HIST 201 Medieval Pathways

This interdisciplinary course explores the complexity of the medieval world (ca. 300-1500) as a way of introducing students to Medieval Studies. The course introduces multiple different modes of inquiry, or pathways, to the Middle Ages. Team-taught by several instructors, the course focuses on a different unifying theme each year. Students examine both material and written sources, and participate in multiple field trips to receive a hands-on introduction to Medieval Studies and to the many resources on campus and in Washington, D.C. The longer class session is used for occasional off-campus visits. Otherwise, the class will meet twice a week for 75 minutes each. The course serves as a gateway to the Medieval & Byzantine Studies major and minor (as MDST) and may fulfill the Arts & Sciences humanities requirement (as HIST or MDST) or literature requirement (as ENG).



Cross Listed Courses

MDST 201, ENG 250, HIST 201