MATH 498 Undergraduate Comprehensive Examination

The Comprehensive Exam is taken in the fall semester of the student's senior year. It consists of a sequence of four take-home exams scheduled in September and October; a student has 10 -12 days for solving problems of each of the exams. The take-home exams reflect the material of the following courses: MATH 121 (Analytic Geometry and Calculus I), MATH 122 (Analytic Geometry and Calculus II), MATH 221 (Analytic Geometry and Calculus III), MATH 301 (Linear Algebra), MATH 321 (Abstract Algebra I), and a course of the student's choice (the fourth take home exam contains two problems from a course of the student's choice). Each of the four take-home exams is scored on a scale of 0 - 10 points. The passing score is 21 points or higher. To be considered for possible honors, the student must get at least 31 points.
