NCSSS Certificate Program

Child Protection and Safe Environments Certificate

In fulfillment of the mission of The Catholic University of America, the National Catholic School of Social Services is the academic home for the Certificate in Child Protection and Safe Environment. The Child Protection and Safe Environments certificate program, developed by The Catholic Project at Catholic University, is designed for students who wish to study best practices in child protection from a Catholic perspective. This knowledge is urgently needed by the Church, our communities, and the greater society. Graduates would be well-qualified to be diocesan victim assistance coordinators or safe environment coordinators after completing the program.

Upon completion of the Certificate, graduates will be able to:

  • Explain the different dynamics involved in sexual abuse and exploitation, particularly within the Catholic Church;
  • Explain the history and current practice of safe environment programs, particularly within the Catholic Church;
  • Identify the core principles of trauma-informed services;
  • Evaluate policies, programs, and clinical interventions designed to help trauma survivors;
  • Understand the criminal and civil and legal systems and their roles in addressing abuse;
  • Analyze and discuss different child protection programs.


This Certificate program, the first of its kind, is offered either on campus or entirely online and draws from the diverse talents of professors from three schools at Catholic University: The National Catholic School of Social Service, the School of Theology and Religious Studies, and the Columbus School of Law.

The program consists of four courses and can be completed in one year, or spread out over several semesters. The courses and faculty are:

  1. The Dynamics of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (TRS 656B or SSS 656C; Jointly Offered with The School of Theology & Religious Studies), designed and taught by Monsignor Stephen J. Rossetti, Research Associate Professor of Practice, School of Theology and Religious Studies
  2. Child Protection Law and Policy (SSS 675), designed and taught by Mary Graw Leary, J.D., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research, Professor of Law, The Columbus School of Law
  3. Social Work Responses to Trauma: Creating Trauma-informed Programs and Services (SSS 655), designed and taught by Eileen A. Dombo, PhD, LICSW, Assistant Dean, Associate Professor at NCSSS, and Program Director for the Certificate Program.
  4. The Capstone Project (SSS 658), designed and taught by Dr. Eileen Dombo to assist students in applying their knowledge to create or improve child protection and safe environment initiatives.