ART 473 Studio Concepts: Virtues and Vices

Students will investigate the traditional symbolism of virtue and vice, in the context of contemporary experience. The two central themes of this upper level studio seminar will be the Four Cardinal Virtues and the Seven Deadly Sins. Students will create two and three dimensional projects that reflect upon these enduringly evocative religious themes. The class will culminate in a collaborative project depicting the Temptation of St. Anthony, whose passionate piety has inspired devotional art for almost two millennia. This final project will conclude with a public exhibition of selected works produced in the course, which will be held in conjunction with a public lecture (given by the instructor) on the treatment of Virtue and Vice in contemporary art. Prerequisites: ART 101, ART 102 and ART 201 or Permission of Instructor.




ART 101 &ART 102 & ART 201 or Permission of Instructor