MKT 325 Sports Marketing

Formerly MGT 325. This course is designed to provide a framework for an understanding of how marketing strategies are formulated, implemented and evaluated in a sports context. Sports have become a significant employer of business-trained individuals and offers growing career opportunities. The course encompasses two themes: sports as a product and sports as a medium. The first theme focuses on the applications of marketing concepts and principles to promote sports and sport-related products. The second theme considers sports as a promotions vehicle and covers how non-sport businesses can benefit from utilizing sports as an integral part of their marketing communications strategy. The course has three objectives: to understand the unique characteristics of the sport industry and sports marketing, to understand how the key concepts of marketing can be applied and managed in a sports context and to understand the role and potential of sports as a marketing communication strategy for non-sport related business. Also see Enrollment Requirements.




Junior or higher class standing and MKT 345