ANTH102 | Introduction to Archaeology | 4 |
ANTH103 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | 4 |
ANTH217 | Shipwreck Archaeology | 4 |
COM111 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | 4 |
COM112 | Persuasion | 4 |
COM115 | Intercultural Communication | 4 |
COM219 | Small Group Discussion | 4 |
ENG201 | Introduction to Shakespeare | 4 |
ENG204 | English Literature - Medieval | 4 |
ENG205 | English Literature - Renaissance | 4 |
ENG206 | English Literature - Victorian and Modern | 4 |
ENG220 | Multi-Cultural American Literature | 4 |
ENG221 | Introduction to Children's Literature | 4 |
ENG253 | Survey of American Literature: Pre-Civil War | 4 |
ENG254 | Survey of American Literature: Post-Civil War | 4 |
ENG263 | Autism in Literature | 4 |
ENG265 | Gothic Literature | 4 |
ENG271 | World Literature: Ancient World | 4 |
ENG272 | World Literature: Medieval-Renaissance | 4 |
ENG273 | World Literature Africa Asia South America | 4 |
FR201 | Second Year French | 4 |
FR202 | Second Year French | 4 |
FR203 | Second Year French | 4 |
HST101 | History of Western Civilization I | 3 |
HST102 | History of Western Civilization II | 3 |
HST103 | History of Western Civilization III | 3 |
HST104 | World History I: Ancient and Early Middle Ages | 4 |
HST105 | World History II: Late Middle and Early Modern Ages' | 4 |
HST106 | World History III: The Modern and Contemporary World | 4 |
HST201 | History of The United States I | 3 |
HST202 | History of The United States II | 3 |
HST203 | History of the United States III | 3 |
HUM101 | Introduction to Humanities I | 4 |
HUM102 | Introduction to Humanities II | 4 |
HUM103 | Introduction to Humanities III | 4 |
MUS206 | Introduction to the History of Rock Music | 3 |
PHL208 | Political Philosophy | 3 |
SOC204 | Introduction to Sociology | 4 |
SOC205 | Social Issues | 4 |
SOC225 | Global Issues | 4 |
SPAN201 | Second Year Spanish I | 4 |
SPAN202 | Second Year Spanish II | 4 |
SPAN203 | Second Year Spanish III | 4 |
WGS111 | Gender and Beauty Ideals | 4 |
WGS201 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | 4 |
WGS210 | Cultural Perspective of Women of Color | 4 |
WGS230 | Women and Social Action | 4 |