Students walking on campus during the fall


ENGR 543 Mobile Computing

Mobile Computing refers to the intersection of hardware, software, and communication technologies that enable the transmission of data, voice, and video via a wireless-enabled device that is expected to be transported during normal usage, not tethered to a fixed physical link. This course explores various challenges and opportunities of mobile computing, including topics such as wireless network protocols and standards (3G/4G, WiFi, Bluetooth), location awareness (GPS), sensing (video, audio, motion), user interfaces (touch, high-res display), application development, and security/privacy concerns. This course will give the student significant hands-on experience in programming mobile devices using iOS and Android smartphones, tablets, and smart watches as development platforms (Note: students supply their own devices). Students will have the opportunity to explore various features of mobile devices such as geotracking, sensing, social networking, and multimedia as part of a semester-long development project. Students can propose their own project ideas or select one of several topics provided by the instructor. Appropriate projects for this course include smartphone/tablet solutions for various applications (healthcare, security, entertainment, education, multimedia, etc.), wearable solutions (smart watches), embedded computing systems (sensor networks, in-vehicle computing, robotics), and many other topics.



Cross Listed Courses

ENGR 443 & ENGR 543


ENGR 212 or 212H or graduate standing