ARPL 402 Integrated Building Design Studio

This studio explores comprehensive design and team management, simulating architectural practice. Students are challenged to include conceptual and technical aspects of architectural form and the integration of the various building assemblies and systems. Each student is expected to bring the knowledge, skills, and understanding gained from all previous coursework and experiences to the development of a conceptually coherent, comprehensive, integrative, and buildable architectural design proposal. Studio work will include schematics, integrating major building systems and sustainable strategies with design at a conceptual level shown in conceptual drawings of structural, mechanical, passive environmental and lighting systems; design development: using large scale models and drawings to test initial ideas and the integration of these ideas; studying materials and details of assembly including vertical surfaces relative to framing systems, wall sections and details of assembly; and presentation: with final models and drawings of site plan, plans, sections, and elevations.




C- or better in ARPL 331, ARPL 333, ARPL 401, ARPL 421, and ARPL 441 (or CE312); Requires concurrent enrollment in ARPL 432