Student Access Services

The college provides equal opportunities for students with disabilities. Students with documented disabilities receive reasonable accommodations consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended. The Student Access Services Office provides a variety of support options to assist students in achieving their educational and/or career objectives. To receive services, students must self-identify and request services. Instructors will provide accommodations to students after receiving instructions from the Student Access Services (SAS) Office. Instructors are not to provide accommodations to students without written instructions from the Student Access Services Office.

Examples of services include:
campus orientation, alternative formats of textbooks or other educational materials, extended testing time, distraction-reduced testing locations, sign language interpreters, student advocacy, and resource referral.

For more information or if students think they are eligible for services, contact the Student Access Services Coordinator:

(503) 338-2313, Relay: 7-1-1
Book an appointment with Student Access Services