EE 646 Optical Internet

This course deals with the architecture and protocol stacks for transmission of TCP/IP over Optical Transport Networks (OTN). The protocols involved are: TCP/IP, Multi-protocol Label switching (MPLS) , Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM ), Point-to-point (PPP), HDLC, Frame Relay, Gigabit Ethernet, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and Optical Transport Network. Relevant functionalities and interaction among these protocol layers to the operation of optical internet are presented. Optimal architecture and protocol layers needed for optical internet is developed. The Integrated, Overlay and augmented architectures for TCP/IP/MPLS over OTN are presented. Technologies needed for implementation of an all-optical transport network is presented. Management and control of such networks are to be discussed. Survivability and availability models are presented. Effect of the reconfiguration time of OTN on the performance of optical internet is presented.




EE 531