ENGR 192 iOS App Design

The class is an introduction to the Swift Code and it is useful to understand how it is possible to implement an App to promote in Apple Store. During the class there will be theoretical lessons and tutorials to practice with single view application for iOS. The mains topics will be: Apple Developer Program; retina display technology; what is the sandbox; main terms; Xcode; bitmap and vectoral graphics; asset catalog; storyboard and how to connect different view controller; autolayout; my first app; structure of a project for an app; based knowledge about coding; our and Apple classes; structure of a typical app; instance and type any; memory management: pointers and ARC; struct; syntax of swift 5; variables, optionals, action and thread; If, else, else if e switch methods; ; working with array, dictionary, string and numbers; protocols, closure and extensions; design pattern: singleton; how an app works and appDelegate; navigation controller; debug; UITableViewController; several tutorial.
