Basselin Foundation

 Advisory Committee President of the University
Provost of the University
Provincial, Society of St. Sulpice 
 Administrative Officers Dean John C. McCarthy, School of Philosophy
Associate Dean Bradley Lewis, School of Philosophy
Rev. Dominic Ciriaco, P.S.S., Rector, Theological College

This three-year program leads, for suitably qualified students, to a Ph.B. degree after the first two years of studies, and a Ph.L. degree at the end of the third year. Students admitted under Basselin fellowships must qualify for this program and maintain an acceptable average to retain their fellowships.

In the curriculum, first importance is given to those branches of philosophy most necessary as a preparation for the study of theology; stress is laid upon the courses in scholastic philosophy. The Basselin fellowship, as stipulated in its charter, also requires its recipient to give special attention to public speaking in view of later pastoral responsibilities.

Full tuition, room and board are provided to students accepted into the program.

In addition to the program's academic and financial benefits, the Basselin Fellowship enables students to prepare for the priesthood through participation in the life and programs of Theological College of The Catholic University of America. Although the Basselin students are part of the larger community, they receive attention in areas specific to their stage in priestly preparation.

In addition to the regular requirements for degrees cited above, Basselin students are required to take three courses in the area of public speaking. Two of these, taken usually in the junior year, are available in the School of Philosophy:

PHIL 374 Ritual, Language, and Action

PHIL 375 Liturgical Readings

The third course, DR 205 Introduction to Speech Communications or DR 403 Public Speaking, is available in the offerings of the Department of Drama, if the student has not previously taken a speech or drama class.

In fulfillment of the will of Theodore Basselin, The Catholic University of America established a foundation in his name to provide fellowships in a special course of studies for diocesan seminarians preparing for the Catholic priesthood.

Candidates for the fellowships must have completed two years of the liberal arts curriculum in a college/university or a college/university program under diocesan sponsorship; they must also have given evidence of superior performance in their studies. The Basselin Foundation fellowships carry such students through three years of intensive work in philosophy: two years on the undergraduate level and one year of postgraduate work.