2023-2024 Student Handbook

General Policies

Academic Calendar

Drake State publishes and makes available the Academic Calendar, grading policies, and refund policies to students and the general public. The College publishes the Catalog and Student Handbook on the College website and in print. The Academic Calendar is published within the Catalog and Student Handbook and is also published online.  


Grading Policy

The institution's grading policies are published in the Catalog. These policies include an explanation of the College’s grading system and procedures for course forgiveness, and academic bankruptcy. The Catalog also publishes grading policies specific to the Registered Nursing Program. 

Each instructor distributes the grading policy in the course syllabus to every student at the beginning of each semester which includes methods of evaluation and grading policies specific to the course and instructor. These policies adhere to those published in the Catalog. The refund policies are published in the Catalog.  


Online and Hybrid Course Policy

The College offers courses that are online or hybrid in format. Students taking online classes can access the Catalog online via the College website. Students can also access information concerning the Academic Calendar, grading policies, and refund policies on the College’s website. 

Electronic Device Use

Students are not to disrupt the class or other students with electronic devices. Students may have electronic devices in the classroom or instructional laboratory as permitted by the instructor. Class disruptions from the use of electronic devices in classes or labs may result in students being removed from class or lab.  

Tobacco Free Policy

Drake State is now a 100% Tobacco Free Campus. Smoking is not permitted on campus grounds. Any College employee or student found to be in violation of the tobacco-free policy will be subject to a monetary fine and tickets will be issued by campus security for violations of Drake State’s tobacco-free policy. 

Campus Postings and Announcements

Bulletin boards are placed throughout buildings on campus for the posting of notices and/or announcements. Signs, posters, or literature is prohibited from being posted in restrooms, on glass panels, windows, walls, doors, ceilings, or any other surface that may suffer damage as a result of tape or tacks.  

Students are encouraged to check their Drake State E-mail and Canvas accounts frequently for important campus announcements. 

All postings, leaflets, pamphlets and any other forms of announcements/notices must be approved by the Dean of Students prior to being displayed or distributed on campus.  


Drug Free Schools and Campuses

In compliance with Section 22, of Public Law 101-226, entitled “Drug Free Schools and Campuses", Drake State hereby gives notice of the institution’s policy to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. The basic elements of the policy are listed below:  

  1. A statement prohibiting the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs or abuse of alcohol by employees or students on Drake State property or at any activity conducted,   sponsored, or authorized by or on behalf of Drake State;  

  2. A description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, state, or Federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol;  

  3. A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol;  

  4. A description of the drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or reentry programs that are available to employees and students; 

  5. A clear statement of the sanctions which the institution will impose against employees and students who violate the policy; 

  6. A biennial review by the institution of its program in an effort to: (a) determine its effectiveness and implement changes to the program if they are needed, and (b) ensure that the sanctions     required by item No. 5 above are consistently enforced; and  

  7. A copy of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy/Program referred to in this statement is available from the Office of the Dean of Students Office.  


Campus Safety

Safety Procedures

  1. The practice of safety is an integral part of the institution's educational program. Students are required to purchase and use safety protective coverings as required by their department. 
  2. The College has published procedures for fires, bomb threats, and extreme weather lockdown. Each of these procedures requires certain behavior on the part of each student. All students should be familiar with the procedures for these emergency situations.
  3. All accidents, injuries, and serious illnesses occurring on campus should be immediately reported to the instructor and the Director of Operations. 
  4. Written documentation is required for all accidents/injuries. Forms may be obtained from the instructor or the Director of Operations. 
  5. Evacuation routes are posted in each classroom, office, and other specified areas.
  6. Intercom instructions will advise students of what to do in emergency situations. 

First Aid

Students requiring first aid should notify their instructor or the first available College official. In the event that a person needs emergency medical treatment, emergency services should be contacted and College officials notified. A person suspected of being seriously ill or injured (broken bones, unconscious, etc.) should not be moved until medical personnel arrive. Any costs, such as transporting student to the hospital, hospitalization, or treatments are the responsibility of the student. The College does not provide emergency medical service. All areas are equipped with first aid kits to treat minor injuries.  

