ART 319 Renaissance Art and Architecture - Art in the First Global Age

This course explores the artists, patrons, craftsmen, and scholars of Europe between 1400 and 1600 as well as the art objects and buildings that reflect the cultural exchange triggered by the first global age - a time period commonly referred today as the "Age of Discovery." We begin in Italy, with the origins of the Renaissance in Florence, and the rivalry between leading artists, including Michelangelo and Titian, and power city states, such as Rome, Milan, and Venice. North of the Alps, we will survey the rich urbanized courts and cities of Flanders, France, Germany, and the Iberian Peninsula. We will also investigate signal artists with trans-European careers, and the art created in response to the exchange of goods, ideas, flora, fauna, and people brought on by European exploration in Europe and across the globe, including the Ottoman Empire, Latin America, Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, and East Asia. Fulfills Explorations in Fine Arts course requirement.



Cross Listed Courses

ART 319 & ART 619