ARAB 204 Advanced Composition and Conversation II

This course is open to those who have successfully completed more than two full years of Arabic study (the equivalent of ARAB 203). It concentrates on further developing and refining advanced Modern Standard Arabic proficiency in all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, in addition to strengthening overall cultural competency. The course will also include some exposure to dialects, especially the Levantine dialect. Students will acquire vocabulary and usage for more complex interactions with native speakers, as well as skills that will allow them to approach and analyze a wider range of texts. We will concentrate on some familiar as well as new themes, including migration phenomena in the Middle East, travel and exploration (both contemporarily and in past Islamic civilizations), and gender issues. You will also learn how to make sense of authentic Arabic media articles discussing familiar topics. This course is excellent preparation for even higher level Arabic courses with a political or literary focus, such as ARAB 205 ("Media Arabic").




ARAB 104 OR level 4 Arab language placement