Biblical Studies

1. Faculty

Academic Area Director: Dr. David Bosworth
Ordinary Professors: Rev. Christopher Begg
Dr. Robert Miller II, O.F.S.
Associate Professors: Dr. David Boswoth
Dr. Ian Boxall
Dr. Bradley Gregory
Professors Emeriti: Rev. Joseph Jensen, O.S.B.
Rev. Frank J. Matera
Rev. Francis J. Moloney
Adjunct Professor: Dr. Tobias Nicklas
Research Professor: Dr. Mark S. Smith

2. Description of Academic Area: The Biblical Studies program is designed to provide men and women with the training necessary for effective teaching, research, and publication in the biblical field. Control of biblical languages and exegesis are particularly emphasized in the Biblical Studies Program.

3. Degrees Offered:

  1. Master of Arts (M.A.)
  2. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
  3. Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) Biblical Theology
  4. Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.) Biblical Theology

4. Master of Arts (M.A.): The Master of Arts degree in Biblical Studies is focused on mastery of biblical Hebrew and Greek. While it includes some seminar work and other electives, it is aimed at gaining the proficiency in the primary languages of the biblical text in order for the student to pursue a doctoral degree in Biblical Studies.

  1. Prerequisites (any prerequisites completed at CUA must be at 3.3 GPA or higher):
    1. A Bachelors' degree, preferably in an area related to biblical studies and theology. Students with little or no background in theology and religious studies will be asked to take additional courses in these subjects at the 600 level as needed, without those credits counting toward the degree.
    2. Six credit hours in introductory Hebrew
    3. Six credit hours in elementary and intermediate biblical Greek.
  2. Admission Requirements: Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Civil Degrees: Master of Arts (M.A.)" for further information.
  3. Coursework Requirements: The M.A. degree consists of a minimum of 30 credit hours of completed coursework including
    1. Nine credits in advanced Hebrew.
    2. Nine credits in advanced Greek.
    3. Six credit in exegetical seminars
    4. Six further credits in exegetical seminars or a related area such as theology, archaeology, the ancient Near East, linguistics, or further ancient languages.
    5. M.A. thesis guidance as needed.
  4. Language Requirements:
    1. A reading knowledge of German demonstrated in accordance with area norms, to be completed by the end of the first year of study.
    2. Please see the language requirements section of the Civil Degrees: Master of Arts (M.A.) for more information.
  5. Comprehensive Examination:
    1. The M.A. comprehensive examination is normally taken during the student's last semester of study.
    2. Comprehensive exams are evaluated as one unit on a pass/fail basis
  6. Thesis Requirements: Master of Arts (M.A.) Biblical Studies: An M.A. thesis is required or, with the approval of the academic area director, two seminar papers.
  7. Residency Requirements: Master of Arts (M.A.) Biblical Studies: 4 semesters of residence are required for the M.A. degree in Biblical Studies

5. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The purpose of the Ph.D. in Biblical Studies is to develop skills and demonstrate suitable academic attainments for appointment to a University-level teaching or research post, while completing a first major piece of research in biblical scholarship in the form of a dissertation.

  1. Prerequisites: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Biblical Studies (any prerequisites completed at CUA must be at 3.3 GPA or higher)
    1. A Master of Arts degree in biblical studies or a degree closely related to the field of biblical studies (M.Div., S.T.B., M.A. in theology). Students with an S.S.L. or an S.T.L. in biblical theology may be eligible for advanced standing.
    2. A reading knowledge of French or German demonstrated in accordance with area norms.
    3. Nine credits in advanced Hebrew and nine credits in advanced Greek (beyond the six credits required to enter our MA program; the CUA Greek sequence entails only six credits of advanced Greek, through GR 604, so students will need one additional Greek course of their choice).
  2. Admission Requirements: Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for further information.
  3. Coursework Requirements:
    A minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework beyond the M.A. degree including:
    1. 12 credit hours of exegetical seminars in the major Testament
    2. 9 credit hours of exegetical seminars in the minor Testament
    3. 3 credit class TRS 807A: Text Criticism of the Bible
    4. 6 credits of elective courses that might include additional seminars, languages, theology, etc.

