ARAB 203 Advanced Composition and Conversation I

Third-year Arabic is open to students who have successfully completed two full years of Arabic study (four semesters of Elementary Arabic and Intermediate Arabic) or who have had an equivalent exposure to Modern Standard Arabic. It concentrates on developing advanced proficiency in all four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, in addition to cultural competency. The course will also include more extensive exposure to dialectical variation in the Arabic language, while focusing particularly on the Levantine/Damascene dialect. Students will be challenged to acquire the vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary to conduct more complex interactions with native speakers. They also develop stronger reading skills to approach and analyze a wider range of texts, including political, social, and religious texts, as well as excerpts of literary works. Each chapter has a thematic focus, such as migration phenomena, popular holidays and celebrations, bargaining in the market place, and marriage practices. The course will meet two days a week.




ARAB 104 or level 5 placement