Students walking on campus during the fall


Medieval and Byzantine Studies - Minor

This interdisciplinary minor is offered through the Center for Medieval and Byzantine Studies in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Specialized Courses - Take Six

MBS compiles a list of approved courses every semester. The list contains both courses offered directly through the Center (labelled MDST) and courses offered by other schools and departments that are relevant for the study of the Middle Ages. Only courses from the approved lists can be considered for MBS credit and students are required to consult their advisors to approve their individual choices.

For a list of current offerings, visit

History and Social Structures - Take One
One course (3 credits) in any aspect of western or non-western medieval history (e.g., social, political, institutional, economic, legal, cultural, gender studies, etc.).

Thought and Worship - Take One
One course (3 credits) in medieval religions, theology, philosophy, or liturgy (also including non-Christian traditions).

Cultural and Artistic Expressions - Take One
One course (3 credits) in medieval literatures, languages, art, architecture, music, or material culture.

Elective Courses - Take Three
Three additional courses from the three categories of Specialized Courses listed above. Electives may also include relevant language courses above and beyond the School's foreign language distribution requirement.