Master of Science in Business (M.S.B.) Program

The Master of Science in Business (MSB) is offered to undergraduates to:

  1. familiarize students with the basics of accounting, economics, marketing, finance, operations, management and all normal business functions
  2. develop a strong competence in analytical tools for use in decision analysis, data gathering, competitive analysis, statistical analysis, forecasting, etc
  3. hone students’ communication and reasoning skills for application to a business environment (e.g. business writing and presentations)
  4. acquaint students with the wide range of opportunities available to them

In keeping with the mission of the university, the program is taught in the context of commerce as service to society, inspired by the Catholic principles of solidarity (“a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good”), subsidiarity (higher authorities should perform only those tasks which cannot be handled adequately at a lower level), and human dignity. The program is designed for liberal arts, engineering, science and other undergraduates who are interested in starting a career in corporate, government, or not-for-profit organizations.

MSB Program Requirements

Students may participate in graduation if they meet all program requirements. Students with one outstanding requirement may participate with the Program Director’s permission.

MSB Program Coursework

The MSB degree consists of a total of 36 credit hours that are strategically sequenced as shown in table 1 below. The fall semester consists of skills development and the spring semester concentrates on demonstrating skills proficiency. Credit hours are shown in ( ). The Socratic Method is used in most classes and collaborative group exercises are stressed in response to published prospect attributes from hiring managers. The capstone Field Team Study project in spring is performed in teams of 4-5 students that work with a live enterprise to solve a business problem or opportunity.

Fall 2023
Spring 2024
BUS 502 Accounting and Financial Analysis (3) BUS 501 Managing the Enterprise (3)
BUS 503 Quantitative Methods for Decision-Making (3) BUS 505 Spirit of Enterprise (2)
BUS 504 Integrated Marketing (3) BUS 511 Applied Financial Management (3)
BUS 506 Excel in Data Analysis (2) BUS 514 Business as a Profession (0)
BUS 507 Professional Sales & Negotiation (2) BUS 515 Field Team Study (4)
BUS 512 Leadership as Service (0) BUS 516 Business Law (2)
BUS 513 Business Research Methods (2) BUS 519 Business Intelligence (2)
BUS 517 Operations Management (3) BUS 697 Career Strategy (0)
BUS 598 Career Strategy Workshop (0) BUS 520 Innovation in Organizations (2)
 Total Fall Credits: 18 Total Spring Credits: 18
 Total Credits: 36