Students walking on campus during the fall


Policies Concerning Probation and Dismissal from the Conway School of Nursing

A 2.8 minimum GPA must be achieved each academic semester, and a 3.0 cumulative GPA must be achieved by the end of the sophomore year. Any student who fails to achieve at least a 2.8 GPA at the end of any academic semester or whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation is allowed to register for no more than 14 credits per semester and may not progress in nursing clinical courses. Participation in any extracurricular activities, such as student government or intercollegiate athletics, will be reviewed and may be restricted.

A student on probation may not graduate from the Conway School of Nursing until she/he has achieved a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Students placed on probation may be required to attend study skills and test-taking skills workshops prior to removal from probation.

The following are grounds for academic dismissal from the Conway School of Nursing:

  1. Failure to achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA after one semester on probationary status.
  2. Failure in two or more credit bearing courses in any given semester.
  3. A cumulative GPA of less than 2.8 at the end of any academic year.
  4. Inability to attain a grade of C (2.0) or higher in a nursing course following two attempts.
  5. Failure in any two attempts in any of the required nursing courses (Nursing courses have the prefix NURS; failure in a nursing course is considered a below 2.0 or a grade of C- (below 73); an attempt is defined as an award of a course grade, a withdrawal from a course with the grade "F", or an incomplete "I" posted on a student's transcript).
  6. Violation of any of the Conway School of Nursing Student Responsibility Policies published below (see Undergraduate Announcements regarding criminal background checks, candor, health history, and past criminal history) may result in immediate dismissal. Additional school policies are noted in the Catholic University Conway School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook.

The Conway School of Nursing administrative group monitors student progress and makes decisions concerning probation, procedures, academic dismissal, and subsequent appeals. Appeals policies are located centrally at:

Students dismissed or fail to meet progression criteria from the Conway School of Nursing may request and be considered for retention at the university if they satisfy minimum university requirements and if they are accepted by another School for internal transfer.