ARPL 789 Transportation and Land Use Planning

Transportation systems and land use planning are intricately tied to each other in a symbiotic relationship. Notwithstanding, transportation systems cause loss of habitat/biodiversity and is one of the major contributors to atmospheric degradation, including global warming and photochemical smog. Urban sprawl, auto-dependant suburban design, lifestyles dependant upon personally owned vehicles (POVs) and traffic congestion also negatively affects our economy and is a major contributor to the obesity public health-care crisis. This course will examine these issues as they relate to transportation and land use within the context of sustainability. Business-as-usual auto-centric planning with be compared with sustainable transportation planning, including multi-modal systems, land use planning based on transit-oriented development (TOD), and transportation demand management (TDM). This relationship will be re-examined in the light of "smart growth" land use planning. A global perspective will also be employed in this course; contrasting transportation and planning in the USA, other western countries and developing nations.




ARPL 782