Student Endowments

Financial support for graduate study is listed elsewhere, along with specific funding for the School of Theology and Religious Studies: namely, The Catholic School Teacher's Tuition Waiver; Divinity Hall Burses; The Very Reverend Walter J. Schmitz Scholarship; The Johannes Quasten Scholarship; The McShain Scholarships for Seminarians; and The Hubbard Dissertation Fellowships. New endowments include the following:

  • The Monsignor John Tracy Ellis Scholarship Fund. This fund was established in July 1985 on the 80th birthday of Monsignor John Tracy Ellis, professor of church history at Catholic University until his retirement in 1989. The award is made to students studying church history. The present endowment may be augmented by gifts from alumni and other donors.
  • The Albert and Martha Senn Scholarship, established by Edward James Hayes (1936-2016), M.A. (1968) in honor of his grandparents, is an award for doctoral students in historical/systematic theology in the School of Theology and Religious Studies.
  • Sisters Virginia and Elizabeth Sloyan Scholarship Fund. This award, established as an endowment in 2002 by an anonymous donor, is made to M.A. level students in the field of religious education.
  • Third World Scholarships. This fund was established in 1984 by the late Dean Carl J. Peter for students from the Third World. The major contributor is Missionhurst, American IHM Province. Consequently, recipients are called the "Missionhurst Scholars." Other contributors include the Augustinian Fathers, Paulist Fathers, and Precious Blood Fathers. The present endowment may be augmented by gifts from religious communities and other donors.
  • Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., Scholarship Fund in Theology. The selection of students for this scholarship is to be confined to those who have shown outstanding potential to succeed in their graduate studies and have been accepted into the university's doctoral programs in theology. First preference will be given to scholars who are Catholic priests and religious.

Quasten Medal

The Johannes Quasten Medal for Excellence in Scholarship and Leadership in Religious Studies was established in 1985 by Dean William Cenkner, O.P. The medal is named for Professor Johannes Quasten, the renowned patristic scholar who was a member of the faculty from 1938 until his retirement in 1979. The medal is awarded to extern scholars whose excellence in research and leadership is acknowledged in the academic world.

  • Rev. Gerard S. Sloyan
  • E. Glenn Hinson
  • Rev. Louis Bouyer
  • Robert A. Markus
  • David Herlihy
  • Rev. Robert Taft
  • Hermann J. Pottmeyer
  • John T. Noonan
  • Rev. Joseph A. Fitzmyer
  • Gerald Bonner
  • David Tracy
  • Rev. Raymond E. Brown
  • Rev. Virgilio Elizondo
  • Rev. Berard Marthaler
  • Rev. John O'Malley
  • Rev. Lawrence G. Wrenn
  • Bernard McGinn
  • Rev. Cyprian Davis
  • Brian Tierney
  • Rev. John R. Donahue
  • Geoffrey Wainwright
  • Rev. Gerald O'Collins
  • Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
  • Rev. Jared Wicks
  • Rev. Jeremy Driscoll
  • Rev. Brian Daley
  • Cardinal Walter Kasper
  • Rev. Joseph Chinnici
  • Eamon Duffy
  • Robert Louis Wilken
  • Very Rev. John Erickson
  • Mark Smith