MUS 495B Music Management Internship

Music students interested in the management/business side of the profession work for a professional performing arts organization in such capacities as are mutually agreed upon by the student, the organization, and the faculty adviser. Each student is responsible for seeking and winning the internship position; the availability of internships cannot be guaranteed. The student must develop, in conjunction with the adviser and responsible members of the professional organization staff, a detailed proposal that includes a description of the student's responsibilities, the extent of the commitment in terms of time, and the means by which the student is to be evaluated at the end of the internship. Proposals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will also be evaluated by the Office of Career Services (OCS). Available only to students who have completed their sophomore year and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Does not fulfill the requirement of the musical theatre internship. Departmental Consent.
