Students walking on campus during the fall


EE 568 Introduction to Power Electronics

This course describes the role of Power Electronics as an enabling technology in various applications such as flexible production systems, energy conservation, renewable energy, transportation etc. In this course, students will learn how to design and model using PSpice/MATLAB the switching power-pole using power semiconductor devices, their drive circuitry, and driver ICs. This course will provide basic concepts of soft-switching and their applications to dc-dc converters and how to model and design dc-dc converters and their controllers. Also, this course will focus on the design and simulation of single-phase and three-phase thyristor converters and the design of the single-phase power factor correction (PFC) circuits. Finally, this course will provide basic magnetic concepts to help students analyze transformer-isolated switch-mode power supplies, design high-frequency inductors and transformers, and design the interface between the power electronics equipment and single-phase and three-phase utility using diode rectifiers.

