Undergraduate Enrollment Policy

This policy is also published online at https://policies.catholic.edu/students/academicundergrad/enrollundergradfull.html

I. Full-Time Study


Undergraduate students registered for 12 or more semester hours are full-time students. They are required to register as such and to pay the corresponding tuition.

The certification to governmental agencies of all students -citizen and noncitizen - as full-time students of the university is determined by full-time academic activity as attested by the cognizant academic officer, not by payment of full-time tuition. Such certification is the responsibility of the University registrar.

II. Part-Time Study


All students who do not satisfy the criteria for full-time study are part-time students and must pay tuition in the amount charged per semester hour.

III. Enrollment of Undergraduates for Graduate Study


An undergraduate student may begin graduate work while fulfilling the requirements for an undergraduate degree if, in the opinion of the school dean of the graduate school where enrollment is sought, the student's academic performance and promise justify such action.

Similarly, undergraduates may be permitted to undertake graduate studies as students in joint degree programs, for example, B.A./M.A. or B.S./M.S. in the same field. In such cases, the student will be enrolled as an undergraduate until the undergraduate program is completed. Graduate courses earning undergraduate and graduate semester credit must be pre-approved by the chair of the department (where applicable) and both the undergraduate and graduate deans of the school.

When the student takes graduate courses during his or her undergraduate studies, these semester credits will be applied towards the master's degree after the bachelor's degree has been conferred. Furthermore, semester credits earned in graduate level courses in excess of those required for the undergraduate degree may be applied toward an advanced degree after the bachelor's degree has been conferred.

Undergraduate students enrolled in graduate level courses will be graded according to the graduate grading scale.

IV. Continuous Enrollment


Continuous enrollment is required of all students enrolled in programs leading to degrees unless an authorized leave of absence has been granted. Failure to maintain continuous enrollment or to obtain an official leave of absence is considered to be evidence that the student has withdrawn from the University.