Graduate Registration Policy

This policy is also published online at



I. Introduction

A student may register only after receipt of official notification of admission from the dean of the school to which application was made.

The registration period is announced each year in the relevant Academic Calendar (defined below). No student will be permitted to register later than the last day of the registration period, or register or add courses after the date published in the relevant Academic Calendar, absent approval from the Provost or his/her designee.

Students will incur a late registration fee if their initial registration for a semester is on or after the first day of the semester, and a late enrollment fee if their initial registration is after the final drop/add deadline of the semester. These fees are listed on the Office of Enrollment Services website, and are the responsibility of the student.

II. Definitions

Academic Calendar: The official University calendars setting forth the specific dates and deadlines for semesters and terms, enrollment periods, examination periods, holidays, periods that classes are not in session, and commencement. Academic Calendar means the Standard University Academic Calendar, the Columbus School of Law Academic Calendar and the Online Programs Academic Calendar. Add/drop periods are listed in each respective calendar.

III. New Students

A student who has been admitted for graduate study is expected to consult with the school dean, department chair (where applicable), or an assigned adviser in planning their upcoming program of study for the semester. Students who have been admitted should use their previously issued login ID and password to register via Cardinal Station.

receiving University scholarships or tuition waivers must be fully registered by the deadline determined by the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies and communicated to the departments and schools in order to remain eligible for the scholarships or tuition waivers. Failure to be fully registered by the deadline could result in loss of scholarship.


IV. Continuing Students

Prior to the end of each semester, the University provides a registration period for all currently enrolled students. Each continuing student must register for the following semester at the designated times and according to the procedures set by the student's particular school and the University registrar.

Continuous enrollment is required of all students unless an authorized academic leave or term withdrawal has been granted. Failure to maintain continuous enrollment, to obtain an academic leave, or to obtain a term withdrawal, is considered to be evidence that the student has withdrawn permanently from The Catholic University of America. A student who has withdrawn from the University, or who is presumed to have withdrawn because of failure to maintain continuous enrollment, must apply for readmission to continue graduate studies.

Students receiving University scholarships or tuition waivers must be fully registered by the deadline determined by the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies and communicated to the departments and schools in order to remain eligible for the scholarships. Failure to be fully registered by the deadline could result in loss of scholarship.

V. Consortium Registration

Application forms and instructions for registration in a course offered by a member institution of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area may be obtained in the Office of Enrollment Services. A student may take a consortium course only for credit and must have the approval of the adviser, chair, school dean and consortium coordinator. Regulations and registration procedures are published on the Enrollment Services website.

VI. Auditing

A student who has been admitted to the University and who wishes to attend a course without satisfying its formal requirements may, after registering for the course and securing the permission of their school dean, have the grading basis changed to audit. Students must also complete the Registration Status Change Form with both their school dean's office and the Office of Enrollment Services. Students remain responsible for paying the applicable tuition and fees for the course.

Credit will not be granted for auditing a course. Audit or "not for academic credit" classes cannot be counted for enrollment certification, for fulfillment of degree requirements, for financial aid purposes, or for loan deferment purposes, regardless of billing or registration status.

Auditors are required to attend a minimum of one-half (1/2) of the class sessions. If this requirement is not met, the Office of Enrollment Services may, solely upon notice of the instructor of insufficient attendance, delete the course from the student's record.


VII. Postdoctoral Auditing Privilege

The privilege of enrollment as an auditor without charge for tuition may be extended under certain circumstances, with the approval of the school dean, to persons who hold doctorates earned through graduate study (not including doctorates which are first professional degrees). However, a nominal fee is payable at the beginning of each semester or summer session.


VIII. Course Number

Courses numbered from 100 to 499 carry undergraduate credit only. Courses numbered from 500 and above are open to graduate and qualified undergraduate students. Thesis research is designated 696 for the master's degree; dissertation guidance is designated 996 for the doctoral degree. Generally, Law School Courses are available only to University law students and follow a different numbering system.

Further details can be found under the department (where applicable) and school listing of classes.