MUS 647 Organ Improvisation I

Acquisition of practical skills in harmony, based on the study of figured bass playing. Includes the study of ostinatos, variations, and figured bass fugues, always with reference to the repertoire. Graduate students will realize more difficult exercises, both prepared and non-prepared. For organists and other keyboard players. Prerequisites: MUS 224, or successful completion of the Theory Placement Exam or the Graduate Harmony Review, or permission of the instructor. Required for the D.M.A. program in Sacred Music with concentration in organ performance, among the twelve required credits of Sacred and Choral Music (by advisement with the director of the program); does not apply toward the M.M. in Sacred Music; satisfies three semester hours of music electives in the B.M. program in Organ. Organ Improvisation I is a prerequisite for Organ Improvisation II.




MUS 224 & MUS 491