
The mission of The Catholic University of America is to render service in the United States as an intellectual center of the highest quality where every dimension of truth, natural and revealed, can be examined with competent expertise. The university seeks in particular to maintain a position of excellence in biblical studies, catechetics, church history, liturgical studies and sacramental theology, moral theology and ethics, pastoral ministry, religion and culture, and spirituality. The University accords priority to theology and to religious studies and to programs that explore the Roman Catholic tradition of humanistic learning and that study its relevance to the needs of society and the Church.

To help realize the mission of the university, the School of Theology and Religious Studies sets itself two goals, namely, to promote excellence in teaching, research, and publication in the area of theology and religious studies, and to provide professional training for lay and clerical leaders who will serve the Roman Catholic community in the United States and throughout the world. In pursuit of these goals, the school places emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach and collaboration with other schools of the University, on the ecumenical and interreligious dimensions of all theological studies, on the exploration of relations between religion and culture, and on the promotion of informed efforts to work for justice and peace, both within the Church and in the world, in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The School of Theology and Religious Studies continues its long tradition of serving undergraduates at The Catholic University of America by offering general education requirement courses, a minor, a certificate in Pastoral Ministry, its flagship program the B.A. in Theology and Religious Studies (TRS), and the five year B.A./M.A. in Theology and Religious Studies (TRS).