Students walking on campus during the fall


ARPL 655 Advanced Digital Design and Fabrication

This advanced workshop will focus on the use of CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing) and CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) technologies in the design and fabrication of architectural spaces and constructs. Students enrolled in the course will focus on the design and development of full scale prototypes using digital techniques for analysis and fabrication focusing on the transition between computer modeling and its materialization. Students will be expected to utilize various software applications necessary to generate three dimensional models and CNC machine instructions as well as confront the physical properties of materials and details. Lectures will be accompanied by software tutorials, machine demos, and lab sessions that engage both the digital / virtual and physical / analog realms of design. Students are expected to complete a full scale design-to fabrication project during the course of the semester. This course will make use of the CNC fabrication laboratory at the School of Architecture, as well as an off-site fabrication facility.




ARPL 533 or ARPL 553 (B- or better)