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Campus Overview
The Undergraduate Curriculum
University Honors Program
Cornerstone Scholars Program
School of Architecture and Planning
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Engineering
The Tim and Steph Busch School of Business
Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art
Conway School of Nursing
School of Philosophy
Metropolitan School of Professional Studies
National Catholic School of Social Service
School of Theology and Religious Studies
Undergraduate Programs
ACCT - Accounting
AFRI - Africana Studies
ANTH - Anthropology
ARAB - Arabic
ARPL - Architecture and Planning
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
ASWR - Applied Space Weather Research
BE - Biomedical Engineering
BIOL - Biology
BUS - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CLAS - Classics
CSC - Computer Science
DA - Data Analytics
DR - Drama
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
EE - Electrical Engineering
ENG - English
ENT - Entrepreneurship
EURO - European Studies
FIN - Finance
FREN - French
GER - German
GR - Greek
HIST - History
HSAM - Honors Arts and Music
HSCP - Honors Sequence Capstone
HSEV - Honors Sequence Env Studies
HSHU - Honors Sequence Humanities
HSIN - Honors Sequence Internship
HSLS - Honors Liberal Studies
HSPH - Honors Sequence Philosophy
HSSS - Honors Sequence Social Science
HSTR - Honors Sequence TRS
HUM - Humanities
IENG - Intensive English
IRSH - Irish Studies
ITAL - Italian
LAT - Latin
MATH - Math
MDST - Medieval and Byzantine Studies
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MKT - Marketing
ML - Modern Languages
MUPI - Music Private Instruction
MUS - Music
NURS - Nursing
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POL - Politics
PORT - Portuguese
PSY - Psychology
SEM - Semitics
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SRES - Social Research
SSS - Social Service
TRS - Theology and Religious Studies
UGS - Undergraduate Studies
WASH - Washington Experience
XAAL - Arab American Language Inst
XABP - Anglo British Parliament
XACG - American College Greece
XACM - ACM Study Abroad Programs
XACU - Australian Catholic University
XAIF - Am Institute For Foreign Study
XARC - Arcadia University Programs
XASA - Academic Studies Abroad
XATH - Study Abroad Athens Greece
XAUC - American University of Cairo
XBER - Study Abroad Berlin Germany
XCAR - Study Abroad Cardiff Univ
XCET - CET Study Abroad Programs
XCIE - CIEE Education Abroad
XCIS - Study Abroad Ctr for Intl Stud
XCOM - Study Abroad Univ Pontificia C
XCSI - Cambridge Security Initiative
XDUB - Study Abroad Dublin Ireland
XEIC - Study Abroad Eichstatt Germany
XFRE - Study Abroad Freemantle Austra
XHKG - Study Abroad Hong Kong
XHSC - Hispanic Studies Institute
XIAS - Irish American Scholars Progra
XICP - Study Abroad Inst Catholique P
XIES - IES Abroad Program
XJPJ - SA - John Paul II Project
XLDA - London Dramatic Academy
XLEU - Study Abroad Leuven Belgium
XMAN - Study Abroad Maynooth Univ
XNAV - Study Abroad Univ de Navarra
XNCU - Approved non-CUA Abroad
XNEB - Study Abroad Univ Nebrija
XOPU - OPUS Oxford Honors Program
XPAN - Universidad Panamerica Abroad
XRBC - Rose Bruford College
XRCO - Arcos Learning Abroad
XSEV - Study Abroad Seville Spain
XSOG - Sogang University Exchange
XSOL - Sol Education Abroad
XSOP - Study Abroad Sophia University
XSOU - Study Abroad Univ Southampton
XSPL - SA - Sciences Po Lille
XSS - Study Abroad Essex England
XTAM - Study Abroad Tamkang Univ
XUAO - Study Abroad Univ Abat Oliba
XUCD - Study Abroad Univ Coll Dublin
XUCL - Study Abroad UC Lille
XUED - University of Edinburgh
XUFV - Universidad Francisco de Vitor
XUVA - University of Virginia
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Undergraduate Announcements
> SOC - Sociology
SOC - Sociology
SOC 101
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 102
Global Social Problems and Social Justice
SOC 107
Introduction to Criminal Justice
