ENG 347 Christian Literary Traditions

This course will follow a few major threads of Christian literature from the first century A.D. up to the present day, with special attention to the interplay of cultural forms and literary form, the relationship between hermeneutics and literary criticism, and the fruitful tensions and intersections between theology and literature. Texts to be studied may include foundational texts from Greece and Rome, Jewish and Christian Scripture, St. Augustine, Other early Patristic writings, Hagiography, Medieval English Religious drama and poetry, Arthurian Legends, Dante, Petrarch, Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, de Vega, Milton, Metaphysical Poets, Bunyan, Swift, Hopkins, Chesterton, Lewis, Eliot, Joyce, Claudel, O'Connor, Faulkner, Waugh, Greene, Hurston, Levertov, Endo, Milosz, Heaney, Berry, Walcott, etc.
