Department of Drama

Professor Emeritus Gary J. Williams
Professors Eleanor Holdridge (Chair)
Associate Professors Gail Beach (Assoc. Chair); Rosalind M. Flynn; Marietta Hedges; Patrick Tuite
Lecturers Kathryn Chase Bryer; Janine Moyer Buegsen; Carol Cadby; Andrew Cohen; Danielle Drakes; Dody DiSanto; Melissa Flaim; Patrick Flynn; Shanara Gabrielle; Adrien-Alice Hansel; Robb Hunter; Mark Jaster; Drew Lichtenerg; Sabrina Mandell; Brandon McCoy; Brenna McDonough; Brian McNellis; Thomas Morra; Mary Naden; Matt Ripa; Alex Piper; Janet Stanford; Brent Stansell; Paata Tsikurishvili; Michelle Washington; Alec Wild

The goal of the Department of Drama is to offer opportunities for intellectual growth and cultural enrichment and for the development of imaginative, disciplined expression in the theater. It seeks to provide undergraduates with practical skills in their respective fields and a sound knowledge of the history and literature of the theater. The faculty is committed to providing both productions and academic programs of high quality, believing that each enriches the other.