Students walking on campus during the fall


EE 544 RF and Microwave Circuits

This course is an introduction to the analysis and design of RF and microwave circuits from the perspective of distributed circuit theory. Fundamental concepts of impedance matching, network theory, S-parameters, coupled line theory, and system noise are discussed in relation to the design of passive and active components used in wireless communication circuits and mixed-signal circuits. Topics covered in the course include transmission lines, impedance matching, filters, power dividers, couplers, resonators, oscillators, mixers, active microwave transistor amplifiers, and design techniques for optimizing system gain, bandwidth, noise figure, and input/output impedance. Industry-standard microwave CAD tools will be used to analyze and design circuits. Students will fabricate several circuits in planar microstrip and learn how to characterize circuit performance on network/spectrum analyzer instruments to complete the design learning cycle.



Cross Listed Courses

EE 444 & EE 544


EE 342