Inclement Weather

All class cancellations or College closings due to inclement weather will be announced through the media. Notices will be carried on the following radio and television stations: Rocket City Broadcasting, WAAY 31, WAFF 48, WAHR, WHNT 19, WEUP, WDRM, WRSA, and WZYP.  

For students on campus during inclement weather, intercom announcements will provide instructions for what to do in an emergency situation. Mass notifications by the College on the Main Campus will be made primarily by using the Public Address System and/or “Drake Alert”.

Note: Day classes include all classes held during the 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. period. Evening classes are defined as all classes meeting any time after 4:00 p.m. until the College closes at the end of the evening session.  


Unattended Minors

Children are not allowed to attend classes and must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children visiting the campus are expected to comply with all College policies. The accompanying adult is responsible for ensuring compliance. 

Violence Against Women Act - VAWA

Drake State has a commitment to safety and security and complies with the Violence Against Women Act and the Federal Clery Act, both helping to bolster response to and prevention of violence.  

VAWA requires colleges and universities, both public and private, participating in federal student aid programs to increase transparency about the scope of sexual violence on campus; guarantee victims enhanced rights; provide for Standards in institutional conduct proceedings; and provide campus community-wide prevention educational programming. 

In compliance with VAWA and Clery, Drake State has processes in place to actively collect and share data on violent incidents, and we regularly offer sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking prevention workshops.  For more information contact the Dean of Students, Director of Operations or the Counseling Office for details.  


Rules of the Road Campus Parking and Driving Safety

This information has been developed to provide details regarding rules and requirements for operating vehicles on the campus of Drake State. The information provided is designed to assist faculty, staff, students, and visitors in providing a safe, secure, and orderly method of parking and operating vehicles on the campus.  

  • Vehicle (Campus) Registration- All vehicles owned or regularly used on campus by faculty, staff, and students are required to be registered with the I.T. Department. Each person seeking to register his or her vehicle(s) is required to provide a valid driver's license, current vehicle registration (tag and tax receipt), and proof of insurance. All vehicles in the State of Alabama are required to have liability insurance. 
  • Vehicle Decal- Upon completion of the vehicle registration, a Drake State parking decal (hangtag) will be issued. The parking decal must be displayed in the vehicle while it is in use (operating or parking) on the campus. Visitors are not required to have a parking decal. 
  • Parking Enforcement- All vehicles are required to be parked in the assigned parking zones. Parking areas for faculty, staff, and visitors are indicated by designated markers. All other areas are available throughout the campus for student parking. Vehicles in violation of parking in designated zones will be towed at owner's expense. 
  • Speed Limit- The posted speed limit on campus of Drake State is 15 MPH.
  • Loud Music- Music played from your vehicle should not be heard from over 25 feet away from the vehicle.
  • Security- All regulations regarding loud music, parking, speeding, and other moving violations will be enforced by campus security. Violators (individuals who excessively violate the rules or who operate vehicles in a manner which compromises the safety of others) will forfeit their driving privileges on campus. 

For information regarding vehicle (campus) registration and parking decals, contact the I.T. Department at 256-551-3126. Information regarding Enforcement-related issues should be directed to campus security at 256-551-5223. Questions or concerns pertaining to enforcement issues can also be directed to the Director of Operations. 


Alabama Gun Law

The Gun Free Schools Act of 1994 and the Alabama Community College Board of Trustees Policy Number 511.01 issued December 1994 prohibits firearms on campus or any other facility operated by the College or Alabama Community College System institutions. Any violation of this policy can result in the referral to law enforcement officials for arrest or prosecution. Drake State has “Zero Tolerance” for weapons of any kind on its campus, whether student, faculty, staff or visitors (other than law enforcement officers legally authorized to carry such weapons and acting in the performance of their duties or an instructional program in which firearms are required equipment.)   

Annual Safety Report

Drake State is required to publish and distribute an Annual Safety Report (ASR) by October 1st of each year. The ASR must include crime statistics for three calendar years as well as all of the required campus safety and security policies and procedures.