Students walking on campus during the fall


CMGT 522 Cyber Security for Engineering Managers

Given the ubiquitous nature of cyber, Cyber Security impacts engineering managers' responsibilities on multiple levels as they engage with technology in the execution of daily responsibilities, are required to provide an accurate context for their business decisions, and as participants in a larger global environment. This course is designed to help engineering managers keep cyber security impacts at the forefront of their decision-making processes. Students will pursue Cyber Security from a business perspective, but will also be expected to consider the global issues surrounding cyber to ensure decisions or recommendations are presented in the appropriate context. Course will address: 1.) Introduction to Networks, the Internet, and Cyber Security. This section will cover fundamentals of Cyber and Cyber Security, key historical events, and will introduce issues and terminology as foundations for the rest of the course. 2) Espionage, Military Operations and Crime. What types of cyber activities do individuals, organizations and nation states engage in? How does the type of activity impact the response? What role does attribution play in determining or executing a response? 3) Cyber War. What is Cyber War? Cyber Terrorism? Cyber Deterrence? 4) Policy and Law. What are national and international mechanisms to manage cyber activity and hold bad actors accountable? Does the Law of Armed Conflict apply? 5) International/Regional Cyber Issues. What are trends observed from China, Iran, or others? How are those trends driving change in international response and regulation? 6) Risk/Vulnerability Assessments. How does an organization protect its information and systems with limited resources? How does an organization reduce the risk of Cyber Security Incidents? How important is the identification of an organizations critical data and information assets? How does an organization identify and respond to new vulnerabilities and threats?
