ENG 893 The Civil War and Its Legacy: Melville, Douglass, Faulkner, Warren, and Morrison

In this graduate seminar we will examine the literary and cultural legacy of the American Civil War through works by five authors who have left a deep mark on American letters, especially in regard to national identity and its evolving relationship to race, citizenship, and region. We will read material Melville and Douglass published before, during, and after the war, several of Faulkner's and Morrison's major novels, and Warren's novels and historical works addressing the Civil War and the civil rights movement. We will consider these writers' work in tandem with historical and political developments from the 1850s to the 1990s, including abolition, reconstruction, segregation, two world wars, McCarthyism, civil rights, the Cold War, and fall of the Berlin Wall.



Cross Listed Courses

ENG 893 & HIST 638B