MGT 491 Special Topics in Business

Changes in the global and domestic political/regulatory environment can have sudden and massive impacts on business strategy. Businesses increasingly understand that both domestic and international political dynamics "beyond market forces" shape economic performance in both developed and developing countries. It is now a critical skill set businesses seek in employees. With this in mind, the course will identify different types of political risks -- geopolitics, federal/state politics/legislative and regulatory risk, media, domestic instability, terrorism, corruption, expropriation, breaches of contract, social activism and cyber-threats among others. The course will seek to help students 1) understand how to understand these issues and their direct impact on business, and 2) discuss and teach how to factor all this into developing and managing business strategy. How does one foresee, understand, analyze, mitigate and lead your business forward in the face of the risk? Students will be learn these skills by lectures, case studies, table-top "war-gaming" simulations, external expert speakers.



Cross Listed Courses

ENT 491 & MGT 491