Study of a Language and Culture to the Intermediate Level

To better reflect on the enduring questions about what it means to be an individual and how we live as members of society, the university requires intermediate level proficiency in another language. Two of the Liberal Arts Curriculum requirements for students in the School of Arts and Sciences are fulfilled by the study of a language and culture through the intermediate level (typically the 104 level). Students who have prior language experience (e.g. spoken at home or studied previously) may take a placement test to either test out of the requirement or into a higher level, potentially needing to take only one or no language courses.

The language requirement is fulfilled by one of the following:

  • Completing language studies through the intermediate level of any classical or modern foreign language.
  • Demonstrating fluency at the intermediate level of any language.
  • Completing the Foreign Language Substitution, IF a student has a documented learning disability specific to language learning. Contact Disability Support Services to discuss the appropriate accommodations.