TRS 362 Theology of the Church

As an introduction to ecclesiology, this course seeks to provide a fundamental understanding the Church's origin, nature, structure, and mission. Old Testament precursors to the Church will be discussed as well as various New Testament texts about the Church. The course will also study magisterial and theological writings pertaining to the Church from various historical periods, including: the Patristic era, the Middle Ages, and modernity. In addition, this course seeks to elucidate the connection between the mystery of the Church and other mysteries of the Christian faith. Some of the topics to be discussed are: the divine origin of the Church, the Church as the body and bride of Christ, the papacy, episcopal collegiality, the Church as local and universal, the three-fold munera of the Church (to govern, to teach, and to sanctify), and the Church in the modern world. Ecumenical concerns will also be considered in connection with some of these topics




TRS 201 or TRS 201H or HSTR 101