SOC 109
Health and Society
SOC 110
Introduction to Africana Studies
SOC 177
Freshman Seminar
SOC 201
The Human Condition: Culture, Society, and Personality
SOC 202
Research Methods
SOC 203
Race and Ethnicity: Social Science Perspectives
SOC 204
Transnational Crime
SOC 205
Sociology of Crime and Justice
SOC 206
Families and Society
SOC 208
Sociology of Delinquency
SOC 210
Science, Religion, and Society
SOC 220
Social Interaction
SOC 225
Sociology of Culture
SOC 226
Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution
SOC 227
Crime and Punishment: How Culture Shapes our understanding And Response To Crime
SOC 230
Families, Incarceration, and Inequality
SOC 241
Religion in the Modern World
SOC 242
Israel: Society and History
SOC 270
Human Rights in a Global Society
SOC 281
Population, Environment and Society
SOC 290
Race Relations in the New Millennium
SOC 300
Data Analysis in the Social Sciences
SOC 301
Statistics of Analysis for Social Science I
SOC 302
Sociology of Leadership: Organizational Life in Washington DC
SOC 303
Public Safety Leadership
SOC 304
Religion, Politics, and Globalization in China
SOC 305
Sexuality: A Data-Driven Perspective
SOC 306
Sociology of Masculinity
SOC 307
Education and Society
SOC 308
Beauty and Society
SOC 308H
Beauty and Society (Honors)
SOC 309
Sociology of Law
SOC 310
Police, Law, and Society
SOC 311
SOC 313
Criminal Investigations
SOC 315
Crimes in Urban America
SOC 316
World Poverty
SOC 317
Criminological Theory
SOC 319
Modern Islamic Terrorism
SOC 320
Terrorism and Counter Terrorism
SOC 321
Religion & International Development
SOC 322
Military and Society
SOC 323
Race Relations in Multicultural Societies
SOC 324
Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC 325
Public Policy and Healthcare
SOC 326
Diversity in a Multicultural Society
SOC 328
Death and Dying
SOC 329
White Collar Crime
SOC 330
Work in the 21st Century: Career and Identity in the New Economy
SOC 331
Globalization & Social Movement
SOC 332
Popular Culture and Crime in American Society
SOC 333
Economy and Society in Contemporary China
SOC 334
Economic Sociology: Capitalism, Globalization and Development
SOC 335
SOC 336
Public Policy Around the World
SOC 337
Crime and Corruption in Chinese Society
SOC 338
The Urban Metropolis
SOC 339
SOC 340
Catholic Social Doctrine and Social Justice
SOC 341
Border Security
SOC 342
Jerusalem: Urban Sociology of the Holy City
SOC 343
Religion and Mental Health in Global Perspective
SOC 343H
Religion and Mental Health in Global Perspective
SOC 345
Sociology of Sports
SOC 350
Computer Applications for Policy Research
SOC 351
Inequality: The Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender
SOC 352
Sociological Theory
SOC 353
Social Inequalities in Health
SOC 354
Social Psychology of Crime
SOC 357
National Security and Civil Liberties
SOC 361
Migration and Immigrant Communities
SOC 363
Race and Religion
SOC 365
Controlling America's Borders: Issues and Problems
SOC 370
State, Society, and Terrorism in Iran
SOC 371
Deviance and Control
SOC 373
Cross Cultural Gender Studies
SOC 383
Disability Policies
SOC 401
Institutions and Organizations
SOC 405
Constitutional Law and Criminal Procedure
SOC 407
Pillaging, Murder and Mayhem: A Survey of Violent Crime
SOC 408
Religion and Terrorism
SOC 409
Class and Inequality in American Society
SOC 413
Gender and Society
SOC 415
Criminal Behavior in America
SOC 421
Social Innovation
SOC 423
Comparative Development and Social Change
SOC 424
Conflict and Conflict Resolution
SOC 433
Environmental Justice and Ethics
SOC 450
Race Relations in Feature Film
SOC 451
Senior Thesis Tutorial
SOC 452
Senior Coordinating Seminar
SOC 460
Political Sociology
SOC 468
US Counterintelligence: Operations and Controversies
SOC 473
Gender and Globalization
SOC 492
Directed Reading
SOC 493
Directed Research
SOC 494
Independent Study in Sociology
SOC 495
SOC 496
Thesis Guidance
SOC 498
Undergraduate Comprehensive Exam
SOC 499
Selected Topics in Sociology