Educational Affiliations Institutes and Opportunities

The academic areas of the School of Theology and Religious Studies, through the research and professional degree programs they offer, are intended to make significant contributions to the Church and to society. Insofar as these areas are related to the ever- present pastoral needs of the Church, the School provides a variety of programs to ensure the essential dialogue between those who do research and those who are most affected by it. In order to accomplish these goals more effectively, the School has entered into agreements with other institutes, schools and professional institutions.

Since the academic public of the school includes seminarians, lay men and women preparing for teaching, research, or other ministries in the Church and academic life, ordained priests, and men and women religious, it is important to maintain cooperative relationships with other academic and professional resources. In addition, increased interest in continuing education has changed the educational opportunities available to all those involved in pastoral ministry. The School of Theology and Religious Studies is committed to serving the Church by developing and consolidating a variety of educational programs.