Student Resources

Students at NCSSS have, in all its programs, access to many resources designed to enhance their learning experiences and opportunities. These include a student advisory system, student government associations for each of the three degree programs, and active participation on NCSSS program committees.

In addition, the school provides students and faculty members with opportunities to engage in activities that have a local and national impact on the crucial social issues of the times and to do this in a manner compatible with scholarly endeavor. Such activities include evaluative research, community studies, consultation and demonstration of social work practice in the community.

The school also encourages and arranges for faculty members and students to engage in social planning, social action, and research in the community as events and conditions may require.

Advisement System

After enrollment in any one of the three NCSSS degree programs at CUA, each student is assigned a faculty adviser. The adviser assists the student in planning overall academic programs, reviews educational progress and assists with educational problems that may occur. All students meet with their advisers prior to enrollment each semester in order to ensure that the student's work toward graduation is in accordance with academic requirements and individual educational needs. Other meetings may be scheduled by either student or adviser as needed. It is the school's philosophy that regular meetings between advisers and students contribute to both the student's growth and the ongoing evaluation of the program.

Students' Rights Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, all qualified students with a disability (as defined under the law) are eligible for reasonable accommodations or modifications in the academic environment that enables the qualified individual to enjoy equal access to the university's programs, services or activities. The university is not required to provide any aid or service that would result in a fundamental alteration to the nature of the program.

The Office of Disability Support Services provides disability consultation, advocacy and the coordination of support services and accommodations for all qualified students with disabilities. Services and accommodations are determined individually based on disability documentation.

CUA is committed to promoting the full participation of all qualified students with disabilities in all aspects of campus life. Students with disabilities are required to meet the same academic standards as other students at the university. It is only through a student's voluntary disclosure of their disability and request for accommodations that CUA can support disability needs. Students who have a disability and wish to make a request for disability related accommodations or services must do so through Disability Support Services (DSS). Each student must submit their documentation along with an intake form to DSS in order to apply for services. Students are encouraged to register with DSS prior to arrival on campus for the upcoming semester. Once eligibility is determined, appropriate accommodations, based on the submitted documentation are put in place. Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis. (See Student Life Disability Services Policies, Procedures and Services for Students website at:

Career Services

Career services for students and alumni/ae are offered at the university Office of Career Services. Students are encouraged to meet individually with Career Services staff for assistance in developing résumés and cover letters. They are also encouraged to utilize the job and internship listings of the office. Career Services organizes Career Fairs in the Fall and Spring semesters.

Student Records

The university maintains copies of transcripts of the student's final academic record. Access to transcripts is through the Enrollment Services Office, subject to the guidelines of university policy. All requests for official transcripts must be completed online.

Student Government

The two graduate degree programs have their own student association with officers elected annually by its student body. The student organization for the MSW program is known as the Master's Student Association (MSA) and its membership is composed of all students in the program. It is affiliated with the university's Graduate Student Association. Students working toward their Ph.D. degrees participate in the NCSSS Doctoral Student Association. Delegates from each student government body are invited and encouraged to participate in faculty meetings and all planning committees of NCSSS.

Through these relationships, the students participate in curriculum planning and program development. The student governments also help NCSSS faculty plan educational forums and social events. They sponsor various speakers programs, newsletters, get-acquainted socials and alumni activities. The student body associations also have responsibility for planning their graduation ceremonies and new student orientation programs. Representatives from the student associations also may participate in grievance and review committees.