Students walking on campus during the fall


CSC 591 Data Science and Business Analytic Practicum

This is the last course for the students pursuing a Master of Science degree in Data Analytics. In this course, students select one of the issue areas and a method of execution. The course is designed to provide hands-on analytics project management experience, amplified by shared experiences with other students. Students currently working can choose issue areas related to the established set, but which are tailored to their work environment and use data sets supplied by their employer. Students will work throughout the semester in a professional project-like manner. Students will submit project proposals, plan of action milestone charts, and timelines as part of the practicum. Students will have scheduled reviews at various points that may be held in conjunction with the industry partners. At the end of the semester, each student will give a presentation on their project to a panel made up of CUA faculty and industry partners. Depending on the scope of the project, teams can be formed to address multiple aspects of the available data.



Cross Listed Courses

CSC 591 & DA 591