    Students must have intermediate skill in an ancient language other than Hebrew or Greek by taking one year of that language (which does not count toward the 30 credits needed for graduation) or demonstrated competence in a language in accordance with School norms. The language should be selected in consultation with the academic advisor in light of the student's intended research. Possibilities include but are not limited to Aramaic, Syriac, Akkadian, Ugaritic, Latin, and Coptic.

  4. Doctoral dissertation guidance: Please refer to the coursework requirements section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for further information
  5. Language Requirements:
    1. Ph.D. students must demonstrate reading knowledge of French and German, whichever was not completed before admission, demonstrated in accordance with area norms by the start of the second year in the doctoral program.
    2. Please refer to the language requirements section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for more information.
  6. Comprehensive Examination:
    1. A reading list is provided at matriculation to assist the student's preparation. The comprehensive examination is designed to take 3 days
    2. Please refer to the comprehensive examination section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for more information.
  7. Dissertation: Please refer to the dissertation section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for further information.

6. Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)

In addition to its M.A.-Ph.D. program, the Biblical Studies Area offers the licentiate (S.T.L.) and the doctorate (S.T.D.) in Biblical Theology. These degrees, which are accredited by the Holy See, are especially appropriate for clerics and those who intend to teach in ecclesiastical faculties. Students may pursue the license as either a transitional or a terminal degree. As a transitional degree, the S.T.L. program introduces students to a more scientific study of theology in pursuing Doctoral studies. A graduate of the S.T.L. program is prepared to teach theology in a college or seminary, to function as a chaplain to various professional groups, and to act as a theological resource for a diocese and diocesan agencies.

  1. Prerequisites: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) Biblical Theology: To be admitted to the S.T.L. program, a student must have already earned an S.T.B. in theology or its equivalent, e.g., an M.Div. the CUA S.T.B. requires 69 credits in academic theology, a comprehensive examination, and a reading knowledge of Latin.
  2. Admission Requirements: Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for further information.
  3. Coursework Requirements:
    1. 24 credit hours in exegesis at the licentiate (700) or doctoral (800) level
    2. Please see the coursework requirements outlined in the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" section for further Information.
  4. Language Requirements:
    1. Six credits of Greek beyond elementary and intermediate Greek (the elementary and intermediate course requires 6 credits).
    2. Six credits of Hebrew beyond introductory Hebrew (the introductory course requires 6 credits).
    3. A reading knowledge of Latin, verified either by Latin certification as part of an S.T.B. degree or by passing a translation exam prepared by our area faculty. LAT 509 is the best preparation for taking the exam.
    4. A reading knowledge of French or German demonstrated in accordance with area norms.
  5. Comprehensive Examination: Please refer to the comprehensive exam section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information.
  6. Thesis: Please refer to the thesis section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information.
  7. Final Grade: Please refer to the final grade section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information.
  8. Residency Requirements: Please refer to the residency requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology" for more information.

7. Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)

The S.T.D. "is the academic degree which enables one to teach in a Faculty and which is therefore required for this purpose." (Sapientia Christiana, 50.1). As such, the S.T.D. is the preferred qualification for teaching theology on a Catholic university faculty or for holding certain other posts of administration and is usually required for a permanent post on the theology faculty of an ecclesiastical or pontifical university.

  1. Prerequisites: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.) Biblical Theology
    1. To be admitted to the S.T.D. in Biblical Theology, a student must have an S.T.L. in Biblical Theology or an S.S.L.
    2. Please refer to the prerequisites section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for further prerequisites.
  2. Admission Requirements: Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D)" for more information.
  3. Coursework Requirements:
    1. 12 credit hours in exegesis at the doctoral (800) level.
    2. Dissertation guidance for at least 4 successive semesters.
    3. S.T.D. dissertation and defense
  4. Please see the coursework requirements outlined in the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.
  5. Language Requirements:
    1. S.T.D. students must have a reading knowledge of both German and French
    2. Please refer to the language requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.
  6. Admission Candidacy: Please refer to the admission to candidacy section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.
  7. Dissertation: Please refer to the dissertation section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.
  8. Lectio coram: Please refer to the Lectio coram section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.
  9. Residency Requirements: Please refer to the residency requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.