Master of Science in Management (MSM) Program

The Master of Science in Management (MSM) is offered as a part-time, evening program that focuses on the concepts, principles, and issues experienced by managers in all types of organizations -- commercial, governmental, educational, community, and nonprofit. The program combines a strong academic foundation with practical knowledge and skills in management to help students enhance their ability to manage organizational resources more effectively. The degree is of benefit to anyone who maintains, or is assuming, managerial responsibilities. Six tracks are available within the MSM degree: Federal Acquisition and Contract Management, Human Resource Management, Leadership and Management, Project Management, Sales Management and Not-for-Profit Management. Courses may be taken on campus. online or both, to suit the needs of the student.

The Masters in Management program places special emphasis on advanced learning that links theory and professional practice. The program requires successful completion of 36 semester credit hours; a minimum of 30 credits must be taken at The Catholic University of America. Students are allowed a maximum of 7 years from their initial enrollment to meet all degree requirements.

Six tracks are offered to allow students to customize the program to their particular interests, needs, and career goals.

Track Options

Federal Contract Management

Human Resource Management

Leadership and Management

Project Management

Sales Management

Not-for-Profit Management

Supply Chain Management

Program Requirements

Students in all six tracks will complete the eight core courses listed below and four elective courses relating to their individual track as listed hereafter.

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 501 Communicating Effectively as a Manager 3
MSM 505 Project Management 3
MSM 514 Leadership Foundations 3
MSM 525 Spirit of Enterprise 3
MSM 533 Human Resource Management and Strategy 3
MSM 619 Strategic Planning and Implementation 3
MSM 652 Managerial Decision-Making: Finance and Budgeting 3
MSM 674 Master’s Capstone 3

Track Electives – Federal Contract Management

Complete 3 of the following 4 electives:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 570 Federal Contract Management and Administration 3
MSM 573 Legal Aspects of Government Contracting 3
MSM 576 Contract Pricing, Negotiations, and Source Selection 3
MSM 578 Performance of Government Contracts 3

Complete the 4th elective above or one of the following electives:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 667 Leading Organizational Change 3
MSM 681 Consultative Professional Sales 3
MSM 560 Business Law 3
MSM 562 Operations Management 3

Track Electives – Human Resource Management

Complete 4 of the following 5 electives:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 523 Legal Environment in Human Resource Management 3
MSM 543 Labor-Management Relations 3
MSM 564 Compensation and Benefits 3
MSM 566 Human Resource Training and Development 3
MSM 627 Human Resource Information Systems & Communications 3

Track Electives – Leadership & Management

Complete 4 of the following 8 elective courses:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 508 Risk Management 3
MSM 543 Labor-Management Relations 3
MSM 560 Business Law 3
MSM 562 Operations Management 3
MSM 566 Human Resource Training and Development 3
MSM 627 Human Resource Information Systems & Communications 3
MSM 667 Leading Organizational Change 3
MSM 681 Consultative Professional Sales 3

Track Electives – Project Management

Complete the following 3 courses:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 507 Project Scheduling & Cost Control 3
MSM 508 Risk Management 3
MSM 590 Advanced Topics in Project Management 3

Complete 1 of the following 5 courses:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 570 Federal Contract Management and Administration 3
MSM 573 Legal Aspects of Government Contracting 3
MSM 576 Contract Pricing, Negotiations, and Source Selection 3
MSM 578 Performance of Government Contracts 3
MSM 667 Leading Organizational Change 3

Track Electives – Sales Management

Complete 4 of the following 5 courses:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 560 Business Law 3
MSM 580 Foundations of Professional Sales 3
MSM 667 Leading Organizational Change 3
MSM 681 Consultative Professional Sales 3
MSM 682 Sales Force Leadership 3

Track Electives – Not-for-Profit Management (Alexandria Site)

Complete the following 3 courses:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 605 Program Development in Nonprofit/Non-governmental Organizations 3
MSM 606 Fundraising for Nonprofit/Non-governmental Organizations 3
MSM 607 Financial Management of Nonprofit/Non-governmental Organizations 3

Complete 1 of the following 2 courses:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 608 Organizational Leadership/Management of Nonprofit/Non-governmental Organizations 3
MSM 595 Internship in Nonprofit/Non-governmental Organizations 3

Track Electives – Supply Chain Track (Alexandria Site)

Complete the following 4 courses:

Course No. Course Title Credits
MSM 568 Supply Chain Operations: Sourcing and Marketing 3
MSM 569 Supply Chain Operations: Delivery and Logistics 3
MSM 621 Strategic Planning in Supply Chain Management 3
MSM 629 Supply Chain Technology & Information Management 3