Students walking on campus during the fall


ENGR 544 Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the overarching term for the large-scale networking of smart devices able to interact with the environment and communicate with other devices and Internet-based cloud services. IoT applications span the scale from personal appliances and home automation, to smart buildings, and healthcare monitoring, to industrial applications like advanced manufacturing, power grid automation, smart cities, smart highways and autonomous vehicles. In this course students will learn about the diverse set of technologies and disciplines that enable the design, deployment, and operation of IoT applications. Topics include: survey of IoT applications; smart device technologies including embedded processors, sensor and actuator interfacing, signal processing; energy management and energy harvesting; operational constraints of low-latency, high-reliability, real-time, small size; wireless communication technologies and network protocols; Internet servers and databases. Lecture material will include case studies, research papers, technology overviews, and system design principles. Evaluation will consist of several small individual design projects and a final team-based IoT design project.
