Washington Theological Consortium

The Catholic University of America was one of the founding member institutions of the Washington Theological Consortium in 1967. Since its incorporation in 1971, the Consortium has worked actively to coordinate programs of theological education among and for its founding member institutions, which include, among others, the Dominican House of Studies, Howard University Divinity School, Virginia Theological Seminary, Wesley Theological Seminary, and United Lutheran Seminary. The Consortium fosters ecumenical and academic cooperation through joint faculty committees, team-taught courses in specialized areas, publication of a guide to the extensive library resources in the member institutions, cross-listing of course offerings, and the like. Through the Consortium, CUA students may register for courses at member institutions through the CUA Office of Enrollment Services, and such courses will automatically be added to the student's transcript with no extra procedures necessary. Students should consult the Associate Deans for Seminary and Ministerial Studies and Graduate Studies concerning registration for courses in other institutions of the consortium. Please consult with the appropriate dean to locate eligible courses and obtain permissions.