University Exchange
Hispanic Studies Summer Institute Chile
XHST 500
SA Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
XIAB 500
Study Abroad - Institute of the Arts Barcelona
XIAS 500
SA Irish American Scholars Program
XICP 500
Study Abroad - Institut Catholique de Paris
XIES 500
SA IES Abroad Program
SA IES Abroad Program Summer
XJAG 500
SA Jagiellonian University
XJPJ 500
John Paul II Project
John Paul II Project Summer
XLDA 500
SA Fordham U. London Dramatic Academy
XLEU 500
SA European Union Internship
XMAN 500
Study Abroad - Maynooth University
XNAV 500
Study Abroad Universidad de Navarra
XNCU 500
SA Approved non-CUAbroad
SA Summer Approved non-CUAbroad
XNEB 500
Study Abroad - Universidad Nebrija
XNEB 500S-6
Study Abroad - Universidad Nebrija
XOPU 500
SA OSAP Oxford Honors Program
SA OSAP Oxford Graduate Program
XOPU 500S-6
SA Summer OSAP Oxford Honors Program
XOPU 500S-9
SA Summer OSAP Oxford Honors Program
XPAN 500
Study Abroad - Universidad Panamerica
XRBC 500
Exchange: Rose Bruford College
XRCO 500
Arcos Learning Abroad
XSEV 500
Study Abroad Seville Spain
XSMC 500
SA St Mary's University Exchange
XSOG 500
Sogang University Exchange
XSOL 500
SA Sol Education Abroad
SA Summer Sol Education Abroad
XSOL 500S-3
SA Summer Sol Education Abroad (3)
XSOL 500S-12
SA Summer Sol Education Abroad (12)
XSOP 500
Study Abroad Sophia University
XSOU 500
Study Abroad - University of Southampton
XSPL 500
Sciences Po Lille
XSS 500
SA University of Essex Exchange
SA Tamkang University Chinese Language Center
XUAO 500
Study Abroad Universitat Abat Oliba
XUCD 500S-3
SA Summer University College Dublin Nursing (3)
XUCL 500
Study Abroad - Université Catholique de Lille
Study Abroad - Université Catholique de Lille
XUCV 500
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
XUED 500
Exchange: University of Edinburgh
XUFV 500
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
XUSA 500
University Studies Abroad Consortium
University Studies Abroad Consortium (Summer)
XUSA 500S-3
University Studies Abroad Consortium Summer
XUVA 500
SA University of Virginia Abroad Program