Media and Communication Studies - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

This major is offered through the Department of Media and Communication Studies in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Students may declare the major as incoming freshmen. Students who wish to transfer into the major after the beginning of freshman year should complete at least one introductory course (MDIA 201, MDIA 202 or MDIA 301) first before being considered for acceptance.

All majors must earn a 2.5 GPA average in MDIA 201 and MDIA 202. All students failing to achieve this level of academic performance will be dismissed from the major; they may re-take either course within two semesters, meet the 2.5 requirement, and then reapply for acceptance to the major.

No course in the major may be re-taken more than once. Additionally, all students must maintain a 2.3 (C+) GPA average in the major. Students dropping below this level will be given one semester to restore their in-major GPA, or face dismissal from the major.

Core Courses - Take All

MDIA 201Intro to Media and Communication Studies


MDIA 202Media and History


MDIA 302Intro. to Video Production: Media Rhetoric and Aesthetics


MDIA 399Junior Seminar in Media Studies


MDIA 499Senior Seminar: Topics in Media Studies


Elective Gateway Course - Take One

MDIA 311Critical Approaches to Media


MDIA 312Intermediate Video Production: Media Composition


Advanced Electives - Take Seven

Up to two approved courses from other departments may count as in-major electives.

300-Level Media Studies Course

400-Level Media Studies Course