TRS 754G Franciscan Masters of Prayer

Prayer is at the heart of Francis of Assisi's writings, his Rules and his Canticle of Brother Sun. After considering these documents this course will then proceed to examine the sayings of Br. Giles of Assisi, the instruction on prayer provided by David of Augsburgh between 1240 and 1270, the chapters of Bonaventure's Rule for Novices devoted to prayer. Considerable time with be devoted to a study of Bonaventure's Enkindling of Love [De triplici via]. The influences of the Devotio Moderna of the fourteenth and fifteenth century will be reviewed through the eyes of Hendrik Herp, Peter of Alcantara, and the controversial Francisco de Osuna, Bernabé de Palma, and Bernardino de Laredo. This will be followed examining the influences on Ignatius of Loyola's Spirituality exercises and the early Capuchin masters and, finally, by those of the mystic Padre Pio of Pietrelcina.
