Students walking on campus during the fall


EE 731 Computer Communication Networks

This course deals with analytical modeling and design of computer communication networks. Topics to be covered are: Delay models: Queueing models: Little's formula, M/M/1, M/M/m, M/M/?, M/M/m/K and M/G/1, MMPP, Fluid flow and fractal models and Network of Queues. Graph Theoretical models and routing algorithms:Bellman-Ford, Dijkstra"s and Floyd-Warshall algorithms. Multiaccess Communications: The ALOHA system, carrier sense, reservation, polling and splitting algorithms. Flow control: Window flow control, and rate control schemes, delay and loss analysis of audio and video multiplexers. Call admission control. Prerequisite: EE 531 or equivalent.




EE 531 (C or better)