GR 201 Readings in New Testament Greek

Intermediate-level readings in the Greek New Testament and other koine texts with an emphasis upon the mastery of grammar and syntax. Careful attention to the differences between Attic and koine Greek, and to the unique linguistic and cultural contexts that gave rise to the koine. Requirement: One year of college-level Greek (either Attic or Biblical/koine) or the equivalent. May be taken concurrently with GR 103, GR 104, or other classical Greek course at the intermediate level. Prerequisite: One year of college-level Greek (either Attic or Biblical/koine) or the equivalent. May be taken concurrently with GR 103, GR 104, or other classical Greek course at the intermediate level.



Cross Listed Courses

GR 201 & GR 603


GR 509 or one of these pairs: GR 101 and GR 102 or GR 505 and GR 506. Students who have completed one-year of college-level Greek (Attic or Biblical/koine) at another institution may contact the Greek & Latin department to request enrollment permission.