PHIL 785 Avicenna's De Anima

In the Shifâ, Avicenna gave his most extensive presentation of his views on the soul. The Medieval Latin translation became famous and very influential. Thanks to the courtesy of Dr. Deborah Black, we will be able to use the draft of the complete English translation of the Arabic text that she and Dr. Michael Marmura worked on. This translation will be posted on Blackboard. There are two editions of the Arabic text and Simone Van Riet critically edited the Medieval Latin text (this edition includes detailed indices). In medieval fashion we will carefully read this text together and at times examine further developments in referring to some other works of Ibn Sînâ. Though considering himself an Aristotelian, Ibn Sînâ did not hesitate to be innovative in his views on the soul and, among other developments, presented a highly sophisticated and detailed study of the inner senses.
